Useful Part Numbers
At times it can be needed that samples are prepared by the user and below are listed some parts that can be very useful and/or critical when preparing samples.
- Auto sampler vials: Thermo Scientific Polypropylene vials for Famos, PN: 03-452-358
- Caps for auto sampler vials: Sun Sri 11 MM snap cap is available from Fisher, PN: 6ARC11NRT1.
- STAGE tips: Thermo Scientific STAGETIP C18 MAT 200UL 96PC – Thermo Scientific SP301, PN: NC0028383.
- SDS-PAGE staining: Colloidal Blue, PN: LC6025
- 17 ‘Heavy’ amino acids (polar metabolite profiling), Cambridge Isotope Laboratories: 2.5 mM pre-mixed Heavy Amino Acid (AA) mix (U-13C, 15N), PN: MSK-A2-1.2.
- LCMS grade methanol for extraction: Methanol, Optima™ LC/MS Grade, Fisher Chemical, PN: A4564
- LCMS grade water: Water, Optima™ LC/MS Grade, Fisher Chemical, PN: W64.
- LCMS grade acetonitrile, Optima™ LC/MS Grade, Fisher Chemical, PN: A9554.
- Chloroform for HPLC/GC from Sigma, PN: 650471-1L.
- Vials/tube designed to work with very small sample amounts: Eppendorf: LoBind.