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Finches offer researchers a new tool to study Huntington’s disease

Many neurological disorders can rob someone of the ability to speak clearly, causing them to stutter, mispronounce words, and struggle to put together coherent sentences. However, the molecular and neurological dysfunctions that cause these symptoms aren’t well understood. Recent work at The Rock...

Researchers probe the physical forces involved in creating the mitotic spindle

Many millions of times per day, football-shaped structures called mitotic spindles form within the body’s cells as they prepare to divide. The process is routine but mysterious, as the micro-mechanics involved are not yet well understood. In research published October 1 in Developmental Cell, sci...

Funding from Kavli Foundation to establish new institute at Rockefeller devoted to neuroscience

The Kavli Foundation and The Rockefeller University today announced the formation of the Kavli Neural Systems Institute (Kavli NSI) at Rockefeller, funded by a $20 million endowment supported equally by Kavli and Rockefeller. The Institute will become part of a network of seven Kavli Institutes c...

Study offers insight on how a new class of antidepressants works

A new class of drugs under development to treat depression has shown some success by targeting brain cells’ ability to respond to the chemical messenger glutamate. But the mechanism by which these experimental therapies work has remained unknown. The recent discovery, by a Rockefeller University-...

Helen Hobbs will receive the 2015 Pearl Meister Greengard Prize

MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow to Present Award Honoring Women in Science to Researcher Whose Work on LDL Cholesterol Led to New Therapeutics NEW YORK, NY—The Rockefeller University has announced that Helen H. Hobbs, MD, will receive the 2015 Pearl Meister Greengard Prize, an annual award recognizing...

Heilbrunn Center announces recipients of its Nurse Scholar Awards

Three nurses at New York state universities have been selected to receive the university’s Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Awards, which The Rockefeller University awards annually to provide financial support for nurses while they pursue independent research projects. Each one- to two-year award provides...

In the News - Bargmann - NYTimes

Cori Bargmann Puts Her Mind to How the Brain Works   "Cornelia Bargmann, a neurobiologist at Rockefeller University in New York, studies how genes interact with neurons to create behavior. Two years ago, President Obama named Dr. Bargmann, who is known as Cori, a co-chairwoman of the advisory com...

New findings help explain how molecules are speedily transported into and out of the cell's nucleus

A cell does everything it can to protect its nucleus, where precious genetic information is stored. That includes controlling the movement of molecules in and out using gateways called nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Now, researchers at The Rockefeller University, Albert Einstein College of Medici...

Renovations to two RRB floors will create structural biology ‘cluster’

by ZACH VEILLEUX A lab modernization project underway on two floors in the Rockefeller Research Building, to be completed next spring, is reconfiguring 17,000 square feet of space to create new labs for four Rockefeller structural biologists who frequently collaborate. The result—a structural bi...

Celebrating David Rockefeller’s 100th birthday

[slideshow_deploy id='3672'] by WYNNE PARRY This summer marked two milestones for Life Trustee David Rockefeller: His 100th birthday and his 75th year on the Board of Trustees. In celebration, the Board’s June 3 meeting included a tribute to Mr. Rockefeller in honor of his extraordinary leade...