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JULY 10, 2015

He Tian

He Tian Presented by Thomas P. Sakmar B.S., Peking University Development of Novel Chemical Biology Tools for Probing  Structure-Function Relationships in G Protein Coupled Receptors     It is a challenge to describe chemistry in narrative form. Chemistry is a way of thinking. Chemistry is intel...

JULY 10, 2015

Yifan Xu

Yifan Xu Presented by Jeremy Dittman on behalf of Cori Bargmann B.S., Duke University Neural Circuit Dependence of Acute and Subacute Nociception in Caenorhabditis elegans     Most grad students experience some type of pain during their thesis work. For Yifan’s thesis, she decided to work on p...

JULY 10, 2015

John Z. Xue

John Z. Xue Presented by Hironori Funabiki B.A., University of Cambridge Xenopus Dppa2 is a Direct Inhibitor of Microtubule Polymerization Required for Nuclear Assembly         From John Xue’s eloquent British accent, it may be hard to imagine his origin. John was born and raised in Jingbia...

JULY 10, 2015

Daria A. Zamolodchikov

Daria A. Zamolodchikov Presented by Sidney Strickland A.B., Princeton University A New Role for b-Amyloid in Alzheimer’s Disease: Initiation of Thrombotic and Inflammatory Processes via Coagulation Factor XII and Fibrinogen         Let’s consider American Pharoah. It takes intelligence, s...

JULY 10, 2015

Coming soon, to The David Rockefeller Graduate Program

As the graduating class of 2015 moves on to the next stages of life and career, the Rockefeller community welcomes the incoming group of graduate fellows. There were 689 applications received this year, and after careful consideration by the admissions committee, 81 applicants were offered admissio...

JUNE 24, 2015

New faculty member probes actions of molecular machines in gene expression

Tiny machines, which convert chemical energy into mechanical work, drive nearly all aspects of life within a cell. Shixin Liu, a biophysicist and Rockefeller’s newest tenure-track faculty member, investigates how these individual motors interact, and, in many cases, cooperate with one another to a...

JUNE 19, 2015

Expert in cryo-electron microscopy to join Rockefeller faculty

Thomas Walz, a structural biologist who uses cutting-edge electron microscopy techniques to better understand processes involving biological membranes, will join Rockefeller’s faculty as a tenured professor on September 1. As head of the Laboratory of Molecular Electron Microscopy, Walz will take...

JUNE 17, 2015

Rockefeller sustainability initiatives are honored by the Association of Energy Engineers

The Rockefeller University’s multi-year initiative to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions will be honored this week with an award from the Association of Energy Engineers. The local award, for institutional energy management of the year, recognizes the consistent achievements of an entire tea...

JUNE 11, 2015

Twenty-nine students receive doctorates at Rockefeller’s 57th Convocation

At its convocation ceremony on Thursday, June 11, Rockefeller University presented doctoral degrees to 29 students. In a tradition dating back to the university’s first commencement ceremony in 1959, doctoral candidates received their degrees from their mentors. In addition, Nicole Le Douarin,...

MAY 20, 2015

The Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Foundation provides landmark gift of $100 Million to The Rockefeller University

New research center will help attract the best talent to make transformative discoveries Marc Tessier-Lavigne, president of The Rockefeller University, today announced a leadership gift of $100 million from The Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Foundation to help create a new laboratory building t...