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Demas J, Rishoj L, Liu X, Prabhakar G, Ramachandran S
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Intermodal group-velocity engineering for broadband nonlinear optics

Interest in the nonlinear properties of multi-mode optical waveguides has seen a recent resurgence on account of the large dimensionality afforded by the platform. The large volume of modes in these waveguides provides a new spatial degree of freedom for phase matching nonlinear optical processes. However, this spatial dimension is quantized, which narrows the conversion bandwidths of intermodal processes and constrains spectral and temporal tailoring of the light. Here we show that by engineering the relative group velocity within the spatial dimension, we can tailor the phase-matching bandwidth of intermodal parametric nonlinearities. We demonstrate group-velocity-tailored parametric nonlinear mixing between higher-order modes in a multi-mode fiber with gain bandwidths that are more than an order of magnitude larger than that previously thought possible for intermodal four-wave mixing. As evidence of the technological utility of this methodology, we seed this process to generate the first high-peak-power wavelength-tunable all-fiber quasi-CW laser in the Ti:sapphire wavelength regime. More generally, with the combination of intermodal interactions, which dramatically expand the phase-matching degrees of freedom for nonlinear optics, and intermodal group-velocity engineering, which enables tailoring of the bandwidth of such interactions, we showcase a platform for nonlinear optics that can be broadband while being wavelength agnostic. (C) 2018 Chinese Laser Press
Liu N, Song JH, Xie YY, Wang XL, Rong BW, Man N, Zhang MM, Zhang QL, Gao FF, Du MR, Zhang Y, Shen J, Xu CH, Hu CL, Wu JC, Liu P, Zhang YL, Xie YY, Huang JY, Huang QH, Lan F, Shen SH, Nimer SD, Chen Z, Chen SJ, Roeder RG, Wang L, Sun XJ
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Different roles of E proteins in t(8;21) leukemia: E2-2 compromises the function of AETFC and negatively regulates leukemogenesis

The AML1-ETO fusion protein, generated by the t(8;21) chromosomal translocation, is causally involved in nearly 20% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cases. In leukemic cells, AML1-ETO resides in and functions through a stable protein complex, AML1-ETO-containing transcription factor complex (AETFC), that contains multiple transcription (co)factors. Among these AETFC components, HEB and E2A, two members of the ubiquitously expressed E proteins, directly interact with AML1-ETO, confer new DNA-binding capacity to AETFC, and are essential for leukemogenesis. However, the third E protein, E2-2, is specifically silenced in AML1-ETO-expressing leukemic cells, suggesting E2-2 as a negative factor of leukemogenesis. Indeed, ectopic expression of E2-2 selectively inhibits the growth of AML1-ETO-expressing leukemic cells, and this inhibition requires the bHLH DNA-binding domain. RNA-seq and ChIP-seq analyses reveal that, despite some overlap, the three E proteins differentially regulate many target genes. In particular, studies show that E2-2 both redistributes AETFC to, and activates, some genes associated with dendritic cell differentiation and represses MYC target genes. In AML patients, the expression of E2-2 is relatively lower in the t(8; 21) subtype, and an E2-2 target gene, THPO, is identified as a potential predictor of relapse. In a mouse model of human t(8; 21) leukemia, E2-2 suppression accelerates leukemogenesis. Taken together, these results reveal that, in contrast to HEB and E2A, which facilitate AML1-ETO-mediated leukemogenesis, E2-2 compromises the function of AETFC and negatively regulates leukemogenesis. The three E proteins thus define a heterogeneity of AETFC, which improves our understanding of the precise mechanism of leukemogenesis and assists development of diagnostic/therapeutic strategies.
Tanoue T, Morita S, Plichta DR, Skelly AN, Suda W, Sugiura Y, Narushima S, Vlamakis H, Motoo I, Sugita K, Shiota A, Takeshita K, Yasuma-Mitobe K, Riethmacher D, Kaisho T, Norman JM, Mucida D, Suematsu M, Yaguchi T, Bucci V, Inoue T, Kawakami Y, Olle B, Roberts B, Hattori M, Xavier RJ, Atarashi K, Honda K
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A defined commensal consortium elicits CD8 T cells and anti-cancer immunity

NATURE 2019 JAN 31; 565(7741):600-605
There is a growing appreciation for the importance of the gut microbiota as a therapeutic target in various diseases. However, there are only a handful of known commensal strains that can potentially be used to manipulate host physiological functions. Here we isolate a consortium of 11 bacterial strains from healthy human donor faeces that is capable of robustly inducing interferon-gamma-producing CD8 T cells in the intestine. These 11 strains act together to mediate the induction without causing inflammation in a manner that is dependent on CD103(+) dendritic cells and major histocompatibility (MHC) class Ia molecules. Colonization of mice with the 11-strain mixture enhances both host resistance against Listeria monocytogenes infection and the therapeutic efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in syngeneic tumour models. The 11 strains primarily represent rare, low-abundance components of the human microbiome, and thus have great potential as broadly effective biotherapeutics.
Bayraktar EC, Baudrier L, Ozerdem C, Lewis CA, Chan SH, Kunchok T, Abu-Remaileh M, Cangelosi AL, Sabatini DM, Birsoy K, Chen WW
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MITO-Tag Mice enable rapid isolation and multimodal profiling of mitochondria from specific cell types in vivo

Mitochondria are metabolic organelles that are essential for mammalian life, but the dynamics of mitochondrial metabolism within mammalian tissues in vivo remains incompletely understood. While whole-tissue metabolite profiling has been useful for studying metabolism in vivo, such an approach lacks resolution at the cellular and subcellular level. In vivo methods for interrogating organellar metabolites in specific cell types within mammalian tissues have been limited. To address this, we built on prior work in which we exploited a mitochondrially localized 3XHA epitope tag (MITO-Tag) for the fast isolation of mitochondria from cultured cells to generate MITO-Tag Mice. Affording spatiotemporal control over MITO-Tag expression, these transgenic animals enable the rapid, cell-type-specific immunoisolation of mitochondria from tissues, which we verified using a combination of proteomic and metabolomic approaches. Using MITOTag Mice and targeted and untargeted metabolite profiling, we identified changes during fasted and refed conditions in a diverse array of mitochondrial metabolites in hepatocytes and found metabolites that behaved differently at the mitochondrial versus wholetissue level. MITO-Tag Mice should have utility for studying mitochondrial physiology, and our strategy should be generally applicable for studying other mammalian organelles in specific cell types in vivo.
Braffman NR, Piscotta FJ, Hauver J, Campbell EA, Link AJ, Darst SA
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Structural mechanism of transcription inhibition by lasso peptides microcin J25 and capistruin

We report crystal structures of the antibacterial lasso peptides microcin J25 (MccJ25) and capistruin (Cap) bound to their natural enzymatic target, the bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP). Both peptides bind within the RNAP secondary channel, through which NTP substrates enter the RNAP active site, and sterically block trigger-loop folding, which is essential for efficient catalysis by the RNAP. MccJ25 binds deep within the secondary channel in a manner expected to interfere with NTP substrate binding, explaining the partial competitive mechanism of inhibition with respect to NTPs found previously [Mukhopadhyay J, Sineva E, Knight J, Levy RM, Ebright RH (2004) Mol Cell 14:739-751]. The Cap binding determinant on RNAP overlaps, but is not identical to, that of MccJ25. Cap binds further from the RNAP active site and does not sterically interfere with NTP binding, and we show that Cap inhibition is partially noncompetitive with respect to NTPs. This work lays the groundwork for structure determination of other lasso peptides that target the bacterial RNAP and provides a structural foundation to guide lasso peptide antimicrobial engineering approaches.
Robakis TK, Watson-Lin K, Wroolie TE, Myoraku A, Nasca C, Bigio B, McEwen B, Rasgon NL
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Early life adversity blunts responses to pioglitazone in depressed, overweight adults

Purpose: Early life adversity is associated with both metabolic impairment and depression in adulthood, as well as with poorer responses to antidepressant medications. It is not yet known whether individual differences in sensitivity to antidiabetic medications could also be related to early life adversity. We examined whether a history of early life adversity affected the observed changes in metabolic function and depressive symptoms in a randomized trial of pioglitazone for augmentation of standard treatments for depression. Purpose: Early life adversity is associated with both metabolic impairment and depression in adulthood, as well as with poorer responses to antidepressant medications. It is not yet known whether individual differences in sensitivity to antidiabetic medications could also be related to early life adversity. We examined whether a history of early life adversity affected the observed changes in metabolic function and depressive symptoms in a randomized trial of pioglitazone for augmentation of standard treatments for depression. Findings: We found that early life adversity significantly impaired the metabolic response to pioglitazone. Effects on depressive symptoms did not reach significance, but nonetheless suggested that pioglitazone could mitigate the depressant effects of childhood adversity, only among those insulin resistant at baseline. Conclusions: We conclude that a history of early life adversity may impair the body's ability to respond to insulin sensitizing pharmacotherapy, and furthermore that its contribution to resistant depression may function in part via the generation of an insulin resistant phenotype. (c) 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Yin L, Ren HC, Hou DF
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Holographic magnetic susceptibility

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2019 JAN 8; 99(2):? Article 026006
The (2 + 1)-dimensional static magnetic susceptibility in strong-coupling is studied via a Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS geometry. The analyticity of the susceptibility on the complex momentum q-plane in relation to the Friedel-like oscillation in coordinate space is explored. In contrast to the branch-cuts crossing the real momentum-axis for a Fermi liquid, we prove that the holographic magnetic susceptibility remains an analytic function of the complex momentum around the real axis in the limit of zero temperature. At zero temperature, we located analytically two pairs of branch-cuts that are parallel to the imaginary momentum-axis for large dim q hut become warped with the endpoints keeping away from the real and imaginary momentum-axes. We conclude that these branch-cuts give rise to the exponential decay behaviour of Friedel-like oscillation of magnetic susceptibility in coordinate space. We also derived the analytical forms of the susceptibility in large and small-momentum, respectively.
Pressl C, Brandner P, Schaffelhofer S, Blackmon K, Dugan P, Holmes M, Thesen T, Kuzniecky R, Devinsky O, Freiwald WA
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Resting state functional connectivity patterns associated with pharmacological treatment resistance in temporal lobe epilepsy

EPILEPSY RESEARCH 2019 JAN; 149(?):37-43
There are no functional imaging based biomarkers for pharmacological treatment response in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). In this study, we investigated whether there is an association between resting state functional brain connectivity (RsFC) and seizure control in TLE. We screened a large database containing resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (Rs-fMRI) data from 286 epilepsy patients. Patient medical records were screened for seizure characterization, EEG reports for lateralization and location of seizure foci to establish uniformity of seizure localization within patient groups. Rs-fMRI data from patients with well-controlled left TLE, patients with treatment-resistant left TLE, and healthy controls were analyzed. Healthy controls and cTLE showed similar functional connectivity patterns, whereas trTLE exhibited a significant bilateral decrease in thalamo-hippocampal functional connectivity. This work is the first to demonstrate differences in neural network connectivity between well-controlled and treatment-resistant TLE. These differences are spatially highly focused and suggest sites for the etiology and possibly treatment of TLE. Altered thalamo-hippocampal RsFC thus is a potential new biomarker for TLE treatment resistance.
Friedman DN
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Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome in Survivors of Childhood Cancer

Endocrine complications, including diabetes and metabolic syndrome, are
Kim J, Lee J, Gonzalez J, Fuentes-Duculan J, Garcet S, Krueger JG
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Proportion of CD4(+)CD49b(+)LAG-3(+) Type 1 Regulatory T Cells in the Blood of Psoriasis Patients Inversely Correlates with Psoriasis Area and Severity Index