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Pablo Polosecki

Pablo Polosecki Presented by Winrich Freiwald Licenciado, University of Buenos Aires Specialized Signals for Spatial Attention in the Ventral and Dorsal Visual Streams         Pablo Polosecki once founded a club on campus with the purpose of discussing the foundations of science and philosoph...

Kavita Rangan

Kavita Rangan Presented by Howard C. Hang B.S., University of California, Berkeley Characterization of Bacterial Metabolites Involved in Host Pathogen Resistance         It has been a pleasure to have Kavita Rangan do her graduate thesis studies in my laboratory. Kavita is a remarkable indivi...

Jason Barzel Ross

Jason Barzel Ross Presented by Sohail Tavazoie B.S., Stanford University Molecular Determinants of Tumor Re-initiation in Breast Cancer         Jason received his undergraduate training in biology at Stanford University, where he was actively involved in stem cell research. Upon joining my la...

Joshua Salvi

Joshua Salvi Presented by A. James Hudspeth B.S., The Pennsylvania State University Mechanical Control of Sensory Hair-bundle Function         Human hearing is truly remarkable: we can detect frequencies a thousandfold as great as those measured by our other senses; we can capture sounds down...

Johannes F. Scheid

Johannes F. Scheid Presented by Michel C. Nussenzweig Member of the graduating class of 2014 Diploma, University of Arts, Berlin M.D., Humboldt University – Charite, Berlin The Antibody Response against HIV       This is the second Rockefeller graduation for Johannes Scheid, the first being f...

Roman Subbotin

Roman Subbotin Presented by Brian T. Chait B.S., M.S., Taras Shevchenko Kiev State University M.S., University of Minnesota Chemical Stabilization—A Path Towards Deciphering Protein-Protein Interactions in the Cellular Milieu     Roman Subbotin was born in Stryi in the Soviet Ukraine. He studi...

He Tian

He Tian Presented by Thomas P. Sakmar B.S., Peking University Development of Novel Chemical Biology Tools for Probing  Structure-Function Relationships in G Protein Coupled Receptors     It is a challenge to describe chemistry in narrative form. Chemistry is a way of thinking. Chemistry is intel...

Yifan Xu

Yifan Xu Presented by Jeremy Dittman on behalf of Cori Bargmann B.S., Duke University Neural Circuit Dependence of Acute and Subacute Nociception in Caenorhabditis elegans     Most grad students experience some type of pain during their thesis work. For Yifan’s thesis, she decided to work on p...

John Z. Xue

John Z. Xue Presented by Hironori Funabiki B.A., University of Cambridge Xenopus Dppa2 is a Direct Inhibitor of Microtubule Polymerization Required for Nuclear Assembly         From John Xue’s eloquent British accent, it may be hard to imagine his origin. John was born and raised in Jingbia...

Daria A. Zamolodchikov

Daria A. Zamolodchikov Presented by Sidney Strickland A.B., Princeton University A New Role for b-Amyloid in Alzheimer’s Disease: Initiation of Thrombotic and Inflammatory Processes via Coagulation Factor XII and Fibrinogen         Let’s consider American Pharoah. It takes intelligence, s...