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Horace H. Rhee

B.S., Northwestern University Molecular Regulation of Hair Follicle Morphogenesis presented by Sidney Strickland (on behalf of Elaine Fuchs) There are two major reasons why I feel great sorrow in having had to miss the graduation of Horace Rhee. First, although I’ve trained many graduate students...

Bianca D. Santomasso

B.S., Yale University From Naturally Occurring Tumor Immunity to Supernatural T Cells: Isolation and Characterization of a Murine T Cell Receptor Specific for Human Breast and Ovarian Tumor Antigen Cdr2 presented by Robert B. Darnell It’s both easy and very difficult for me to tell you about B...

Dorothee Schmid

Diploma, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen Autophagy — Eating Oneself to Resist Infections presented by Christian Münz Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo. Like water slowly erodes stone, Dorothee Schmid has chiseled away on a long-standing paradigm in immunology, namely that only...

Ann H. Tang

B.A., University of California, Berkeley Death by Frustration: How Defects in Cell Differentiation Trigger Apoptosis presented by Hermann Steller It is my honor and great pleasure to introduce Ann Tang today, who is my first graduate student to make it here at Rockefeller University. Ann was born...

Ayse Begum Tekinay

B.S., Bilkent University Targeted Disruption of lynx2 Reveals Distinct Functions for lynx Homologues in Learning and Behavior presented by Nathaniel Heintz Ayse Tekinay is brilliant; having placed second among a million and a half students on the national university entrance exam, she entered Bil...

Donna M. Tscherne

B.S., Cornell University Viruses on Acid: Studies of HCV and BVDV Cell Entry presented by Charles M. Rice Donna Tscherne is a Jersey girl, who graduated summa cum laude from Cornell University in Ithaca. During her undergraduate years, Donna became hooked on research through her experiences as an...

Perrin Megan Wilson

B.S., Lafayette College Riding the Glial Monorail: Astrotactins, Endocytosis and Motility presented by Mary E. Hatten Perrin Wilson grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Lafayette College with a strong interest and great expertise in cell biology. She came to my laboratory interested in a very...

Wei-Ming Yu

B.V.M., M.S., National Taiwan University Role of Laminins in the Development of the Peripheral Nervous System presented by Sidney Strickland

Obesity researcher awarded Danone nutrition prize

The sixth Danone International Prize for Nutrition, an award that honors innovative nutritional research, was given to Rockefeller University’s Jeffrey Friedman today at the European Nutrition Conference in Paris. The prize, which is worth €120,000 — approximately $163,000 — recognizes scien...

Removing a sugar turns protective antibodies into attackers

In autoimmune diseases like arthritis and lupus, proteins whose job it is to recognize and fight foreign invaders somehow stop recognizing the body as “self” and begin to attack. But exactly what happens to these antibody proteins to transform them into pathological “autoantibodies” capable ...