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Algazi AP, Twitty CG, Tsai KK, Le M, Pierce R, Browning E, Hermiz R, Canton DA, Bannavong D, Oglesby A, Francisco M, Fong L, Pittet MJ, Arlauckas SP, Garris C, Levine LP, Bifulco C, Ballesteros-Merino C, Bhatia S, Gargosky S, Andtbacka RHI, Fox BA, Rosenblum MD, Daud AI
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Phase II Trial of IL-12 Plasmid Transfection and PD-1 Blockade in Immunologically Quiescent Melanoma

CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 2020 JUN; 26(12):2827-2837
Purpose: Tumors with low frequencies of checkpoint positive tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (cpTIL) have a low likelihood of response to PD-1 blockade. We conducted a prospective multicenter phase II trial of intratumoral plasmid IL-12 (tavokinogene telseplasmid; "tavo") electroporation combined with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced melanoma with low frequencies of checkpoint positive cytotoxic lymphocytes (cpCTL). Patients and Methods: Tavo was administered intratumorally days 1, 5, and 8 every 6 weeks while pembrolizumab (200 mg, i.v.) was administered every 3 weeks. The primary endpoint was objective response rate (ORR) by RECIST, secondary endpoints included duration of response, overall survival and progressionfree survival. Toxicity was evaluated by the CTCAE v4. Extensive correlative analysis was done. Results: The combination of tavo and pembrolizumab was well tolerated with adverse events similar to those previously reported with pembrolizumab alone. Patients had a 41% ORR (n = 22, RECIST 1.1) with 36% complete responses. Correlative analysis showed that the combination enhanced immune infiltration and sustained the IL-12/IFN gamma feed-forward cycle, driving intratumoral cross-presenting dendritic cell subsets with increased TILs, emerging T cell receptor clones and, ultimately, systemic cellular immune responses. Conclusions: The combination of tavo and pembrolizumab was associated with a higher than expected response rate in this poorly immunogenic population. No new or unexpected toxicities were observed. Correlative analysis showed T cell infiltration with enhanced immunity paralleling the clinical activity in low cpCTL tumors.
Khodursky S, Svetec N, Durkin SM, Zhao L
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The evolution of sex-biased gene expression in the Drosophila brain

GENOME RESEARCH 2020 JUN; 30(6):874-884
Genes with sex-biased expression in Drosophila are thought to underlie sexually dimorphic phenotypes and have been shown to possess unique evolutionary properties. However, the forces and constraints governing the evolution of sex-biased genes in the somatic tissues of Drosophila are largely unknown. By using population-scale RNA sequencing data, we show that sex-biased genes in the Drosophila brain are highly enriched on the X Chromosome and that most are biased in a species-specific manner. We show that X-linked male-biased genes, and to a lesser extent female-biased genes, are enriched for signatures of directional selection at the gene expression level. By examining the evolutionary properties of gene-flanking regions on the X Chromosome, we find evidence that adaptive cis-regulatory changes are more likely to drive the expression evolution of X-linked male-biased genes than other X-linked genes. Finally, we examine whether constraint owing to broad expression across multiple tissues and genetic constraint owing to the largely shared male and female genomes could be responsible for the observed patterns of gene expression evolution. We find that expression breadth does not constrain the directional evolution of gene expression in the brain. Additionally, we find that the shared genome between males and females imposes a substantial constraint on the expression evolution of sex-biased genes. Overall, these results significantly advance our understanding of the patterns and forces shaping the evolution of sexual dimorphism in the Drosophila brain.
Buchholz DE, Carroll TS, Kocabas A, Zhu XD, Behesti H, Faust PL, Stalbow L, Fang Y, Hatten ME
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Novel genetic features of human and mouse Purkinje cell differentiation defined by comparative transcriptomics

Comparative transcriptomics between differentiating human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and developing mouse neurons offers a powerful approach to compare genetic and epigenetic pathways in human and mouse neurons. To analyze human Purkinje cell (PC) differentiation, we optimized a protocol to generate human pluripotent stem cell-derived Purkinje cells (hPSC-PCs) that formed synapses when cultured with mouse cerebellar glia and granule cells and fired large calcium currents, measured with the genetically encoded calcium indicator jRGECO1a. To directly compare global gene expression of hPSC-PCs with developing mouse PCs, we used translating ribosomal affinity purification (TRAP). As a first step, we used Tg(Pcp2-L10a-Egfp) TRAP mice to profile actively transcribed genes in developing postnatal mouse PCs and used metagene projection to identify the most salient patterns of PC gene expression over time. We then created a transgenic Pcp2-L10a-Egfp TRAP hPSC line to profile gene expression in differentiating hPSC-PCs, finding that the key gene expression pathways of differentiated hPSC-PCs most closely matched those of late juvenile mouse PCs (P21). Comparative bioinformatics identified classical PC gene signatures as well as novelmitochondrial and autophagy gene pathways during the differentiation of both mouse and human PCs. In addition, we identified genes expressed in hPSC-PCs but not mouse PCs and confirmed protein expression of a novel human PC gene, CD40LG, expressed in both hPSC-PCs and native human cerebellar tissue. This study therefore provides a direct comparison of hPSC-PC and mouse PC gene expression and a robust method for generating differentiated hPSC-PCs with human-specific gene expression for modeling developmental and degenerative cerebellar disorders.
Ma KGL, Lertpiriyapong K, Piersigilli A, Dobtsis I, Wipf JRK, Littmann ER, Leiner I, Pamer EG, Arbona RJR, Lipman NS
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Outbreaks of Typhlocolitis Caused by Hypervirulent Group ST1 Clostridioides difficile in Highly Immunocompromised Strains of Mice

COMPARATIVE MEDICINE 2020 JUN; 70(3):277-290
Clostridioides difficile is an enteric pathogen that can cause significant clinical disease in both humans and animals. However, clinical disease arises most commonly after treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics. The organism's ability to cause naturally occurring disease in mice is rare, and little is known about its clinical significance in highly immunocompromised mice. We report on 2 outbreaks of diarrhea associated with C. difficile in mice. In outbreak 1, 182 of approximately 2, 400 NOD.Cg-Prkdc(scid) Il2rg(tm1Wjl)/SzJ (NSG) and related strains of mice became clinically ill after cessation of a 14-d course of 0.12% amoxicillin feed to control an increase in clinical signs associated with Corynebacterium bovis infection. Most mice had been engrafted with human tumors; the remainder were experimentally naive. Affected animals exhibited 1 of 3 clinical syndromes: 1) peracute death; 2) severe diarrhea leading to euthanasia or death; or 3) mild to moderate diarrhea followed by recovery. A given cage could contain both affected and unaffected mice. Outbreak 2 involved a small breeding colony (approximately 50 mice) of NOD.CB17-Prkdc(scid)/NCrCrl (NOD-scid) mice that had not received antibiotics or experimental manipulations. In both outbreaks, C. difficile was isolated, and toxins A and B were detected in intestinal content or feces. Histopathologic lesions highly suggestive of C. difficile enterotoxemia included fibrinonecrotizing and neutrophilic typhlocolitis with characteristic 'volcano' erosions or pseudomembrane formation. Genomic analysis of 4 isolates (3 from outbreak 1 and 1 from outbreak 2) revealed that these isolates were closely related to a pathogenic human isolate, CD 196. To our knowledge, this report is the first to describe naturally occurring outbreaks of C. difficile-associated typhlocolitis with significant morbidity and mortality in highly immunocompromised strains of mice.
Scopino K, Williams E, Elsayed A, Barr WA, Krizanc D, Thayer KM, Weir MP
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A Ribosome Interaction Surface Sensitive to mRNA GCN Periodicity

BIOMOLECULES 2020 JUN; 10(6):? Article 849
A longstanding challenge is to understand how ribosomes parse mRNA open reading frames (ORFs). Significantly, GCN codons are over-represented in the initial codons of ORFs of prokaryote and eukaryote mRNAs. We describe a ribosome rRNA-protein surface that interacts with an mRNA GCN codon when next in line for the ribosome A-site. The interaction surface is comprised of the edges of two stacked rRNA bases: the Watson-Crick edge of 16S/18S rRNA C1054 and the adjacent Hoogsteen edge of A1196 (Escherichia coli 16S rRNA numbering). Also part of the interaction surface, the planar guanidinium group of a conserved Arginine (R146 of yeast ribosomal protein Rps3) is stacked adjacent to A1196. On its other side, the interaction surface is anchored to the ribosome A-site through base stacking of C1054 with the wobble anticodon base of the A-site tRNA. Using molecular dynamics simulations of a 495-residue subsystem of translocating ribosomes, we observed base pairing of C1054 to nucleotide G at position 1 of the next-in-line codon, consistent with previous cryo-EM observations, and hydrogen bonding of A1196 and R146 to C at position 2. Hydrogen bonding to both of these codon positions is significantly weakened when C at position 2 is changed to G, A or U. These sequence-sensitive mRNA-ribosome interactions at the C1054-A1196-R146 (CAR) surface potentially contribute to the GCN-mediated regulation of protein translation.
Opioid use disorder (OUD) is a chronic, relapsing disease. Genetic variability, dysregulated stress system response, and history of opioid experimentation or escalating exposure all contribute to the likelihood of developing OUD, which produces complex brain changes that make it difficult to stop opioid use. Understanding the neurobiology of OUD helps nurses anticipate the behaviors of patients with OUD and approach them with empathy. Here, the authors discuss the pathophysiology of OUD, available screening tools, medical treatments, and behavioral interventions that have demonstrated efficacy in reducing substance use.
Netea MG, Dominguez-Andres J, Barreiro LB, Chavakis T, Divangahi M, Fuchs E, Joosten LAB, van der Meer JWM, Mhlanga MM, Mulder WJM, Riksen NP, Schlitzer A, Schultze JL, Benn CS, Sun JSC, Xavier RJ, Latz E
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Defining trained immunity and its role in health and disease

Here a group of leaders in the field define our current understanding of 'trained immunity', which refers to the memory-type responses that occur in the innate immune system. The authors discuss our current understanding of the key epigenetic and metabolic processes involved in trained immunity and consider its relevance in immune-mediated diseases and cancer. Immune memory is a defining feature of the acquired immune system, but activation of the innate immune system can also result in enhanced responsiveness to subsequent triggers. This process has been termed 'trained immunity', a de facto innate immune memory. Research in the past decade has pointed to the broad benefits of trained immunity for host defence but has also suggested potentially detrimental outcomes in immune-mediated and chronic inflammatory diseases. Here we define 'trained immunity' as a biological process and discuss the innate stimuli and the epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming events that shape the induction of trained immunity.
Many bacteria can cause pyogenic lesions in humans. Most of these bacteria are harmless in most individuals, but they, nevertheless, cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The inherited and acquired immunodeficiencies underlying these pyogenic infections differ between bacteria. This short review focuses on two emblematic pyogenic bacteria: pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) and Staphylococcus, both of which are Gram-positive encapsulated bacteria. We will discuss the contribution of human genetic studies to the identification of germline mutations of the TLR and IL-1R pathways.
Wagner M, Levy J, Jung-Klawitter S, Bakhtiari S, Monteiro F, Maroofian R, Bierhals T, Hempel M, Elmaleh-Berges M, Kitajima JP, Kim CA, Salomao JG, Amor DJ, Cooper MS, Perrin L, Pipiras E, Neu A, Doosti M, Karimiani EG, Toosi MB, Houlden H, Jin SC, Si YC, Rodan LH, Venselaar H, Kruer MC, Kok F, Hoffmann GF, Strom TM, Wortmann SB, Tabet AC, Opladen T
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Loss of TNR causes a nonprogressive neurodevelopmental disorder with spasticity and transient opisthotonus

GENETICS IN MEDICINE 2020 JUN; 22(6):1061-1068
Purpose TNR, encoding Tenascin-R, is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein involved in neurite outgrowth and neural cell adhesion, proliferation and migration, axonal guidance, myelination, and synaptic plasticity. Tenascin-R is exclusively expressed in the central nervous system with highest expression after birth. The protein is crucial in the formation of perineuronal nets that ensheath interneurons. However, the role of Tenascin-R in human pathology is largely unknown. We aimed to establish TNR as a human disease gene and unravel the associated clinical spectrum. Methods Exome sequencing and an online matchmaking tool were used to identify patients with biallelic variants in TNR. Results We identified 13 individuals from 8 unrelated families with biallelic variants in TNR sharing a phenotype consisting of spastic para- or tetraparesis, axial muscular hypotonia, developmental delay, and transient opisthotonus. Four homozygous loss-of-function and four different missense variants were identified. Conclusion We establish TNR as a disease gene for an autosomal recessive nonprogressive neurodevelopmental disorder with spasticity and transient opisthotonus and highlight the role of central nervous system extracellular matrix proteins in the pathogenicity of spastic disorders.
Robbiani DF, Gaebler C, Muecksch F, Lorenzi JCC, Wang ZJ, Cho A, Agudelo M, Barnes CO, Gazumyan A, Finkin S, Hagglof T, Oliveira TY, Viant C, Hurley A, Hoffmann HH, Millard KG, Kost RG, Cipolla M, Gordon K, Bianchini F, Chen ST, Ramos V, Patel R, Dizon J, Shimeliovich I, Mendoza P, Hartweger H, Nogueira L, Pack M, Horowitz J, Schmidt F, Weisblum Y, Michailidis E, Ashbrook AW, Waltari E, Pak JE, Huey-Tubman KE, Koranda N, Hoffman PR, West AP, Rice CM, Hatziioannou T, Bjorkman PJ, Bieniasz PD, Caskey M, Nussenzweig MC
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Convergent antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in convalescent individuals

NATURE 2020 JUN 18; 584(7821):437-442
During the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to the infection of millions of people and has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. The entry of the virus into cells depends on the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2. Although there is currently no vaccine, it is likely that antibodies will be essential for protection. However, little is known about the human antibody response to SARS-CoV-2(1-5). Here we report on 149 COVID-19-convalescent individuals. Plasma samples collected an average of 39 days after the onset of symptoms had variable half-maximal pseudovirus neutralizing titres; titres were less than 50 in 33% of samples, below 1,000 in 79% of samples and only 1% of samples had titres above 5,000. Antibody sequencing revealed the expansion of clones of RBD-specific memory B cells that expressed closely related antibodies in different individuals. Despite low plasma titres, antibodies to three distinct epitopes on the RBD neutralized the virus with half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC(50)values) as low as 2 ng ml(-1). In conclusion, most convalescent plasma samples obtained from individuals who recover from COVID-19 do not contain high levels of neutralizing activity. Nevertheless, rare but recurring RBD-specific antibodies with potent antiviral activity were found in all individuals tested, suggesting that a vaccine designed to elicit such antibodies could be broadly effective. Although rare, antibodies against the receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 that showed potent antiviral activity were obtained from all tested convalescent individuals, suggesting that a vaccine designed to elicit such antibodies could be broadly effective.