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APRIL 01, 2011


Convocation is June 16. Twenty-three students will receive Ph.D.s at this year’s Convocation. In addition, honorary degrees will be awarded to Richard Axel of Columbia University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Linda Buck of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the Howard H...

APRIL 01, 2011

Town hall meeting kicks off strategic planning process

At Marc Tessier-Lavigne’s first town hall meeting, the new president discussed his thoughts on the university’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as its place in science and in history. Dr. Tessier-Lavigne outlined his initial priorities, particularly concerning faculty recruitment, and sketched...

APRIL 01, 2011

After cuts, university to close FY2011 budget with a small surplus

Cost reductions first announced last spring have successfully stabilized the university’s finances, according to a recent analysis of the operating budget. The university expects to close out the 2011 fiscal year, which ends June 30, with a modest surplus. “Although making cuts to the 2011 fi...

APRIL 01, 2011


Awarded: Titia de Lange, the 2011 Vilcek Prize in Biomedical Science. The $100,000 prize recognizes her body of research on mechanisms that help maintain genome stability, in particular on telomeres, the elements that protect chromosome ends from unnecessary repair and mediate their replication. Th...

MARCH 16, 2011

Marc Tessier-Lavigne becomes Rockefeller’s tenth president

Marc Tessier-Lavigne, a leading neuroscientist and the former chief scientific officer of Genentech, takes over as president of The Rockefeller University today. He replaces Paul Nurse, who has left to become president of the Royal Society in London. Tessier-Lavigne was elected tenth president of t...

MARCH 11, 2011

Guiding neurons, and guiding scientists

Marc Tessier-Lavigne’s career has straddled academia and industry, and blurred traditional boundaries between basic and translational science by ZACH VEILLEUX Marc Tessier-Lavigne’s journey into neuroscience began a few hundred miles off the coast of Newfoundland, aboard the Queen Elizabeth II...

MARCH 11, 2011

To understand the brain, Tessier-Lavigne studies its wiring

It takes several hundred billion nerve cells to put together the human brain, and they must be connected in an intricate and precise pattern in order to function properly. The formation of these connections — the brain’s neural circuits — during an organism’s embryonic development is what ul...

MARCH 11, 2011

Making Rockefeller my new home

I am honored and delighted to be joining the university on March 16. The past six months have been a busy and exciting period of preparation — for my family and my lab as well as for me personally — as we planned our move to New York. Over these months I have had the opportunity to meet many of ...

MARCH 11, 2011

Welcoming the Tessier-Lavignes

As chairman of the Board of Trustees it is my great honor and pleasure to welcome Marc Tessier-Lavigne as our 10th president. Through my role as chairman of the search committee that hired Marc, and through my frequent interactions with him since then, I can assure you that he is the right choice...

MARCH 11, 2011

Neuroscientist Mary Hynes named research associate professor

Marc Tessier-Lavigne’s arrival at Rockefeller means the addition of not one, but two active neuroscience research programs to campus. This summer, Mary Hynes — Dr. Tessier-Lavigne’s wife and a well regarded neuroscientist in her own right — will relocate from Stanford. As research associate ...