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Rout MP, Sali A
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Principles for Integrative Structural Biology Studies

CELL 2019 MAY 30; 177(6):1384-1403
Integrative structure determination is a powerful approach to modeling the structures of biological systems based on data produced by multiple experimental and theoretical methods, with implications for our understanding of cellular biology and drug discovery. This Primer introduces theory and methods of integrative approaches, emphasizing the kinds of data that can be effectively included in developing models and using the nuclear pore complex as an example to illustrate the practice and challenges involved. These guidelines are intended to aid the researcher in understanding and applying integrative structural methods to systems of their interest and thus take advantage of this rapidly evolving field.
Fay A, Czudnochowski N, Rock JM, Johnson JR, Krogan NJ, Rosenberg O, Glickman MS
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Two Accessory Proteins Govern MmpL3 Mycolic Acid Transport in Mycobacteria

MBIO 2019 MAY-JUN; 10(3):? Article e00850-19
Mycolic acids are the signature lipid of mycobacteria and constitute an important physical component of the cell wall, a target of mycobacterium-specific antibiotics and a mediator of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis. Mycolic acids are synthesized in the cytoplasm and are thought to be transported to the cell wall as a trehalose ester by the MmpL3 transporter, an antibiotic target for M. tuberculosis. However, the mechanism by which mycolate synthesis is coupled to transport, and the full MmpL3 transport machinery, is unknown. Here, we identify two new components of the MmpL3 transport machinery in mycobacteria. The protein encoded by MSMEG_0736/Rv0383c is essential for growth of Mycobacterium smegmatis and M. tuberculosis and is anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane, physically interacts with and colocalizes with MmpL3 in growing cells, and is required for trehalose monomycolate (TMM) transport to the cell wall. In light of these findings, we propose MSMEG_0736/Rv0383c be named "TMM transport factor A", TtfA. The protein encoded by MSMEG_5308 also interacts with the MmpL3 complex but is nonessential for growth or TMM transport. However, MSMEG_5308 accumulates with inhibition of MmpL3-mediated TMM transport and stabilizes the MmpL3/TtfA complex, indicating that it may stabilize the transport system during stress. These studies identify two new components of the mycobacterial mycolate transport machinery, an emerging antibiotic target in M. tuberculosis. IMPORTANCE The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes the disease tuberculosis, is a complex structure composed of abundant lipids and glycolipids, including the signature lipid of these bacteria, mycolic acids. In this study, we identified two new components of the transport machinery that constructs this complex cell wall. These two accessory proteins are in a complex with the MmpL3 transporter. One of these proteins, TtfA, is required for mycolic acid transport and cell viability, whereas the other stabilizes the MmpL3 complex. These studies identify two new components of the essential cell envelope biosynthetic machinery in mycobacteria.
Wang GP, Simon DJ, Wu ZH, Belsky DM, Heller E, O'Rourke MK, Hertz NT, Molina H, Zhong GS, Tessier-Lavigne M, Zhuang XW
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Structural plasticity of actin-spectrin membrane skeleton and functional role of actin and spectrin in axon degeneration

ELIFE 2019 MAY 1; 8(?):? Article e38730
Axon degeneration sculpts neuronal connectivity patterns during development and is an early hallmark of several adult-onset neurodegenerative disorders. Substantial progress has been made in identifying effector mechanisms driving axon fragmentation, but less is known about the upstream signaling pathways that initiate this process. Here, we investigate the behavior of the actin-spectrin-based Membrane-associated Periodic Skeleton (MPS), and effects of actin and spectrin manipulations in sensory axon degeneration. We show that trophic deprivation (TD) of mouse sensory neurons causes a rapid disassembly of the axonal MPS, which occurs prior to protein loss and independently of caspase activation. Actin destabilization initiates TD-related retrograde signaling needed for degeneration; actin stabilization prevents MPS disassembly and retrograde signaling during TD. Depletion of beta II-spectrin, a key component of the MPS, suppresses retrograde signaling and protects axons against degeneration. These data demonstrate structural plasticity of the MPS and suggest its potential role in early steps of axon degeneration.
Cupido T, Pisa R, Kelley ME, Kapoor TM
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Designing a chemical inhibitor for the AAA protein spastin using active site mutations

Spastin is a microtubule-severing AAA (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) protein needed for cell division and intracellular vesicle transport. Currently, we lack chemical inhibitors to probe spastin function in such dynamic cellular processes. To design a chemical inhibitor of spastin, we tested selected heterocyclic scaffolds against wild-type protein and constructs with engineered mutations in the nucleotide-binding site that do not substantially disrupt ATPase activity. These data, along with computational docking, guided improvements in compound potency and selectivity and led to spastazoline, a pyrazolyl-pyrrolopyrimidine-based cell-permeable probe for spastin. These studies also identified spastazoline-resistance-conferring point mutations in spastin. Spastazoline, along with the matched inhibitor-sensitive and inhibitor-resistant cell lines we generated, were used in parallel experiments to dissect spastin-specific phenotypes in dividing cells. Together, our findings suggest how chemical probes for AAA proteins, along with inhibitor resistance-conferring mutations, can be designed and used to dissect dynamic cellular processes.
Cao BH, Lu TW, Fiesco JAM, Tomasini M, Fan LX, Simon SM, Taylor SS, Zhang P
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Structures of the PKA RI alpha Holoenzyme with the FLHCC Driver J-PKAc alpha or Wild-Type PKAc alpha

STRUCTURE 2019 MAY 7; 27(5):816-+
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FLHCC) is driven by J-PKAc alpha, a kinase fusion chimera of the J domain of DnaJB1 with PKAc alpha, the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A (PKA). Here we report the crystal structures of the chimeric fusion RI alpha(2):J-PKAc alpha(2) holoenzyme formed by J-PKAc alpha and the PKA regulatory (R) subunit RI alpha, and the wild-type (WT) RI alpha(2):PKAc alpha(2) holoenzyme. The chimeric and WT RI alpha holoenzymes have quaternary structures different from the previously solved WT RI beta and RII beta holoenzymes. The WT RI alpha holoenzyme showed the same configuration as the chimeric RI alpha(2):J-PKAc alpha(2) holoenzyme and a distinct second conformation. The J domains are positioned away from the symmetrical interface between the two RI alpha:J-PKAc alpha heterodimers in the chimeric fusion holoenzyme and are highly dynamic. The structural and dynamic features of these holoenzymes enhance our understanding of the fusion chimera protein J-PKAc alpha that drives FLHCC as well as the isoform specificity of PKA.
Schmidt F, Keele BF, Del Prete GQ, Voronin D, Fennessey CM, Soll S, Kane M, Raymond A, Gifford RJ, KewalRamani V, Lifson JD, Bieniasz PD, Hatziioannou T
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Derivation of simian tropic HIV-1 infectious clone reveals virus adaptation to a new host

To replicate in a new host, lentiviruses must adapt to exploit required host factors and evade species-specific antiviral proteins. Understanding how host protein variation drives lentivirus adaptation allowed us to expand the host range of HIV-1 to pigtail macaques. We have previously derived a viral swarm(in the blood of infected animals) that can cause AIDS in this new host. To further exploit this reagent, we generated infectious molecular clones (IMCs) from the viral swarm. We identified clones with high replicative capacity in pigtail peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in vitro and used in vivo replication to select an individual IMC, named stHIV-A19 (for simian tropic HIV-1 clone A19), which recapitulated the phenotype obtained with the viral swarm. Adaptation of HIV-1 in macaques led to the acquisition of amino acid changes in viral proteins, such as capsid (CA), that are rarely seen in HIV-1-infected humans. Using stHIV-A19, we show that these CA changes confer a partial resistance to the host cell inhibitor Mx2 from pigtail macaques, but that complete resistance is associated with a fitness defect. Adaptation of HIV-1 to a new host will lead to a more accurate animal model and a better understanding of virus-host interactions.
Zaro BW, Vinogradova EV, Lazar DC, Blewett MM, Suciu RM, Takaya J, Studer S, de la Torre JC, Casanova JL, Cravatt BF, Teijaro JR
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Dimethyl Fumarate Disrupts Human Innate Immune Signaling by Targeting the IRAK4-MyD88 Complex

JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 2019 MAY 1; 202(9):2737-2746
Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is a prescribed treatment for multiple sclerosis and has also been used to treat psoriasis. The electro-philicity of DMF suggests that its immunosuppressive activity is related to the covalent modification of cysteine residues in the human proteome. Nonetheless, our understanding of the proteins modified by DMF in human immune cells and the functional consequences of these reactions remains incomplete. In this study, we report that DMF inhibits human plasmacytoid dendritic cell function through a mechanism of action that is independent of the major electrophile sensor NRF2. Using chemical proteomics, we instead identify cysteine 13 of the innate immune kinase IRAK4 as a principal cellular target of DMF. We show that DMF blocks IRAK4-MyD88 interactions and IRAK4-mediated cytokine production in a cysteine 13-dependent manner. Our studies thus identify a proteomic hotspot for DMF action that constitutes a druggable protein-protein interface crucial for initiating innate immune responses.
Abt I, Adamczyk L, Aggarwal R, Aushev V, Behnke O, Behrens U, Bertolin A, Bloch I, Brock I, Brook NH, Brugnera R, Bruni A, Bussey PJ, Caldwell A, Capua M, Catterall CD, Chwastowski J, Ciborowski J, Ciesielski R, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Corradi M, Dementiev RK, Dusini S, Ferrando J, Foster B, Gallo E, Gangadharan D, Garfagnini A, Geiser A, Gladilin LK, Golubkov YA, Grzelak G, Gwenlan C, Hochman D, Jomhari NZ, Kadenko I, Kananov S, Karshon U, Kaur P, Klanner R, Klein U, Korzhavina IA, Kovalchuk N, Kowalski H, Kuprash O, Kuze M, Levchenko BB, Levy A, Lohr B, Lohrmann E, Longhin A, Lukina OY, Makarenko I, Malka J, Masciocchi S, Nagano K, Nam JD, Onderwaater J, Onishchuk Y, Paul E, Pidhurskyi I, Polini A, Przybycien M, Quintero A, Ruspa M, Saxon DH, Schneekloth U, Schorner-Sadenius T, Selyuzhenkov I, Shchedrolosiev M, Shcheglova LM, Shkola O, Skillicorn IO, Slominski W, Solano A, Stanco L, Stefaniuk N, Stopa P, Surrow B, Sztuk-Dambietz J, Tassi E, Tokushuku K, Turcato M, Turkot O, Tymieniecka T, Verbytskyi A, Abdullah WATW, Wichmann K, Wing M, Yamada S, Yamazaki Y, Zarnecki AF, Zawiejski L, Zenaiev O
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Charm production in charged current deep inelastic scattering at HERA

JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2019 MAY 29; ?(5):? Article 201
Charm production in charged current deep inelastic scattering has been measured for the first time in e(+/-)p collisions, using data collected with the ZEUS detector at HERA, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 358 pb(-1). Results are presented separately for e(+)p and e(-)p scattering at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 318 GeV within a kinematic phase-space region of 200 GeV2 < Q(2) < 60000 GeV2 and y < 0.9, where Q(2) is the squared four-momentum transfer and y is the inelasticity. The measured cross sections of electroweak charm production are consistent with expectations from the Standard Model within the large statistical uncertainties.
McCarthy MW, de Asua DR, Gabbay E, Christos PJ, Fins JJ
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Frequency of Ethical Issues on a Hospitalist Teaching Service at an Urban, Tertiary Care Center

Little is known about the daily ethical conflicts encountered by hospitalists that do not prompt a formal clinical ethics consultation. We describe the frequencies of ethical issues identified during daily rounds on hospitalist teaching services at a metropolitan, tertiary-care, teaching hospital. Data were collected from September 2017 through May 2018 by two attending hospitalists from the ethics committee who were embedded on rounds. A total of 270 patients were evaluated and 113 ethical issues were identified in 77 of those patients. These issues most frequently involved discussions about goals of care, treatment refusals, decision-making capacity, discharge planning, cardiopulmonary resuscitation status, and pain management. Only five formal consults were brought to the Hospital Ethics Committee for these 270 patients. Our data are the first prospective description of ethical issues arising on academic hospitalist teaching services and are an important step in the development of a targeted ethics curriculum for hospitalists. (C) 2019 Society of Hospital Medicine
Dennis EJ, Goldman OV, Vosshall LB
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Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Use Their Legs to Sense DEET on Contact

CURRENT BIOLOGY 2019 MAY 6; 29(9):1551-1556.e5
DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is the most effective and widely used insect repellent, but its mechanism of action is both complex and controversial [1]. DEET acts on insect smell [2-6] and taste [7-11], and its olfactory mode of action requires the odorant coreceptor orco [2, 3, 6]. We previously observed that orco mutant female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are strongly attracted to humans even in the presence of DEET, but they are rapidly repelled after contacting DEET-treated skin [6]. DEET inhibits food ingestion by Drosophila melanogaster flies, and this repellency is mediated by bitter taste neurons in the proboscis [9]. Similar neurons were identified in the mosquito proboscis, leading to the hypothesis that DEET repels on contact by activating an aversive bitter taste pathway [10]. To understand the basis of DEET contact chemorepellency, we carried out behavioral experiments and discovered that DEET acts by three distinct mechanisms: smell, ingestion, and contact. Like bitter tastants, DEET is a feeding deterrent when ingested, but its bitterness per se does not fully explain DEET contact chemorepellency. Mosquitoes blood fed on human arms treated with high concentrations of bitters, but rapidly avoided DEET-treated skin and did not blood feed. Insects detect tastants both through their proboscis and legs. We show that DEET contact chemorepellency is mediated exclusively by the tarsal segments of the legs and not the proboscis. This work establishes mosquito legs as the behaviorally relevant contact sensors of DEET. These results will inform the search for molecular mechanisms mediating DEET contact chemorepellency and novel contact-based insect repellents.