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Vivian Mae Lee

A.B., Harvard University Energy Homeostasis during Fasting and Fed States: Foxa2 Regulates Hepatic Amino Acid Uptake presented by Markus Stoffel Vivian Lee joined my laboratory five years ago as an M.D.-Ph.D. student. In my first meeting with her she explained that she wanted to work on a transla...

Mark Levenstien

B.Sc., Brown University Haplotype-based Association Studies: Approaches to Current Challenges presented by Derek Gordon (on behalf of Jürg Ott) It is my great honor to represent Jürg Ott in introducing Mark Levenstien. Mark was born and raised in Madison, New Jersey, where he graduated as valedic...

Conor Liston

A.B., Harvard University Chronic Stress Effects on Prefrontal Cortical Structure and Function presented by Bruce S. McEwen (on behalf of himself and B.J. Casey) Conor Liston was born in San Diego and grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He went to Harvard University, where his undergraduate majors ...

Yang Luo

B.A., Mount Holyoke College A Genetic-Proteomic Approach to Identify Cellular Components That Interact with HIV-1 presented by Mark Muesing Yang Luo came to the United States from Wuhan, China in 1997, attending Mount Holyoke College on a full scholarship. There she attained high honors in chemis...

Eleonora Market

B.S., Lamar University The Double Life of AID: The Role in Antibody Diversification and Chromosomal Translocations presented by F. Nina Papavasiliou Mutations in the human genome are usually regarded as potentially terribly disastrous events that lead to inherited abnormalities as well as cancers...

Carine Waase Maurer

B.S., Cornell University Controlling the Onset of Cell Death in C. elegans by Transcriptional Induction of ced-3 Caspase presented by Shai Shaham It is a real pleasure for me to be here today, and to be a part of Carine’s graduation. Carine was the first student to officially join my lab, taking ...

Laura Katherine McMullan

B.S., University of Georgia The Hepatitis C Virus Folds: How RNA Structures in the Capsid Gene Impact Replication and Infection presented by Charles M. Rice Laura was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and graduated magna cum laude from the University of Georgia with a degree in genetics. During...

Daniver Morales

B.Sc., Ph.D., University of Chile A Map of Transcription: Factor Expression in Neuronal Precursors of the Chicken and Mouse Embryonic Cerebellum presented by Mary E. Hatten Daniver Morales came to us as a prestigious presidential scholar from Chile, where he graduated from university with high ho...

Catherine L. Murray

B.Sc., McGill University Some Assembly Required: Studies of Flaviviridae Capsid Proteins presented by Charles M. Rice Catherine Murray was born in Windsor, England, and although her family was based in Canada, she spent significant periods of her childhood living in exotic venues like Papua New G...

Gerd John Prehna

B.S., University of Rochester A Structural Basis for Host Cytoskeletal Disruption and Virulence by Yersinia Protein Kinase A presented by C. Erec Stebbins Nearly 200 million people are estimated to have died in the plague epidemics that ravaged the ancient world. The plague bacterium is able to i...