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Sanchez-Velazquez R, de Lorenzo G, Tandavanitj R, Setthapramote C, Bredenbeek PJ, Bozzacco L, MacDonald MR, Clark JJ, Rice CM, Patel AH, Kohl A, Varjak M
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Generation of a reporter yellow fever virus for high throughput antiviral assays

ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH 2020 NOV; 183(?):? Article 104939
Yellow fever virus (YFV), a member of the Flaviviridae family, is an arthropod-borne virus that can cause severe disease in humans with a lethality rate of up to 60%. Since 2017, increases in YFV activity in areas of South America and Africa have been described. Although a vaccine is available, named strain 17D (Theiler and Smith, 1937), it is contraindicated for use in the elderly, expectant mothers, immunocompromised people, among others. To this day there is no antiviral treatment against YFV to reduce the severity of viral infection. Here, we used a circular polymerase extension reaction (CPER)-based reverse genetics approach to generate a full-length reporter virus (YFVhb) by introducing a small HiBit tag in the NS1 protein. The reporter virus replicates at a similar rate to the parental YFV in HuH-7 cells. Using YFVhb, we designed a high throughput antiviral screening luciferase-based assay to identify inhibitors that target any step of the viral replication cycle. We validated our assay by using a range of inhibitors including drugs, immune sera and neutralizing single chain variable fragments (scFv). In light of the recent upsurge in YFV and a potential spread of the virus, this assay is a further tool in the development of antiviral therapy against YFV.
Jain SU, Khazaei S, Marchione DM, Lundgren SM, Wang XS, Weinberg DN, Deshmukh S, Juretic N, Lu C, Allis CD, Garcia BA, Jabado N, Lewis PW
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Histone H3.3 G34 mutations promote aberrant PRC2 activity and drive tumor progression

A high percentage of pediatric gliomas and bone tumors reportedly harbor missense mutations at glycine 34 in genes encoding histone variant H3.3. We find that these H3.3 G34 mutations directly alter the enhancer chromatin landscape of mesenchymal stem cells by impeding methylation at lysine 36 on histone H3 (H3K36) by SETD2, but not by the NSD1/2 enzymes. The reduction of H3K36 methylation by G34 mutations promotes an aberrant gain of PRC2-mediated H3K27me2/3 and loss of H3K27ac at active enhancers containing SETD2 activity. This altered histone modification profile promotes a unique gene expression profile that supports enhanced tumor development in vivo. Our findings are mirrored in G34W-containing giant cell tumors of bone where patient-derived stromal cells exhibit gene expression profiles associated with early osteoblastic differentiation. Overall, we demonstrate that H3.3 G34 oncohistones selectively promote PRC2 activity by interfering with SETD2-mediated H3K36 methylation. We propose that PRC2-mediated silencing of enhancers involved in cell differentiation represents a potential mechanism by which H3.3 G34 mutations drive these tumors.
Espinosa J, Lin TY, Estrella Y, Kim B, Molina H, Hang HC
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Enterococcus NlpC/p60 Peptidoglycan Hydrolase SagA Localizes to Sites of Cell Division and Requires Only a Catalytic Dyad for Protease Activity

BIOCHEMISTRY 2020 NOV 24; 59(46):4470-4480
Peptidoglycan is a vital component of the bacterial cell wall, and its dynamic remodeling by NlpC/p60 hydrolases is crucial for proper cell division and survival. Beyond these essential functions, we previously discovered that Enterococcus species express and secrete the NlpC/p60 hydrolase-secreted antigen A (SagA), whose catalytic activity can modulate host immune responses in animal models. However, the localization and peptidoglycan hydrolase activity of SagA in Enterococcus was still unclear. In this study, we show that SagA contributes to a triseptal structure in dividing cells of enterococci and localizes to sites of cell division through its N-terminal coiled-coil domain. Using molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, we identify amino acid residues within the SagA-NlpC/p60 domain that are crucial for catalytic activity and potential substrate binding. Notably, these studies revealed that SagA may function via a catalytic Cys-His dyad instead of the predicted Cys-His-His triad, which is conserved in SagA orthologs from other Enterococcus species. Our results provide key additional insight into peptidoglycan remodeling in Enterococcus by SagA NlpC/p60 hydrolases.
Bewersdorf JP, Giri S, Wang R, Williams RT, Tallman MS, Zeidan AM, Stahl M
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Venetoclax as monotherapy and in combination with hypomethylating agents or low dose cytarabine in relapsed and treatment refractory acute myeloid leukemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

HAEMATOLOGICA 2020 NOV; 105(11):2659-2663
Brandt JN, Hussey KA, Kim Y
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Spatial and temporal control of targeting Polo-like kinase during meiotic prophase

JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 2020 NOV 2; 219(11):? Article e202006094
Polo-like kinases (PLKs) play widely conserved roles in orchestrating meiotic chromosome dynamics. However, how PLKs are targeted to distinct subcellular localizations during meiotic progression remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the cyan-dependent kinase CDK-1 primes the recruitment of PLK-2 to the synaptonemal complex (SC) through phosphorylation of SYP-1 in C. elegans. SYP-1 phosphorylation by CDK-1 occurs just before meiotic onset. However, PLK-2 docking to the SC is prevented by the nucleoplasmic HAL-2/3 complex until crossover designation, which constrains PLK-2 to special chromosomal regions known as pairing centers to ensure proper homologue pairing and synapsis. PLK-2 is targeted to crossover sites primed by CDK-1 and spreads along the SC by reinforcing SYP-1 phosphorylation on one side of each crossover only when threshold levels of crossovers are generated. Thus, the integration of chromosome-autonomous signaling and a nucleus-wide crossover-counting mechanism partitions holocentric chromosomes relative to the crossover site, which ultimately defines the pattern of chromosome segregation during meiosis I.
Sun XY, Phua DYZ, Axiotakis L, Smith MA, Blankman E, Gong R, Cail RC, de los Reyes SE, Beckerle MC, Waterman CM, Alushin GM
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Mechanosensing through Direct Binding of Tensed F-Actin by LIM Domains

DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2020 NOV 23; 55(4):468-482.e7
Mechanical signals transmitted through the cytoplasmic actin cytoskeleton must be relayed to the nucleus to control gene expression. LIM domains are protein-protein interaction modules found in cytoskeletal proteins and transcriptional regulators. Here, we identify three LIM protein families (zyxin, paxillin, and FHL) whose members preferentially localize to the actin cytoskeleton in mechanically stimulated cells through their tandem LIM domains. A minimal actin-myosin reconstitution system reveals that representatives of all three families directly bind F-actin only in the presence of mechanical force. Point mutations at a site conserved in each LIM domain of these proteins disrupt tensed F-actin binding in vitro and cytoskeletal localization in cells, demonstrating a common, avidity-based mechanism. Finally, we find that binding to tensed F-actin in the cytoplasm excludes the cancer-associated transcriptional co-activator FHL2 from the nucleus in stiff microenvironments. This establishes direct force-activated F-actin binding as a mechanosensing mechanism by which cytoskeletal tension can govern nuclear localization.
Gleicher N
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The COVID-19 pandemic through eyes of a NYC fertility center: a unique learning experience with often unexpected results

Affecting basic tenets of human existence such as health, economic as well as personal security and, of course, reproduction, the COVID-19 pandemic transcended medical specialties and professional disciplines. Yet, six months into the pandemic, there still exists no consensus on how to combat the virus in absence of a vaccine. Facing unprecedented circumstances, and in absence of real evidence on how to proceed, our organization early in the pandemic decided to act independently from often seemingly irrational guidance and, instead, to carefully follow a quickly evolving COVID-19 literature. Here described is the, likely, unique journey of a fertility center that maintained services during peaks of COVID-19 and political unrest that followed. Closely following publicly available data, we recognized relatively early that New York City and other East Coast regions, which during the initial COVID-19 wave between March and May represented the hardest-hit areas in the country, during the second wave, beginning in June and still in progress, remained almost completely unaffected. In contrast, south western regions, almost completely unaffected by the initial wave, were severely affected in the second wave. These two distinctively different infectious phenotypes suggested two likely explanations: The country was witnessing infections with two different SARS-CoV-2 viruses and NYC (along with the East Coast) acquired during the first wave much better immunity to the virus than south western regions. Both hypotheses since have been confirmed: East and West Coasts, indeed, were initially infected by two distinctively different lineages of the virus, with the East Coast lineage being 10-times more infectious. In addition, immunologists discovered an up to this point unknown long-term anti-viral innate (cellular) immune response which offers additional and much broader anti-viral immunity than the classical adaptive immunity via immobilizing antibodies that has been known for decades. Consequently, we predict that in the U.S., even in absence of an available vaccine, COVID-19, by September-October, will be at similarly low levels as are currently seen in NYC and other East Coast regions (generally < 1% test-positivity). We, furthermore, predict that, if current mitigation measures are maintained and no newly aggressive mutation of the virus enters the country, a significant fall-wave of COVID-19, in combination with the usual fall wave of influenza, appears unlikely. To continue serving patients uninterrupted throughout the pandemic, turned for all of our center's staff into a highly rewarding experience, garnered respect and appreciation from patients, and turned into an absolutely unique learning experience.
Niu YM, Suzuki H, Hosford CJ, Walz T, Chappie JS
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Structural asymmetry governs the assembly and GTPase activity of McrBC restriction complexes

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2020 NOV 20; 11(1):? Article 5907
McrBC complexes are motor-driven nucleases functioning in bacterial self-defense by cleaving foreign DNA. The GTP-specific AAA+protein McrB powers translocation along DNA and its hydrolysis activity is stimulated by its partner nuclease McrC. Here, we report cryo-EM structures of Thermococcus gammatolerans McrB and McrBC, and E. coli McrBC. The McrB hexamers, containing the necessary catalytic machinery for basal GTP hydrolysis, are intrinsically asymmetric. This asymmetry directs McrC binding so that it engages a single active site, where it then uses an arginine/lysine-mediated hydrogen-bonding network to reposition the asparagine in the McrB signature motif for optimal catalytic function. While the two McrBC complexes use different DNA-binding domains, these contribute to the same general GTP-recognition mechanism employed by all G proteins. Asymmetry also induces distinct inter-subunit interactions around the ring, suggesting a coordinated and directional GTP-hydrolysis cycle. Our data provide insights into the conserved molecular mechanisms governing McrB family AAA+motors. The bacterial defense system McrBC is a two-component motor-driven nuclease complex that cleaves foreign DNA. Here, the authors present the structures of the GTP-specific AAA+motor protein McrB and two McrBC complexes and discuss the molecular mechanism of how McrC binding stimulates McrB GTP hydrolysis.
Cao JY
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Tracking development at the cellular level

SCIENCE 2020 NOV 20; 370(6519):924-925
We each developed from a single cell—a fertilized egg—that divided and divided and eventually gave rise to the trillions of cells, of hundreds of types, that constitute the tissues and organs of our adult bodies. Advancing our understanding of the molecular programs underlying the emergence and differentiation of these diverse cell types is of fundamental interest and will affect almost every aspect of biology and medicine.
Salamango DJ, McCann JL, Demir O, Becker JT, Wang JY, Lingappa JR, Temiz NA, Brown WL, Amaro RE, Harris RS
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Functional and Structural Insights into a Vif/PPP2R5 Complex Elucidated Using Patient HIV-1 Isolates and Computational Modeling

JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 2020 NOV; 94(21):? Article e00631-20
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif recruits a cellular ubiquitin ligase complex to degrade antiviral APOBEC3 enzymes (APOBEC3C-H) and PP2A phosphatase regulators (PPP2R5A to PPP2R5E). While APOBEC3 antagonism is the canonical function of HIV-1 Vif, this viral accessory protein is also known to trigger G(2)/M cell cycle arrest. Vif initiates G(2)/M arrest by degrading multiple PPP2R5 family members, an activity prevalent among diverse HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) isolates. Here, computational protein-protein docking was used to delineate a Vif/CBF-beta/PPP2R5 complex in which Vif is predicted to bind the same PPP2R5 surface as physiologic phosphatase targets. This model was tested using targeted mutagenesis of amino acid residues within or adjacent to the putative interface to show loss or retention, respectively, of Vif-induced PPP2R5 degradation activity. Additionally, expression of a peptide that mimics cellular targets of PPP2R5s robustly inhibited Vif-mediated degradation of PPP2R5A but not APOBEC3G. Moreover, live-cell imaging studies examining Vif-mediated degradation of PPP2R5A and APOBEC3G within the same cell revealed that PPP2R5A degradation kinetics are comparable to those of APOBEC3G with a half-life of roughly 6 h postinfection, demonstrating that Vif can concurrently mediate the degradation of distinct cellular substrates. Finally, experiments with a panel of patient-derived Vif isolates indicated that PPP2R5A degradation activity is common in patient-derived isolates. Taken together, these results support a model in which PPP2R5 degradation and global changes in the cellular phosphoproteome are likely to be advantageous for viral pathogenesis. IMPORTANCE A critical function of HIV-1 Vif is to counteract the family of APOBEC3 innate immune proteins. It is also widely accepted that Vif induces G(2)/M cell cycle arrest in several different cell types. Recently, it has been shown that Vif degrades multiple PPP2R5 phosphoregulators to induce the G(2)/M arrest phenotype. Here, computational approaches are used to test a structural model of the Vif/PPP2R5 complex. In addition, imaging studies are used to show that Vif degrades these PPP2R5 substrates in roughly the same time frame as APOBEC3 degradation and that this activity is prevalent in patient-derived Vif isolates. These studies are important by further defining PPP2R5 proteins as a bona fide substrate of HIV-1 Vif.