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Barandun J, Hunziker M, Klinge S
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Assembly and structure of the SSU processome - a nucleolar precursor of the small ribosomal subunit

The small subunit processome is the first precursor of the small eukaryotic ribosomal subunit. During its assembly in the nucleolus, many ribosome biogenesis factors, an RNA chaperone, and ribosomal proteins associate with the nascent pre-rRNA. Biochemical studies have elucidated the rRNA-subdomain dependent recruitment of these factors during SSU processome assembly and have been complemented by structural studies of the assembled particle. Ribosome biogenesis factors encapsulate and guide subdomains of preribosomal RNA in distinct compartments. This prevents uncoordinated maturation and enables processing of regions not accessible in the mature subunit. By sequentially reducing conformational freedom, flexible proteins facilitate the incorporation of dynamic subcomplexes into a globular particle. Large rearrangements within the SSU processome are required for compaction into the mature small ribosomal subunit.
Magarinos AM, Schaafsma SM, Pfaff DW
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Impacts of stress on reproductive and social behaviors

Impacts of steroid stress hormones on the brain have provided multiple opportunities for linking specific molecular phenomena to behavioral state. The negative impacts of stress on female reproductive biological processes have been documented thoroughly at the endocrine and behavioral levels. More recently, a '3-hit' theory of autism has identified early stress as one of the hits. The multiple biochemical effects of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) indicated that it would serve as a powerful maternal immune activator. The prenatal exposure to LPS coupled with the other two 'hits% an autism-related mutation and the Y chromosome - - heightened certain autism -like signs in mouse behavior.
Kafkafi N, Agassi J, Chesler EJ, Crabbe JC, Crusio WE, Eilam D, Gerlai R, Goiani I, Gomez-Marin A, Heller R, Iraqi F, Jaljuli I, Karp NA, Morgan H, Nicholson G, Pfaff DW, Richter SH, Stark PB, Stiedl O, Stodden V, Tarantino LM, Tucci V, Valdar W, Williams RW, Wurbel H, Benjamini Y
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Reproducibility and replicability of rodent phenotyping in preclinical studies

The scientific community is increasingly concerned with the proportion of published "discoveries" that are not replicated in subsequent studies. The field of rodent behavioral phenotyping was one of the first to raise this concern, and to relate it to other methodological issues: the complex interaction between genotype and environment; the definitions of behavioral constructs; and the use of laboratory mice and rats as model species for investigating human health and disease mechanisms. In January 2015, researchers from various disciplines gathered at Tel Aviv University to discuss these issues. The general consensus was that the issue is prevalent and of concern, and should be addressed at the statistical, methodological and policy levels, but is not so severe as to call into question the validity and the usefulness of model organisms as a whole. Well-organized community efforts, coupled with improved data and metadata sharing, have a key role in identifying specific problems and promoting effective solutions. Replicability is closely related to validity, may affect generalizability and translation of findings, and has important ethical implications.
Zhou QH, Hui XY, Ying WJ, Hou J, Wang WJ, Liu DR, Wang Y, Yu YH, Wang JY, Sun JQ, Zhang Q, Wang XC
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A Cohort of 169 Chronic Granulomatous Disease Patients Exposed to BCG Vaccination: a Retrospective Study from a Single Center in Shanghai, China (2004-2017)

Clinical diagnosis and treatment for chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) have advanced greatly in recent years. However, CGD patients in China have unique clinical features and infection spectrums, which are challenging to their caretakers. Here, we summarized the clinical characteristics, genetic features, treatment, and prognosis of CGD in a single center in Shanghai. One hundred sixty-nine CGD patients were recruited between January 2004 and May 2017 based on clinical diagnosis. Electronic medical charts were reviewed to collect clinical data. Among the 169 patients recruited, CYBB mutations were identified in 150 cases, whereas CYBA mutations were identified in 7 cases, NCF1 in 5, and NCF2 in 7. The medium age at onset was 1 month (interquartile range 1-3). The medium age at diagnosis was 8 months (interquartile range 3-19). The most common infection sites were the lung (95.9%), lymph node (58.5%), skin (45.4%), intestinal (43.1%), and perianal (38.5%). Bacillus Calmette-Gu,rin (BCG) infections were common (59.2%). In addition, other non-infectious complications were also common, including anemia (55.4%) and impaired liver functions (34.6%). Thirty-one patients received stem cell transplantation. By the end of this study, 83/131 patients survived. Similar to other non-consanguineous populations, X-linked CGD accounted for the majority of the cases in China. However, BCG infections were a clinical challenge unique to China. In addition, severe infections were the major cause of death and the overall mortality was still high in China.
Hegele RA
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Masini D, Bonito-Oliva A, Bertho M, Fisone G
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Inhibition of mTORC1 Signaling Reverts Cognitive and Affective Deficits in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease

FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2018 APR 9; 9(?):? Article 208
Non-motor symptoms, including cognitive deficits and affective disorders, are frequently diagnosed in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and are only partially alleviated by dopamine replacement therapy. Here, we used a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) mouse model of PD to examine the effects exerted on non-motor symptoms by inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which is involved in the control of protein synthesis, cell growth, and metabolism. We show that rapamycin, which acts as an allosteric inhibitor of mTORC1, counteracts the impairment of novel object recognition. A similar effect is produced by PF-4708671, an inhibitor of the downstream target of mTORC1, ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K). Rapamycin is also able to reduce depression-like behavior in PD mice, as indicated by decreased immobility in the forced swim test. Moreover, rapamycin exerts anxiolytic effects, thereby reducing thigmotaxis in the open field and increasing exploration of the open arm in the elevated plus maze. In contrast to rapamycin, administration of PF-4708671 to PD mice does not counteract depression- and anxiety-like behaviors. Altogether, these results identify mTORC1 as a target for the development of drugs that, in combination with standard antiparkinsonian agents, may widen the efficacy of current therapies for the cognitive and affective symptoms of PD.
Zhou Y, Crowley R, Prisinzano T, Kreek MJ
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Effects of mesyl salvinorin B alone and in combination with naltrexone on alcohol deprivation effect in male and female mice

NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 2018 APR 23; 673(?):19-23
Alcohol relapse plays a major role in alcohol dependence and is an important focus for the treatment of alcoholism. The alcohol deprivation effect (ADE) is a widely used paradigm in rodents to model the relapse episodes that occur in human alcoholics. Mesyl Salvinorin B (MSB) is a potent and selective kappa opioid receptor (KOP-r) full agonist, with fewer side effects (e.g., sedation or anhedonia) than classic KOP-r full agonists and a longer duration of action in mice than the structurally similar salvinorin A. We have recently found that MSB prevents cocaine seeking in a rat self-administration model and reduces excessive alcohol drinking in a mouse escalation model via a KOP-r-mediated mechanism. Here, we further investigated whether MSB alone (0.3-3 mg/kg) or in combination with naltrexone (mu-opioid receptor antagonist at 1 mg/kg) altered alcohol "relapse" drinking using a mouse ADE paradigm. Both male and female mice, exposed to 3-week intermittent access alcohol drinking in a two-bottle choice paradigm with 24-h access every other day, developed excessive alcohol intake and then displayed pronounced ADE after 1-week abstinence. Acute administration of MSB prevented the ADE at 3 mg/kg in both male and female mice. Upon investigation of potential synergistic effects between naltrexone and MSB, we found that acute administration of a combination of MSB (0.3 mg/kg) and naltrexone (1 mg/kg) reduced the ADE at doses lower than those individual effective doses, with no sex difference. Our study suggests that the KOP-r full agonist MSB both alone and in combination with naltrexone shows potential in alcohol "relapse" treatment models.
Guttman-Yassky E, Krueger JG, Lebwohl MG
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Systemic immune mechanisms in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis with implications for treatment

Atopic dermatitis (AD) and psoriasis are inflammatory skin diseases that negatively affect patients' quality of life. Although distinctions exist between these diseases, both are characterized by erythematous, thickened epidermal lesions that vary in intensity and affected body surface area. Early models of aetiology attributed symptoms of both diseases to cutaneous inflammation at lesion sites, but recent studies have established that activated immune mediators in the circulation drive disease severity. Activation of T helper 2 (Th2) and Th22 cells in the circulation appears to be the principal initiator of acute AD pathology, with the emergence of Th1 and Th17/interleukin (IL)-23 pathway activation marking the transition to a chronic state. The Th17/IL-23 pathway also has an important role in psoriasis. The role of systemic inflammation in AD and psoriasis is supported by the occurrence of non-cutaneous comorbidities that affect patients, most of which intensify morbidity and disability associated with lesional skin. Atopic dermatitis is associated with allergic disorders consisting of the atopic march, whereas psoriasis is frequently accompanied by psoriatic arthritis. Patients with both disorders are at significantly higher risk of obesity, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular diseases, all of which feature inflammatory components in their pathology models. These insights have led to novel therapeutics aimed at addressing psoriasis by targeting tumor necrosis factor- and Th17-related cytokine pathways. The success of these agents in psoriasis management is driving new therapeutic approaches for moderate-to-severe AD, including agents targeting the Th2 and Th17/Th22 cytokine pathways.
McEwen BS
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Redefining neuroendocrinology: Epigenetics of brain-body communication over the life course

The brain is the central organ of stress and adaptation to stress that perceives and determines what is threatening, as well as the behavioral and physiological responses to the stressor, and it does so somewhat differently in males and females. The expression of steroid hormone receptors throughout the brain has broadened the definition of `neuroendocrinology' to include the reciprocal communication between the entire brain and body via hormonal and neural pathways. Mediated in part via systemic hormonal influences, the adult and developing brain possess remarkable structural and functional plasticity in response to stress, including neuronal replacement, dendritic remodeling, and synapse turnover. This article is both an account of an emerging field elucidating brain-body interactions at multiple levels, from molecules to social organization, as well as a personal account of my laboratory's role and, most importantly, the roles of trainees and colleagues, along with my involvement in interdisciplinary groups working on this topic.
Jin J, Agne S, Bourgoin JP, Zhang YB, Lutkenhaus N, Jennewein T
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Demonstration of analyzers for multimode photonic time-bin qubits

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2018 APR 19; 97(4):? Article 043847
We demonstrate two approaches for unbalanced interferometers as time-bin qubit analyzers for quantum communication, robust against mode distortions and polarization effects as expected from free-space quantum communication systems including wavefront deformations, path fluctuations, pointing errors, and optical elements. Despite strong spatial and temporal distortions of the optical mode of a time-bin qubit, entangled with a separate polarization qubit, we verify entanglement using the Negative Partial Transpose, with the measured visibility of up to 0.85 +/- 0.01. The robustness of the analyzers is further demonstrated for various angles of incidence up to 0.2 degrees. The output of the interferometers is coupled into multimode fiber yielding a high system throughput of 0.74. Therefore, these analyzers are suitable and efficient for quantum communication over multimode optical channels.