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Nishi A, Matamales M, Musante V, Valjent E, Kuroiwa M, Kitahara Y, Rebholz H, Greengard P, Girault JA, Nairn AC
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Glutamate Counteracts Dopamine/PKA Signaling via Dephosphorylation of DARPP-32 Ser-97 and Alteration of Its Cytonuclear Distribution

The interaction of glutamate and dopamine in the striatum is heavily dependent on signaling pathways that converge on the regulatory protein DARPP-32. The efficacy of dopamine/D1 receptor/PKA signaling is regulated by DARPP-32 phosphorylated at Thr-34 (the PKA site), a process that inhibits protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and potentiates PKA action. Activation of dopamine/D1receptor/PKA signaling also leads to dephosphorylation of DARPP-32 at Ser-97 (the CK2 site), leading to localization of phospho-Thr-34 DARPP-32 in the nucleus where it also inhibits PP1. In this study the role of glutamate in the regulation of DARPP-32 phosphorylation at four major sites was further investigated. Experiments using striatal slices revealed that glutamate decreased the phosphorylation states of DARPP-32 at Ser-97 as well as Thr-34, Thr-75, and Ser-130 by activating NMDA or AMPA receptors in both direct and indirect pathway striatal neurons. The effect of glutamate in decreasing Ser-97 phosphorylation was mediated by activation of PP2A. In vitro phosphatase assays indicated that the PP2A/PR72 heterotrimer complex was likely responsible for glutamate/Ca2+-regulated dephosphorylation of DARPP-32 at Ser-97. As a consequence of Ser-97 dephosphorylation, glutamate induced the nuclear localization in cultured striatal neurons of dephospho-Thr-34/dephospho-Ser-97 DARPP-32. It also reduced PKA-dependent DARPP-32 signaling in slices and in vivo. Taken together, the results suggest that by inducing dephosphorylation of DARPP-32 at Ser-97 and altering its cytonuclear distribution, glutamate may counteract dopamine/D1 receptor/PKA signaling at multiple cellular levels.
Barad DH, Kushnir VA, Gleicher N
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Focus on recurrent miscarriage phenotypes

Khattri S, Brunner PM, Garcet S, Finney R, Cohen SR, Oliva M, Dutt R, Fuentes-Duculan J, Zheng XZ, Li X, Bonifacio KM, Kunjravia N, Coats I, Cueto I, Gilleaudeau P, Sullivan-Whalen M, Suarez-Farinas M, Krueger JG, Guttman-Yassky E
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Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab treatment in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common inflammatory skin disease, but treatment options for moderate-to-severe disease are limited. Ustekinumab is an IL-12/IL-23p40 antagonist that suppresses Th1, Th17 and Th22 activation, commonly used for psoriasis patients. We sought to assess efficacy and safety of ustekinumab in patients with moderate-to-severe AD. In this phase II, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 33 patients with moderate-to-severe AD were randomly assigned to either ustekinumab (n=16) or placebo (n=17), with subsequent crossover at 16 weeks, and last dose at 32 weeks. Background therapy with mild topical steroids was allowed to promote retention. Study endpoints included clinical (SCORAD50) and biopsy-based measures of tissue structure and inflammation, using protein and gene expression studies. The ustekinumab group achieved higher SCORAD50 responses at 12, 16 ( the primary endpoint) and 20 weeks compared to placebo, but the difference between groups was not significant. The AD molecular profile/transcriptome showed early robust gene modulation, with sustained further improvements until 32 weeks in the initial ustekinumab group. Distinct and more robust modulation of Th1, Th17 and Th22 but also Th2-related AD genes was seen after 4 weeks of ustekinumab treatment (i.e. MMP12, IL-22, IL-13, IFN-gamma, elafin/PI3, CXCL1 and CCL17; P<. 05). Epidermal responses (K16, terminal differentiation) showed faster (4 weeks) and long-term regulation (32 weeks) from baseline in the ustekinumab group. No severe adverse events were observed. Ustekinumab had clear clinical and molecular effects, but clinical outcomes might have been obscured by a profound "placebo" effect, most likely due to background topical glucocorticosteroids and possibly insufficient dosing for AD.
Park E, Ampbell EBC, MacKinnon R
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Structure of a CLC chloride ion channel by cryo-electron microscopy

NATURE 2017 JAN 26; 541(7638):500-505
CLC proteins transport chloride (Cl-) ions across cellular membranes to regulate muscle excitability, electrolyte movement across epithelia, and acidification of intracellular organelles. Some CLC proteins are channels that conduct Cl- ions passively, whereas others are secondary active transporters that exchange two Cl- ions for one H+. The structural basis underlying these distinctive transport mechanisms is puzzling because CLC channels and transporters are expected to share the same architecture on the basis of sequence homology. Here we determined the structure of a bovine CLC channel (CLC-K) using cryo-electron microscopy. A conserved loop in the Cl- transport pathway shows a structure markedly different from that of CLC transporters. Consequently, the cytosolic constriction for Cl- passage is widened in CLC-K such that the kinetic barrier previously postulated for Cl-/H+ transporter function would be reduced. Thus, reduction of a kinetic barrier in CLC channels enables fast flow of Cl- down its electrochemical gradient.
Zhou J, Kaiser A, Ng C, Karcher R, McConnell T, Paczkowski P, Fernandez C, Zhang M, Mackay S, Tsuji M
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CD8+T-cell mediated anti-malaria protection induced by malaria vaccines; assessment of hepatic CD8+T cells by SCBC assay

Malaria is a severe infectious disease with relatively high mortality, thus having been a scourge of humanity. There are a few candidate malaria vaccines that have shown a protective efficacy in humans against malaria. One of the candidate human malaria vaccines, which is based on human malaria sporozoites and called PfSPZ Vaccine, has been shown to protect a significant proportion of vaccine recipients from getting malaria. PfSPZ Vaccine elicits a potent response of hepatic CD8+ T cells that are specific for malaria antigens in non-human primates. To further characterize hepatic CD8+ T cells induced by the sporozoite-based malaria vaccine in a mouse model, we have used a cutting-edge Single-cell Barcode (SCBC) assay, a recently emerged approach/method for investigating the nature of T-cells responses during infection or cancer. Using the SCBC technology, we have identified a population of hepatic CD8+ T cells that are polyfunctional at a single cell level only in a group of vaccinated mice upon malaria challenge. The cytokines/chemokines secreted by these polyfunctional CD8+ T-cell subsets include MIP-1 alpha, RANTES, IFN-gamma, and/or IL-17A, which have shown to be associated with protective T-cell responses against certain pathogens. Therefore, a successful induction of such polyfunctional hepatic CD8+ T cells may be a key to the development of effective human malaria vaccine. In addition, the SCBC technology could provide a new level of diagnostic that will allow for a more accurate determination of vaccine efficacy.
Lee CH, MacKinnon R
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Structures of the Human HCN1 Hyperpolarization-Activated Channel

CELL 2017 JAN 12; 168(1-2):111-120.e11
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels underlie the control of rhythmic activity in cardiac and neuronal pacemaker cells. In HCN, the polarity of voltage dependence is uniquely reversed. Intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels tune the voltage response, enabling sympathetic nerve stimulation to increase the heart rate. We present cryo-electron microscopy structures of the human HCN channel in the absence and presence of cAMP at 3.5 angstrom resolution. HCN channels contain a K+ channel selectivity filter-forming sequence from which the amino acids create a unique structure that explains Na+ and K+ permeability. The voltage sensor adopts a depolarized conformation, and the pore is closed. An S4 helix of unprecedented length extends into the cytoplasm, contacts the C-linker, and twists the inner helical gate shut. cAMP binding rotates cytoplasmic domains to favor opening of the inner helical gate. These structures advance understanding of ion selectivity, reversed polarity gating, and cAMP regulation in HCN channels.
Brunner PM, Silverberg JI, Guttman-Yassky E, Paller AS, Kabashima K, Amagai M, Luger TA, Deleuran M, Werfel T, Eyerich K, Stingl G
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Increasing Comorbidities Suggest that Atopic Dermatitis Is a Systemic Disorder

Atopic dermatitis comorbidities extend well beyond the march to allergic conditions (food allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and eosinophilic esophagitis), suggesting both cutaneous and systemic immune activation. In reviewing atopic dermatitis comorbidities, Councilors of the International Eczema Council found a strong pattern of immune activation in peripheral blood and the propensity to both skin and systemic infections. Associations with cardiovascular, neuropsychiatric, and malignant diseases were increasingly reported, but confirmation of their link with atopic dermatitis requires longitudinal studies. Given the possibility of atopic dermatitis-related systemic immune activation, future investigations of new interventions should concurrently examine the impact on these comorbidities.
Tao X, Hite RK, MacKinnon R
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Cryo-EM structure of the open high-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel

NATURE 2017 JAN 5; 541(7635):46-51
The Ca2+-activated K+ channel, Slo1, has an unusually large conductance and contains a voltage sensor and multiple chemical sensors. Dual activation by membrane voltage and Ca2+ renders Slo1 central to processes that couple electrical signalling to Ca2+-mediated events such as muscle contraction and neuronal excitability. Here we present the cryoelectron microscopy structure of a full-length Slo1 channel from Aplysia californica in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ at a resolution of 3.5 angstrom. The channel adopts an open conformation. Its voltage-sensor domain adopts a non-domain-swapped attachment to the pore and contacts the cytoplasmic Ca2+-binding domain from a neighbouring subunit. Unique structural features of the Slo1 voltage sensor suggest that it undergoes different conformational changes than other known voltage sensors. The structure reveals the molecular details of three distinct divalent cation-binding sites identified through electrophysiological studies of mutant Slo1 channels.
Rakonjac J, Russel M, Khanum S, Brooke SJ, Rajic M
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Filamentous Phage: Structure and Biology

Ff filamentous phage (fd, M13 and f1) of Escherichia coli have been the workhorse of phage display technology for the past 30 years. Dominance of Ff over other bacteriophage in display technology stems from the titres that are about 100-fold higher than any other known phage, efficacious transformation ensuring large library size and superior stability of the virion at high temperatures, detergents and pH extremes, allowing broad range of biopanning conditions in screening phage display libraries. Due to the excellent understanding of infection and assembly requirements, Ff phage have also been at the core of phage-assisted continual protein evolution strategies (PACE). This chapter will give an overview of the Ff filamentous phage structure and biology, emphasizing those properties of the Ff phage life cycle and virion that are pertinent to phage display applications.
Freund NT, Wang HQ, Scharf L, Nogueira L, Horwitz JA, Bar-On Y, Golijanin J, Sievers SA, Sok D, Cai H, Lorenzi JCC, Halper-Stromberg A, Toth I, Piechocka-Trocha A, Gristick HB, van Gils MJ, Sanders RW, Wang LX, Seaman MS, Burton DR, Gazumyan A, Walker BD, West AP, Bjorkman PJ, Nussenzweig MC
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Coexistence of potent HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies and antibody-sensitive viruses in a viremic controller

SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2017 JAN 18; 9(373):? Article eaal2144
Some HIV-1-infected patients develop broad and potent HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) that when passively transferred to mice or macaques can treat or prevent infection. However, bNAbs typically fail to neutralize coexisting autologous viruses due to antibody-mediated selection against sensitive viral strains. We describe an HIV-1 controller expressing HLA-B57*01 and HLA-B27*05 who maintained low viral loads for 30 years after infection and developed broad and potent serologic activity against HIV-1. Neutralization was attributed to three different bNAbs targeting nonoverlapping sites on the HIV-1 envelope trimer (Env). One of the three, BG18, an antibody directed against the glycan-V3 portion of Env, is the most potent member of this class reported to date and, as revealed by crystallography and electron microscopy, recognizes HIV-1 Env in a manner that is distinct from other bNAbs in this class. Single-genome sequencing of HIV-1 from serum samples obtained over a period of 9 years showed a diverse group of circulating viruses, 88.5% (31 of 35) of which remained sensitive to at least one of the temporally coincident autologous bNAbs and the individual's serum. Thus, bNAb-sensitive strains of HIV-1 coexist with potent neutralizing antibodies that target the virus and may contribute to control in this individual. When administered as a mix, the three bNAbs controlled viremia in HIV-1(YU2)-infected humanized mice. Our finding suggests that combinations of bNAbs may contribute to control of HIV-1 infection.