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Yuan Y, Park J, Tian Y, Choi J, Pasquariello R, Alexenko AP, Dai AH, Behura SK, Roberts RM, Ezashi T
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A six-inhibitor culture medium for improving naive-type pluripotency of porcine pluripotent stem cells

CELL DEATH DISCOVERY 2019 JUN 17; 5(?):? Article 104
Understanding essential signaling network requirements and making appropriate adjustments in culture conditions are crucial if porcine pluripotent stem cells (PSC) are to achieve their full potential. Here, we first used two protein factors (LIF and FGF2) and kinase inhibitor combinations in attempts to convert primed type lentiviral-reprogrammed porcine induced PSC (Lv-piPSC) into naive-like state and developed a medium called FL6i. In addition to FGF2 and LIF, this medium contained inhibitors of MAPK14, MAPK8, TGFB1, MAP2K1, GSK3A and BMP. Crucially, the usual TGFB1 and BMP4 protein components of many stem cell media were replaced in FL6i with inhibitors of TGFB1 and BMP. With this medium, Lv-piPSC were readily transformed from their original primed state into cells that formed colonies with typical features of naive-state stem cells. The FL6i medium also assisted generation of naive-type piPSC lines from porcine embryonic fibroblasts with non-integrating episomal plasmids (Epi-piPSC). These lines, despite retaining variable amounts of vector DNA, expressed higher endogenous pPOU5F1 and pSOX2 than Lv-piPSC. They have been cultured without obvious morphological change for > 45 passages and retained pluripotent phenotypes in terms of upregulation of genes associated with pluripotency, low expression of genes linked to emergence of somatic cell lineages, and ability to generate well differentiated teratomas in immune-compromised mice. FL6i conditions, therefore, appear to support elevated pluripotent phenotypes. However, FL6i was less able to support the generation of embryonic stem cells from porcine blastocysts. Although colonies with dome-shaped morphologies were evident and the cells had some gene expression features linked to pluripotency, the phenotypes were ultimately not stable. Pathway analysis derived from RNAseq data performed on the various cell lines generated in this study suggest the benefits of employing the FL6i medium on porcine cells reside in its ability to minimize TGFB1 and BMP signaling, which would otherwise de-stabilize the stem cell state.
Zhou J, Park CY, Theesfeld CL, Wong AK, Yuan Y, Scheckel C, Fak JJ, Funk J, Yao K, Tajima Y, Packer A, Darnell RB, Troyanskaya OG
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Whole-genome deep-learning analysis identifies contribution of noncoding mutations to autism risk

NATURE GENETICS 2019 JUN; 51(6):973-980
We address the challenge of detecting the contribution of noncoding mutations to disease with a deep-learning-based framework that predicts the specific regulatory effects and the deleterious impact of genetic variants. Applying this framework to 1,790 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) simplex families reveals a role in disease for noncoding mutations-ASD probands harbor both transcriptional- and post-transcriptional-regulation-disrupting de novo mutations of significantly higher functional impact than those in unaffected siblings. Further analysis suggests involvement of noncoding mutations in synaptic transmission and neuronal development and, taken together with previous studies, reveals a convergent genetic landscape of coding and noncoding mutations in ASD. We demonstrate that sequences carrying prioritized mutations identified in probands possess allele-specific regulatory activity, and we highlight a link between noncoding mutations and heterogeneity in the IQ of ASD probands. Our predictive genomics framework illuminates the role of noncoding mutations in ASD and prioritizes mutations with high impact for further study, and is broadly applicable to complex human diseases.
Meeske AJ, Nakandakari-Higa S, Marraffini LA
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Cas13-induced cellular dormancy prevents the rise of CRISPR-resistant bacteriophage

NATURE 2019 JUN 13; 570(7760):241-245
Clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) loci in prokaryotes are composed of 30-40-base-pair repeats separated by equally short sequences of plasmid and bacteriophage origin known as spacers(1-3). These loci are transcribed and processed into short CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) that are used as guides by CRISPR-associated (Cas) nucleases to recognize and destroy complementary sequences (known as protospacers) in foreign nucleic acids(4,5). In contrast to most Cas nucleases, which destroy invader DNA(4-7), the type VI effector nuclease Cas13 uses RNA guides to locate complementary transcripts and catalyse both sequence-specific cis-and non-specific trans-RNA cleavage(8). Although it has been hypothesized that Cas13 naturally defends against RNA phages(8), type VI spacer sequences have exclusively been found to match the genomes of double-stranded DNA phages(9,10), suggesting that Cas13 can provide immunity against these invaders. However, whether and how Cas13 uses its cis- and/or trans-RNA cleavage activities to defend against double-stranded DNA phages is not understood. Here we show that trans-cleavage of transcripts halts the growth of the host cell and is sufficient to abort the infectious cycle. This depletes the phage population and provides herd immunity to uninfected bacteria. Phages that harbour target mutations, which easily evade DNA-targeting CRISPR systems(11-13), are also neutralized when Cas13 is activated by wild-type phages. Thus, by acting on the host rather than directly targeting the virus, type VI CRISPR systems not only provide robust defence against DNA phages but also prevent outbreaks of CRISPR-resistant phage.
Xie W, Lama L, Adura C, Tomita D, Glickman JF, Tuschl T, Patel DJ
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Human cGAS catalytic domain has an additional DNA-binding interface that enhances enzymatic activity and liquid-phase condensation

The cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS)-cGAMP-STING pathway plays a key role in innate immunity, with cGAS sensing both pathogenic and mislocalized DNA in the cytoplasm. Human cGAS (h-cGAS) constitutes an important drug target for control of antiinflammatory responses that can contribute to the onset of autoimmune diseases. Recent studies have established that the positively charged N-terminal segment of cGAS contributes to enhancement of cGAS enzymatic activity as a result of DNA-induced liquid-phase condensation. We have identified an additional cGAS(CD)-DNA interface (labeled site-C; CD, catalytic domain) in the crystal structure of a human SRY.cGAS(CD)-DNA complex, with mutations along this basic site-C cGAS interface disrupting liquid-phase condensation, as monitored by cGAMP formation, gel shift, spin-down, and turbidity assays, as well as time-lapse imaging of liquid droplet formation. We expand on an earlier ladder model of cGAS dimers bound to a pair of parallel-aligned DNAs to propose a multivalent interaction-mediated cluster model to account for DNA-mediated condensation involving both the N-terminal domain of cGAS and the site-C cGAS-DNA interface. We also report the crystal structure of the h-cGAS(CD)-DNA complex containing a triple mutant that disrupts the site-C interface, with this complex serving as a future platform for guiding cGAS inhibitor development at the DNA-bound h-cGAS level. Finally, we solved the structure of RU.521 bound in two alternate alignments to apo h-cGAS(CD), thereby occupying more of the catalytic pocket and providing insights into further optimization of active-site-binding inhibitors.
Handler A, Graham TGW, Cohn R, Morantte I, Siliciano AF, Zeng JZ, Li YL, Ruta V
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Distinct Dopamine Receptor Pathways Underlie the Temporal Sensitivity of Associative Learning

CELL 2019 JUN 27; 178(1):60-75.e19
Animals rely on the relative timing of events in their environment to form and update predictive associations, but the molecular and circuit mechanisms for this temporal sensitivity remain incompletely understood. Here, we show that olfactory associations in Drosophila can be written and reversed on a trial-by-trial basis depending on the temporal relationship between an odor cue and dopaminergic reinforcement. Through the synchronous recording of neural activity and behavior, we show that reversals in learned odor attraction correlate with bidirectional neural plasticity in the mushroom body, the associative olfactory center of the fly. Two dopamine receptors, DopR1 and DopR2, contribute to this temporal sensitivity by coupling to distinct second messengers and directing either synaptic depression or potentiation. Our results reveal how dopamine-receptor signaling pathways can detect the order of events to instruct opposing forms of synaptic and behavioral plasticity, allowing animals to flexibly update their associations in a dynamic environment.
Xu M, Kolding J, Cohen JE
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Sequential analysis and design of fixed-precision sampling of Lake Kariba fishes using Taylor's power law

Taylor's power law (TPL), which states that the variance of abundance is a power function of mean abundance, has been used to design sampling of agricultural pests and fish species. We show that TPL holds for means and variances of abundance of accumulated fish samples in the fished and unfished areas separately of Lake Kariba (between Zambia and Zimbabwe), measuring abundance indices by number and weight separately. We use TPL parameters estimated from sequentially accumulated samples to update a stopping line of fixed precision 0.1 after each new sample from a sampling day. In these Lake Kariba data, depending on the sampling area and abundance measure, our updated stopping-line method requires 21% to 41% of the number of sampling days and 19% to 40% of the number of samples that are planned a priori and performed under systematic sampling. Our novel method yields mean abundance estimates similar to those from systematic sampling and provides a conservative approach to reaching a fixed sampling precision level with reduced sampling labor and time. Using mixed-effect modeling for cumulative means and variances with either number or weight from both fished and unfished areas, we find that fishing increases the slope of TPL. This study provides the conceptual framework and an empirical case study for implementing a sequential sampling method for fish assemblages of an inland lake. The possible limitations and applications of our method for sampling in other environments are discussed.
Zhou Y, Leri F, Low MJ, Kreek MJ
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Sex differences in the effect of bupropion and naltrexone combination on alcohol drinking in mice

A fixed dose combination of bupropion (BPP) and naltrexone (NTX), Contrave((R)), is an FDA approved pharmacotherapy for the treatment of obesity. A recent study found that combining BPP with low-dose NTX reduced alcohol drinking in alcohol-preferring male rats. To explore potential pharmacological effects of the BPP + NTX combination on alcohol drinking, both male and female C57Bl/6J mice were tested on one-week drinking-in-the dark (DID) and three-week intermittent access (IA) models. Neuronal proopiomelanocortin (POMC) enhancer knockout (nPE(-/-)) mice with hypothalamic-specific deficiency of POMC, and its bioactive peptides melanocyte stimulating hormone and beta-endorphin, were used as a genetic control for the effects of the BPP + NTX. A single administration of BPP + NTX (10 mg/kg + 1 mg/kg) decreased alcohol intake after DID in C57Bl/6J males, but not females. Also in C57Bl/6J males, BPP + NTX reduced intake of the caloric reinforcer sucrose, but not the non-caloric reinforcer saccharin. In contrast, BPP + NTX had no effect on alcohol DID in nPE(-/-) males. Pretreatment with the selective melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) antagonist HS014 reversed the anti-dipsogenic effect of BPP + NTX on alcohol DID in C57Bl/6J males. In the 3-week chronic IA model, single or repeated administrations for four days of BPP + NTX reduced alcohol intake and preference in C57Bl/6J males only. The behavioral measures observed in C57Bl/6J mice provide clear evidence that BPP + NTX profoundly reduced alcohol drinking in males, but the doses tested were not effective in females. Furthermore, our results suggest a hypothalamic POMC/MC4R-dependent mechanism for the observed BPP + NTX effects on alcohol drinking in male mice.
Pillay BA, Avery DT, Smart JM, Cole T, Choo S, Chan D, Gray PE, Frith K, Mitchell R, Phan TG, Wong M, Campbell DE, Hsu P, Ziegler JB, Peake J, Alvaro F, Picard C, Bustamante J, Neven B, Cant AJ, Uzel G, Arkwright PD, Casanova JL, Su HC, Freeman AF, Shah N, Hickstein DD, Tangye SG, Ma CS
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Hematopoietic stem cell transplant effectively rescues lymphocyte differentiation and function in DOCK8-deficient patients

JCI INSIGHT 2019 JUN 6; 4(11):? Article e127527
Biallelic inactivating mutations in DOCK8 cause a combined immunodeficiency characterized by severe pathogen infections, eczema, allergies, malignancy, and impaired humoral responses. These clinical features result from functional defects in most lymphocyte lineages. Thus, DOCK8 plays a key role in immune cell function. Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) is curative for DOCK8 deficiency. While previous reports have described clinical outcomes for DOCK8 deficiency following HSCT, the effect on lymphocyte reconstitution and function has not been investigated. Our study determined whether defects in lymphocyte differentiation and function in DOCK8-deficient patients were restored following HSCT. DOCK8-deficient T and B lymphocytes exhibited aberrant activation and effector function in vivo and in vitro. Frequencies of alpha beta T and MAIT cells were reduced, while gamma delta T cells were increased in DOCK8-deficient patients. HSCT improved abnormal lymphocyte function in DOCK8-deficient patients. Elevated total and allergen-specific IgE in DOCK8-deficient patients decreased over time following HSCT. Our results document the extensive catalog of cellular defects in DOCK8-deficient patients and the efficacy of HSCT in correcting these defects, concurrent with improvements in clinical phenotypes. Overall, our findings reveal mechanisms at a functional cellular level for improvements in clinical features of DOCK8 deficiency after HSCT, identify biomarkers that correlate with improved clinical outcomes, and inform the general dynamics of immune reconstitution in patients with monogenic immune disorders following HSCT.
Escolano A, Gristick HB, Abernathy ME, Merkenschlager J, Gautam R, Oliveira TY, Pai J, West AP, Barnes CO, Cohen AA, Wang HQ, Golijanin J, Yost D, Keeffe JR, Wang ZJ, Zhao P, Yao KH, Bauer J, Nogueira L, Gao H, Voll AV, Montefiori DC, Seaman MS, Gazumyan A, Silva M, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Irvine DJ, Wells L, Martin MA, Bjorkman PJ, Nussenzweig MC
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Immunization expands B cells specific to HIV-1 V3 glycan in mice and macaques

NATURE 2019 JUN 27; 570(7762):468-473
Broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies protect against infection with HIV-1 in animal models, suggesting that a vaccine that elicits these antibodies would be protective in humans. However, it has not yet been possible to induce adequate serological responses by vaccination. Here, to activate B cells that express precursors of broadly neutralizing antibodies within polyclonal repertoires, we developed an immunogen, RC1, that facilitates the recognition of the variable loop 3 (V3)-glycan patch on the envelope protein of HIV-1. RC1 conceals non-conserved immunodominant regions by the addition of glycans and/or multimerization on virus-like particles. Immunization of mice, rabbits and rhesus macaques with RC1 elicited serological responses that targeted the V3-glycan patch. Antibody cloning and cryo-electron microscopy structures of antibody-envelope complexes confirmed that immunization with RC1 expands clones of B cells that carry the anti-V3-glycan patch antibodies, which resemble precursors of human broadly neutralizing antibodies. Thus, RC1 may be a suitable priming immunogen for sequential vaccination strategies in the context of polyclonal repertoires.
Hartweger H, McGuire AT, Horning M, Taylor JJ, Dosenovic P, Yost D, Gazumyan A, Seaman MS, Stamatatos L, Jankovic M, Nussenzweig MC
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HIV-specific humoral immune responses by CRISPR/Cas9-edited B cells

A small number of HIV-1-infected individuals develop broadly neutralizing antibodies to the virus (bNAbs). These antibodies are protective against infection in animal models. However, they only emerge 1-3 yr after infection, and show a number of highly unusual features including exceedingly high levels of somatic mutations. It is therefore not surprising that elicitation of protective immunity to HIV-1 has not yet been possible. Here we show that mature, primary mouse and human B cells can be edited in vitro using CRISPR/Cas9 to express mature bNAbs from the endogenous Igh locus. Moreover, edited B cells retain the ability to participate in humoral immune responses. Immunization with cognate antigen in wild-type mouse recipients of edited B cells elicits bNAb titers that neutralize HIV-1 at levels associated with protection against infection. This approach enables humoral immune responses that may be difficult to elicit by traditional immunization.