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Instruments and Software used at the Proteomics Resource Center

The Proteomics Resource Center are equipped with a variety of LC and MS systems, including GC-MS and MALDI, and also houses peptide synthesizers.

  • Fusion Lumos w/APD. The Fusion Lumos was sponsored by the Sohn Conference Foundation. The instrument is connected to a 1200 Easy LC operating in nano-flow mode and the setup is currently dedicated to proteomics. The Fusion Lumos allows for CID, HCD and Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD) as well as MSn fragmentation experiments.
  • Q-Exactive HF (donated by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust) is operated in nano-flow mode (Dionex 3000) and is dedicated to proteomics.
  • Q-Exactive Plus (sponsored by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust) operated in higher microliter-flow-mode (Vanquish HPLC) and is dedicated to metabolomics.
  • IQ-X Orbitrap operated in higher microliter-flow-mode (Vanquish HPLC) and is dedicated to metabolomics.
  • Fusion Ascend w/ETD and Proton Transfer Charge Reduction (PTCR). This instrument is operated with nano-flow LC and is currently dedicated to proteomics. The Fusion Lumos allows for CID, HCD and ETD as well as MSn fragmentation experiments.
  • GC-MS (Agilent 5977B Inert Plus MSD w/Intuvo 9000 GC) with a Gerstel sampler (MPS-xt).
  • Typhoon 9400 Variable Mode Laser Scanner (click for usages fee and policy for use)


Software’s: To answer the many types of questions that can be asked the Center operates many different software’s.



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The Rockefeller University
The Proteomics Resource Center, Box 105
1230 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065-6399