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Acker KP, Borlack R, Iuga A, Remotti HE, Soderquist CR, Okada S, Tsumura M, Casanova JL, Picoraro J, Puel A, Kinberg S, Demirdag Y
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Ruxolitinib Response in an Infant With Very-early-onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Gain-of-function STAT1 Mutation

Bavley CC, Fetcho RN, Burgdorf CE, Walsh AP, Fischer DK, Hall BS, Sayles NM, Contoreggi NH, Hackett JE, Antigua SA, Babij R, Garc?a NDV, Kash TL, Milner TA, Liston C, Rajadhyaksha AM
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Cocaine- and stress-primed reinstatement of drug-associated memories elicit differential behavioral and frontostriatal circuit activity patterns via recruitment of L-type Ca(2+)channels

MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 2020 OCT; 25(10):2373-2391
Cocaine-associated memories are critical drivers of relapse in cocaine-dependent individuals that can be evoked by exposure to cocaine or stress. Whether these environmental stimuli recruit similar molecular and circuit-level mechanisms to promote relapse remains largely unknown. Here, using cocaine- and stress-primed reinstatement of cocaine conditioned place preference to model drug-associated memories, we find that cocaine drives reinstatement by increasing the duration that mice spend in the previously cocaine-paired context whereas stress increases the number of entries into this context. Importantly, both forms of reinstatement require Ca(v)1.2 L-type Ca(2+)channels (LTCCs) in cells of the prelimbic cortex that project to the nucleus accumbens core (PrL -> NAcC). Utilizing fiber photometry to measure circuit activity in vivo in conjunction with the LTCC blocker, isradipine, we find that LTCCs drive differential recruitment of the PrL -> NAcC pathway during cocaine- and stress-primed reinstatement. While cocaine selectively activates PrL -> NAcC cells prior to entry into the cocaine-paired chamber, a measure that is predictive of duration in that chamber, stress increases persistent activity of this projection, which correlates with entries into the cocaine-paired chamber. Using projection-specific chemogenetic manipulations, we show that PrL -> NAcC activity is required for both cocaine- and stress-primed reinstatement, and that activation of this projection in Ca(v)1.2-deficient mice restores reinstatement. These data indicate that LTCCs are a common mediator of cocaine- and stress-primed reinstatement. However, they engage different patterns of behavior and PrL -> NAcC projection activity depending on the environmental stimuli. These findings establish a framework to further study how different environmental experiences can drive relapse, and supports further exploration of isradipine, an FDA-approved LTCC blocker, as a potential therapeutic for the prevention of relapse in cocaine-dependent individuals.
Orange DE, Darnell RB
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PRIME Cells Predicting Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 2020 OCT 15; 383(16):1594-1596
Chen J, Boyaci H, Campbell EA
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Diverse and unified mechanisms of transcription initiation in bacteria

In this Review, Chen, Boyaci and Campbell examine universal pathways and diverse regulatory mechanisms in transcription initiation in evolutionarily divergent bacteria, and they discuss the mechanisms whereby antimicrobials inhibit transcription initiation and the insights those mechanisms provide into the transcription cycle. Transcription of DNA is a fundamental process in all cellular organisms. The enzyme responsible for transcription, RNA polymerase, is conserved in general architecture and catalytic function across the three domains of life. Diverse mechanisms are used among and within the different branches to regulate transcription initiation. Mechanistic studies of transcription initiation in bacteria are especially amenable because the promoter recognition and melting steps are much less complicated than in eukaryotes or archaea. Also, bacteria have critical roles in human health as pathogens and commensals, and the bacterial RNA polymerase is a proven target for antibiotics. Recent biophysical studies of RNA polymerases and their inhibition, as well as transcription initiation and transcription factors, have detailed the mechanisms of transcription initiation in phylogenetically diverse bacteria, inspiring this Review to examine unifying and diverse themes in this process.
Dong WL, Jin SC, Allocco A, Zeng X, Sheth AH, Panchagnula S, Castonguay A, Lorenzo LE, Islam B, Brindle G, Bachand K, Hu J, Sularz A, Gaillard J, Choi J, Dunbar A, Nelson-Williams C, Kiziltug E, Furey CG, Conine S, Duy PQ, Kundishora AJ, Loring E, Li BY, Lu QS, Zhou GY, Liu W, Li XY, Sierant MC, Mane S, Castaldi C, Lopez-Giraldez F, Knight JR, Sekula RF, Simard JM, Eskandar EN, Gottschalk C, Moliterno J, Gunel M, Gerrard JL, Dib-Hajj S, Waxman SG, Barker FG, Alper SL, Chahine M, Haider S, De Koninck Y, Lifton RP, Kahle KT
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Exome Sequencing Implicates Impaired GABA Signaling and Neuronal Ion Transport in Trigeminal Neuralgia

ISCIENCE 2020 OCT 23; 23(10):? Article 101552
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a common, debilitating neuropathic face pain syndrome often resistant to therapy. The familial clustering of TN cases suggests that genetic factors play a role in disease pathogenesis. However, no unbiased, large-scale genomic study of TN has been performed to date. Analysis of 290 whole exome-sequenced TN probands, including 20 multiplex kindreds and 70 parent-offspring trios, revealed enrichment of rare, damaging variants in GABA receptor-binding genes in cases. Mice engineered with a TN-associated de novo mutation (p.Cys188Trp) in the GABA(A) receptor Cl- channel gamma-1 subunit (GABRG1) exhibited trigeminal mechanical allodynia and face pain behavior. Other TN probands harbored rare damaging variants in Na+ and Ca+ channels, including a significant variant burden in the alpha-1H subunit of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel Cav3.2 (CACNA1H). These results provide exome-level insight into TN and implicate genetically encoded impairment of GABA signaling and neuronal ion transport in TN pathogenesis.
Barrows D, Feng LJ, Carroll TS, Allis CD
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Loss of UTX/KDM6A and the activation of FGFR3 converge to regulate differentiation gene-expression programs in bladder cancer

Bladder cancer prognosis is closely linked to the underlying differentiation state of the tumor, ranging from the less aggressive and most-differentiated luminal tumors to the more aggressive and least-differentiated basal tumors. Sequencing of bladder cancer has revealed that loss-of-function mutations in chromatin regulators and mutations that activate receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling frequently occur in bladder cancer. However, little is known as to whether and how these two types of mutations functionally interact or cooperate to regulate tumor growth and differentiation state. Here, we focus on loss of the histone demethylase UTX (also known as KDM6A) and activation of the RTK FGFR3, two events that commonly cooccur in muscle invasive bladder tumors. We show that UTX loss and FGFR3 activation cooperate to disrupt the balance of luminal and basal gene expression in bladder cells. UTX localized to enhancers surrounding many genes that are important for luminal cell fate, and supported the transcription of these genes in a catalytic-independent manner. In contrast to UTX, FGFR3 activation was associated with lower expression of luminal genes in tumors and FGFR inhibition increased transcription of these same genes in cell culture models. This suggests an antagonistic relationship between UTX and FGFR3. In support of this model, UTX loss-of-function potentiated FGFR3-dependent transcriptional effects and the presence of UTX blocked an FGFR3-mediated increase in the colony formation of bladder cells. Taken together, our study reveals how mutations in UTX and FGFR3 converge to disrupt bladder differentiation programs that could serve as a therapeutic target.
Mast FD, Navare AT, van der Sloot AM, Coulombe-Huntington J, Rout MP, Baliga NS, Kaushansky A, Chait BT, Aderem A, Rice CM, Sali A, Tyers M, Aitchison JD
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Crippling life support for SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses through synthetic lethality

JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 2020 OCT 5; 219(10):? Article e202006159
With the rapid global spread of SARS-CoV-2, we have become acutely aware of the inadequacies of our ability to respond to viral epidemics. Although disrupting the viral life cycle is critical for limiting viral spread and disease, it has proven challenging to develop targeted and selective therapeutics. Synthetic lethality offers a promising but largely unexploited strategy against infectious viral disease; as viruses infect cells, they abnormally alter the cell state, unwittingly exposing new vulnerabilities in the infected cell. Therefore, we propose that effective therapies can be developed to selectively target the virally reconfigured host cell networks that accompany altered cellular states to cripple the host cell that has been converted into a virus factory, thus disrupting the viral life cycle.
Bastard P, Rosen LB, Zhang Q, Michailidis E, Hoffmann HH, Zhang Y, Dorgham K, Philippot Q, Rosain J, Beziat V, Manry J, Shaw E, Haljasmagi L, Peterson P, Lorenzo L, Bizien L, Trouillet-Assant S, Dobbs K, de Jesus AA, Belot A, Kallaste A, Catherinot E, Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y, Le Pen J, Kerner G, Bigio B, Seeleuthner Y, Yang R, Bolze A, Spaan AN, Delmonte OM, Abers MS, Aiuti A, Casari G, Lampasona V, Piemonti L, Ciceri F, Bilguvar K, Lifton RP, Vasse M, Smadja DM, Migaud M, Hadjadj J, Terrier B, Duffy D, Quintana-Murci L, van de Beek DV, Roussel L, Vinh DC, Tangye SG, Haerynck F, Dalmau D, Martinez-Picado J, Brodin P, Nussenzweig MC, Boisson-Dupuis S, Rodriguez-Gallego C, Vogt G, Mogensen TH, Oler AJ, Gu JW, Burbelo PD, Cohen JI, Biondi A, Bettini LR, D'Angio M, Bonfanti P, Rossignol P, Mayaux J, Rieux-Laucat F, Husebye ES, Fusco F, Ursini MV, Imberti L, Sottini A, Paghera S, Quiros-Roldan E, Rossi C, Castagnoli R, Montagna D, Licari A, Marseglia GL, Duval X, Ghosn J, Tsang JS, Goldbach-Mansky R, Kisand K, Lionakis MS, Puel A, Zhang SY, Holland SM, Gorochov G, Jouangu E, Rice CM, Cobat A, Notarangelo LD, Abel L, Su HC, Casanova JL
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Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19

SCIENCE 2020 OCT 23; 370(6515):423-+
Interindividual clinical variability in the course of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is vast. We report that at least 101 of 987 patients with life-threatening coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia had neutralizing immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies (auto-Abs) against interferon-omega (IFN-omega) (13 patients), against the 13 types of IFN-alpha (36), or against both (52) at the onset of critical disease; a few also had auto-Abs against the other three type I IFNs. The auto-Abs neutralize the ability of the corresponding type I IFNs to block SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. These auto-Abs were not found in 663 individuals with asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infection and were present in only 4 of 1227 healthy individuals. Patients with auto-Abs were aged 25 to 87 years and 95 of the 101 were men. A B cell autoimmune phenocopy of inborn errors of type I IFN immunity accounts for lifethreatening COVID-19 pneumonia in at least 2.6% of women and 12.5% of men.
Bonagura VR, Casanova JL
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Past, Present, and Future of The Journal of Clinical Immunology, the International Journal of Inborn Errors of Immunity

Muller PA, Matheis F, Schneeberger M, Kerner Z, Jove V, Mucida D
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Microbiota-modulated CART(+) enteric neurons autonomously regulate blood glucose

SCIENCE 2020 OCT 16; 370(6514):314-321
The gut microbiota affects tissue physiology, metabolism, and function of both the immune and nervous systems. We found that intrinsic enteric-associated neurons (iEANs) in mice are functionally adapted to the intestinal segment they occupy; ileal and colonic neurons are more responsive to microbial colonization than duodenal neurons. Specifically, a microbially responsive subset of viscerofugal CART(+) neurons, enriched in the ileum and colon, modulated feeding and glucose metabolism. These CART(+) neurons send axons to the prevertebral ganglia and are polysynaptically connected to the liver and pancreas. Microbiota depletion led to NLRP6- and caspase 11-dependent loss of CART(+) neurons and impaired glucose regulation. Hence, iEAN subsets appear to be capable of regulating blood glucose levels independently from the central nervous system.