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Meyts I, Casanova JL
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A human inborn error connects the alpha's

NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 2016 MAY; 17(5):472-474
Patients with XLPDR are found to carry an intronic hypomorphic mutation in the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase-alpha. Patients' cells display low levels of cytoplasmic RNA: DNA hybrids, which increases the expression of interferon-alpha-induced genes, a hallmark of monogenic 'type I interferonopathies'.
Hazen RM, Ausubel JH
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On the nature and significance of rarity in mineralogy

AMERICAN MINERALOGIST 2016 MAY-JUN; 101(5-6):1245-1251
More than half of the >5000 approved mineral species are known from five or fewer localities and thus are rare. Mineralogical rarity arises from different circumstances, but all rare mineral species conform to one or more of four criteria: (1) P-T-Xrange: minerals that form only under highly restricted conditions in pressure-temperature-composition space; (2) Planetary constraints: minerals that incorporate essential elements that are rare or that form at extreme conditions that seldom occur in Earth's near-surface environment; (3) Ephemeral phases: minerals that rapidly break down under ambient conditions; and (4) Collection biases: phases that are difficult to recognize because they lack crystal faces or are microscopic, or minerals that arise in lithological contexts that are difficult to access. Minerals that conform to criterion 1, 2, or 3 are inherently rare, whereas those matching criterion 4 may be much more common than represented by reported occurrences. Rare minerals, though playing minimal roles in Earth's bulk properties and dynamics, are nevertheless of significance for varied reasons. Uncommon minerals are key to understanding the diversity and disparity of Earth's mineralogical environments, for example in the prediction of as yet undescribed minerals. Novel minerals often point to extreme compositional regimes that can arise in Earth's shallow crust and they are thus critical to understanding Earth as a complex evolving system. Many rare minerals have unique crystal structures or reveal the crystal chemical plasticity of well-known structures, as dramatically illustrated by the minerals of boron. Uncommon minerals may have played essential roles in life's origins; conversely, many rare minerals arise only as a consequence, whether direct or indirect, of biological processes. The distribution of rare minerals may thus be a robust biosignature, while these phases individually and collectively exemplify the co-evolution of the geosphere and biosphere. Finally, mineralogical rarities, as with novelty in other natural domains, are inherently fascinating.
Menter MA, Papp KA, Cather J, Leonardi C, Pariser DM, Krueger JG, Wohlrab J, Amaya-Guerra M, Kaszuba A, Nadashkevich O, Tsai TF, Gupta P, Tan HM, Valdez H, Mallbris L, Tatulych S
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Efficacy of Tofacitinib for the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis in Patient Subgroups from Two Randomised Phase 3 Trials

Background: Tofacitinib is a Janus kinase inhibitor being investigated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. We report efficacy of tofacitinib in patient subgroups based on pooled data from two Phase 3 trials (NCT01276639, NCT01309737). Objectives: To assess consistency of treatment effects of tofacitinib versus placebo in subgroups defined by baseline characteristics, and to ascertain whether baseline characteristics are of value in optimizing tofacitinib use. Methods: Pooled data from the two trials were used to evaluate >= 75% reduction in PASI from baseline (PASI75 response) in subgroups defined by age, age at psoriasis onset, gender, race, geographical region, weight, body mass index, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, tobacco/alcohol use, psoriatic arthritis, disease activity, and prior therapy. Results: Week 16 PASI75 response rates (N=1843) were 43%, 59% and 9% with tofacitinib 5 and 10mg twice daily (BID) and placebo, respectively (each P<0.0001 versus placebo). Tofacitinib 5 and 10mg BID were effective regardless of baseline characteristics. Across subgroups, tofacitinib generally produced greater response rates with the 10 versus 5mg BID dosage. Lower absolute response rates were seen in heavier patients and patients with prior biologic experience. Conclusions: Both tofacitinib dosages demonstrated consistent efficacy versus placebo across subgroups. Lower response rates were seen in heavier patients and those with prior biologic experience. Tofacitinib 10mg BID resulted in a substantial proportion of responders regardless of baseline characteristics.
Meredith LS, Eisenman DP, Han B, Green BL, Kaltman S, Wong EC, Sorbero M, Vaughan C, Cassells A, Zatzick D, Diaz C, Hickey S, Kurz JR, Tobin JN
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Impact of Collaborative Care for Underserved Patients with PTSD in Primary Care: a Randomized Controlled Trial

The effectiveness of collaborative care of mental health problems is clear for depression and growing but mixed for anxiety disorders, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We know little about whether collaborative care can be effective in settings that serve low-income patients such as Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). We compared the effectiveness of minimally enhanced usual care (MEU) versus collaborative care for PTSD with a care manager (PCM). This was a multi-site patient randomized controlled trial of PTSD care improvement over 1 year. We recruited and enrolled 404 patients in six FQHCs from June 2010 to October 2012. Patients were eligible if they had a primary care appointment, no obvious physical or cognitive obstacles to participation, were age 18-65 years, planned to continue care at the study location for 1 year, and met criteria for a past month diagnosis of PTSD. The main outcomes were PTSD diagnosis and symptom severity (range, 0-136) based on the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS). Secondary outcomes were medication and counseling for mental health problems, and health-related quality of life assessed at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. Patients in both conditions improved similarly over the 1-year evaluation period. At 12 months, PTSD diagnoses had an absolute decrease of 56.7 % for PCM patients and 60.6 % for MEU patients. PTSD symptoms decreased by 26.8 and 24.2 points, respectively. MEU and PCM patients also did not differ in process of care outcomes or health-related quality of life. Patients who actually engaged in care management had mental health care visits that were 14 % higher (p < 0.01) and mental health medication prescription rates that were 15.2 % higher (p < 0.01) than patients with no engagement. A minimally enhanced usual care intervention was similarly effective as collaborative care for patients in FQHCs.
Abramowicz H, Abt I, Adamczyk L, Adamus M, Antonelli S, Aushev V, Behnke O, Behrens U, Bertolin A, Bhadra S, Bloch I, Boos EG, Brock I, Brook NH, Brugnera R, Bruni A, Bussey PJ, Caldwell A, Capua M, Catterall CD, Chwastowski J, Ciborowski J, Ciesielski R, Cooper-Sarkar AM, Corradi M, Dementiev RK, Devenish RCE, Dusini S, Foster B, Gach G, Gallo E, Garfagnini A, Geiser A, Gizhko A, Gladilin LK, Golubkov YA, Grzelak G, Guzik M, Gwenlan C, Hain W, Hlushchenko O, Hochman D, Hori R, Ibrahim ZA, Iga Y, Ishitsuka M, Januschek F, Jomhari NZ, Kadenko I, Kananov S, Karshon U, Kaur P, Kisielewska D, Klanner R, Klein U, Korzhavina IA, Kotanski A, Kotz U, Kovalchuk N, Kowalski H, Krupa B, Kuprash O, Kuze M, Levchenko BB, Levy A, Limentani S, Lisovyi M, Lobodzinska E, Lohr B, Lohrmann E, Longhin A, Lontkovskyi D, Lukina OY, Makarenko I, Malka J, Mastroberardino A, Idris FM, Nasir NM, Myronenko V, Nagano K, Nobe T, Nowak RJ, Onishchuk Y, Paul E, Perlanski W, Pokrovskiy NS, Polini A, Przybycien M, Roloff P, Ruspa M, Saxon DH, Schioppa M, Schneekloth U, Schorner-Sadenius T, Shcheglova LM, Shevchenko R, Shkola O, Shyrma Y, Singh I, Skillicorn IO, Slominski W, Solano A, Stanco L, Stefaniuk N, Stern A, Stopa P, Sztuk-Dambietz J, Tassi E, Tokushuku K, Tomaszewska J, Tsurugai T, Turcato M, Turkot O, Tymieniecka T, Verbytskyi A, Abdullah WATW, Wichmann K, Wing M, Yamada S, Yamazaki Y, Zakharchuk N, Zarnecki AF, Zawiejski L, Zenaiev O, Zhautykov BO, Zotkin DS
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Combined QCD and electroweak analysis of HERA data

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2016 MAY 3; 93(9):? Article 092002
A simultaneous fit of parton distribution functions (PDFs) and electroweak parameters to HERA data on deep inelastic scattering is presented. The input data are the neutral current and charged current inclusive cross sections which were previously used in the QCD analysis leading to the HERAPDF2.0 PDFs. In addition, the polarization of the electron beam was taken into account for the ZEUS data recorded between 2004 and 2007. Results on the vector and axial-vector couplings of the Z boson to u- and d-type quarks, on the value of the electroweak mixing angle and the mass of the W boson are presented. The values obtained for the electroweak parameters are in agreement with Standard Model predictions.
Khachatryan V, Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Bergauer T, Dragicevic M, Ero J, Friedl M, Fruhwirth R, Ghete VM, Hartl C, Hormann N, Hrubec J, Jeitler M, Kiesenhofer W, Knunz V, Krammer M, Kratschmer I, Liko D, Mikulec I, Rabady D, Rahbaran B, Rohringer H, Schobeck R, Strauss J, Treberer-Treberspurg W, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Mossolov V, Shumeiko N, Gonzalez JS, Alderweireldt S, Bansal S, Cornelis T, De Wolf EA, Janssen X, Knutsson A, Lauwers J, Luyckx S, Ochesanu S, Rougny R, Van De Klundert M, Van Haevermaet H, Van Mechelen R, Van Remortel N, Van Spilbeeck A, Blekman F, Blyweert S, D'Hondt J, Daci N, Heracleous N, Keaveney J, Lowette S, Maes M, Olbrechts A, Python Q, Strom D, Tavernier S, Van Doninck W, Van Mulders R, Van Onsem GP, Villella I, Caillol C, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Dobur D, Favart L, Gay APR, Grebenyuk A, Leonard A, Mohammadi A, Pernie L, Randle-Conde A, Reis T, Seva T, Thomas L, Velde V, Vanlaer R, Wang J, Zenoni F, Adler V, Beernaert K, Benucci L, Cimmino A, Costantini S, Crucy S, Fagot A, Garcia G, Mccartin J, Rios AAO, Poyraz D, Ryckbosch D, Diblen SS, Sigamani M, Strobbe N, Thyssen F, Tytgat M, Yazgan E, Zaganidis N, Basegmez S, Beluffi C, Bruno G, Castello R, Caudron A, Ceard L, Da Silveira GG, Delaere C, du Pree T, Favart D, Forthomme L, Giammanco A, Hollar J, Jafari A, Jez R, Komm M, Lemaitre V, Nuttens C, Pagano D, Perrini L, Pin A, Piotrzkowski K, Popov A, Quertenmont L, Selvaggi M, Marono MV, Garcia JMV, Beliy N, Caebergs T, Daubie E, Hammad GH, Alda WL, Alves GA, Brito L, Martins MC, Martins TDR, Molina J, Herrera CM, Pol ME, Teles RR, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Custodio A, Da Costa EM, Damiao DDJ, Martins CDO, De Souza SF, Malbouisson H, Figueiredo DM, Mundim L, Nogima H, Da Silva WLP, Santaolalla J, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Manganote EJT, Pereira AV, Bernardes CA, Dogra S, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Genchev V, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev R, Marinov A, Piperov S, Rodozov M, Stoykova S, Sultanov G, Vutova M, Dimitrov A, Glushkov I, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov R, Bian JG, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Cheng T, Du R, Jiang CH, Plestina R, Romeo F, Tao J, Wang Z, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Ban Y, Liu S, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Wang D, Xu Z, Zhang L, Zou W, Avila C, Cabrera A, Sierra LFC, Florez C, Gomez JP, Moreno BG, Sanabria JC, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Polic D, Puljak I, Antunovic Z, Kovac M, Brigljevic V, Kadija K, Luetic J, Mekterovic D, Sudic L, Attikis A, Mavromanolakis G, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Bodlak M, Finger M, Finger M, Assran Y, Kamel AE, Mahmoud MA, Radi A, Kadastik M, Murumaa M, Raidal M, Tiko A, Eerola R, Voutilainen M, Harkonen J, Karimaki V, Kinnunen R, Kortelainen MJ, Lampen T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Linden T, Luukka R, Maenpaa T, Peltola T, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Tuovinen E, Wendland L, Talvitie J, Tuuva T, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Fabbro B, Faure JL, Favaro C, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Givernaud A, Gras R, de Monchenault GH, Jarry R, Locci E, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Titov M, Baffioni S, Beaudette F, Busson R, Chapon E, Charlot C, Dahms T, Dalchenko M, Dobrzynski L, Filipovic N, Florent A, de Cassagnac RG, Mastrolorenzo L, Mine R, Naranjo IN, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Ortona G, Paganini R, Regnard S, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Veelken C, Yilmaz Y, Zabi A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Aubin A, Bloch D, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Conte E, Fontaine JC, Gele D, Goerlach U, Goetzmann C, Le Bihan AC, Skovpen K, Van Hove R, Gadrat S, Beauceron S, Beaupere N, Bernet C, Boudou G, Bouvier E, Brochet S, Montoya CAC, Chasserat J, Chierici R, Contardo D, Courbon B, Depasse R, El Mamouni H, Fan J, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Ille B, Kurca T, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Pequegnot AL, Perries S, Alvarez JDR, Sabes D, Sgandurra L, Sordini V, Donckt MV, Verdier R, Viret S, Xiao H, Tsamalaidze Z, Autermann C, Beranek S, Bontenackels M, Edelhoff M, Feld L, Heister A, Klein K, Lipinski M, Ostapchuk A, Preuten M, Raupach F, Sammet J, Schael S, Schulte JF, Weber H, Wittmer B, Zhukov V, Ata M, Brodski M, Dietz-Laursonn E, Duchardt D, Erdmann M, Fischer R, Guth A, Hebbeker T, Heidemann C, Hoepfner K, Klingebiel D, Knutzen S, Kreuzer R, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Millet R, Olschewski M, Padeken K, Papacz R, Reithler H, Schmitz SA, Sonnenschein L, Teyssier D, Thuer S, Cherepanov V, Erdogan Y, Flugge G, Geenen H, Geisler M, Ahmad WH, Hoehle F, Kargoll B, Kress T, Kuessel Y, Kunsken A, Lingemann J, Nowack A, Nugent IM, Pistone C, Pooth O, Stahl A, Martin MA, Asin I, Bartosik N, Behr J, Behrens U, Bell AJ, Bethani A, Borras K, Burgmeier A, Cakir A, Calligaris L, Campbell A, Choudhury S, Costanza F, Pardos CD, Dolinska G, Dooling S, Dorland T, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Eichhorn T, Flucke G, Garcia JG, Geiser A, Gizhko A, Gunnellini R, Hauk J, Hempel M, Jung H, Kalogeropoulos A, Karacheban O, Kasemann M, Katsas R, Kieseler J, Kleinwort C, Korol I, Krucker D, Lange W, Leonard J, Lipka K, Lobanov A, Lohmann W, Lutz B, Mankel R, Marfin I, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Meyer AB, Mittag G, Mnich J, Mussgiller A, Naumann-Emme S, Nayak A, Ntomari E, Perrey H, Pitzl D, Placakyte R, Raspereza A, Cipriano PMR, Roland B, Ron E, Sahin MO, Salfeld-Nebgen J, Saxena R, Schoerner-Sadenius T, Schroder M, Seitz C, Spannagel S, Trevino ADRV, Walsh R, Wissing C, Blobel V, Vignali MC, Draeger AR, Erfle J, Garutti E, Goebel K, Gorner M, Haller J, Hoffmann M, Hoing RS, Junkes A, Kirschenmann H, Klanner R, Kogler R, Lapsien T, Lenz T, Marchesini I, Marconi D, Ott J, Peiffer T, Perieanu A, Pietsch N, Poehlsen J, Poehlsen T, Rathjens D, Sander C, Schettler H, Schleper R, Schlieckau E, Schmidt A, Seidel M, Sola V, Stadie H, Steinbruck G, Troendle D, Usai E, Vanelderen L, Vanhoefer A, Barth C, Baus C, Berger J, Boser C, Butz E, Chwalek T, De Boer W, Descroix A, Dierlamm A, Feindt M, Frensch F, Giffels M, Gilbert A, Hartmann F, Hauth T, Husemann U, Katkov I, Kornmayer A, Pardo RL, Mozer MU, Muller T, Muller T, Nurnberg A, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Rocker S, Simonis HJ, Stober FM, Ulrich R, Wagner-Kuhr J, Wayand S, Weiler T, Wolf R, Anagnostou G, Daskalakis G, Geralis T, Giakoumopoulou VA, Kyriakis A, Loukas D, Markou A, Markou C, Psallidas A, Topsis-Giotis I, Agapitos A, Kesisoglou S, Panagiotou A, Saoulidou N, Stiliaris E, Tziaferi E, Aslanoglou X, Evangelou I, Flouris G, Foudas C, Kokkas R, Manthos N, Papadopoulos I, Paradas E, Strologas J, Bencze G, Hajdu C, Hidas R, Horvath D, Sikler F, Veszpremi V, Vesztergombi G, Zsigmond AJ, Beni N, Czellar S, Karancsi J, Molnar J, Palinkas J, Szillasi Z, Makovec A, Raics R, Trocsanyi ZL, Ujvari B, Swain SK, Beri SB, Bhatnagar V, Gupta R, Bhawandeep U, Kalsi AK, Kaur M, Kumar R, Mittal M, Nishu N, Singh JB, Kumar A, Kumar A, Ahuja S, Bhardwaj A, Choudhary BC, Kumar A, Malhotra S, Naimuddin M, Ranjan K, Sharma V, Banerjee S, Bhattacharya S, Chatterjee K, Dutta S, Gomber B, Jain S, Jain S, Khurana R, Modak A, Mukherjee S, Roy D, Sarkar S, Sharan M, Abdulsalam A, Dutta D, Kumar V, Mohanty AK, Pant LM, Shukla R, Topkar A, Aziz T, Banerjee S, Bhowmik S, Chatterjee RM, Dewanjee RK, Dugad S, Ganguly S, Ghosh S, Guchait M, Gurtu A, Kole G, Kumar S, Maity M, Majumder G, Mazumdar K, Mohanty GB, Parida B, Sudhakar K, Wickramage N, Sharma S, Bakhshiansohi H, Behnamian H, Etesami SM, Fahim A, Goldouzian R, Khakzad M, Najafabadi MM, Naseri M, Mehdiabadi SP, Hosseinabadi FR, Safarzadeh B, Zeinali M, Felcini M, Grunewald M, Abbrescia M, Calabria C, Chhibra SS, Colaleo A, Creanza D, Cristella L, De Filippis N, De Palma M, Fiore L, Laselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, My S, Nuzzo S, Pompili A, Pugliese G, Radogna R, Selvaggi G, Sharma A, Silvestris L, Venditti R, Verwilligen R, Abbiendi G, Benvenuti AC, Bonacorsi D, Braibant-Giacomelli S, Brigliadori L, Campanini R, Capiluppi R, Castro A, Cavallo FR, Codispoti G, Cuffiani M, Dallavalle GM, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fasanella D, Giacomelli R, Grandi C, Guiducci L, Marcellini S, Masetti G, Montanari A, Navarria FL, Perrotta A, Rossi AM, Rovelli T, Siroli GP, Tosi N, Travaglini R, Albergo S, Cappello G, Chiorboli M, Costa S, Giordano F, Potenza R, Tricomi A, Tuve C, Barbagli G, Ciulli V, Civinini C, D'Alessandro R, Focardi E, Gallo E, Gonzi S, Gori V, Lenzi R, Meschini M, Paoletti S, Sguazzoni G, Tropiano A, Benussi L, Bianco S, Fabbri F, Piccolo D, Ferretti R, Ferro F, Lo Vetere M, Robutti E, Tosi S, Dinardo ME, Fiorendi S, Gennai S, Gerosa R, Ghezzi A, Govoni R, Lucchini MT, Malvezzi S, Manzoni RA, Martelli A, Marzocchi B, Menasce D, Moroni L, Paganoni M, Pedrini D, Ragazzi S, Redaelli N, de Fatis TT, Buontempo S, Cavallo N, Di Guida S, Fabozzi F, Iorio AOM, Lista L, Meola S, Merola M, Paolucci R, Azzi P, Bacchetta N, Bisello D, Carlin R, Checchia R, Dall'Osso M, Dorigo T, Gasparini F, Gasparini U, Gozzelino A, Gulmini M, Kanishchev K, Lacaprara S, Margoni M, Meneguzzo AT, Passaseo M, Pazzini J, Pozzobon N, Ronchese R, Simonetto F, Torassa E, Tosi M, Zotto R, Zucchetta A, Zumerle G, Gabusi M, Ratti SP, Re V, Riccardi C, Salvini R, Vitulo R, Biasini M, Bilei GM, Ciangottini D, Fano L, Lariccia R, Mantovani G, Menichelli M, Saha A, Santocchia A, Spiezia A, Androsov K, Azzurri R, Bagliesi G, Bernardini J, Boccali T, Broccolo G, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Dell'Orso R, Donato S, Fedi G, Fiori F, Foa L, Giassi A, Grippo MT, Ligabue F, Lomtadze T, Martini L, Messineo A, Moon CS, Palla F, Rizzi A, Savoy-Navarro A, Serban AT, Spagnolo R, Squillacioti R, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Vernieri C, Barone L, Cavallari F, D'imperio G, Del Re D, Diemoz M, Jorda C, Longo E, Margaroli F, Meridiani R, Micheli F, Organtini G, Paramatti R, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Traczyk R, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bellan R, Biino C, Cartiglia N, Casasso S, Costa M, Covarelli R, Degano A, Demaria N, Finco L, Mariotti C, Maselli S, Migliore E, Monaco V, Musich M, Obertino MM, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Angioni GLP, Potenza A, Romero A, Ruspa M, Sacchi R, Solano A, Staiano A, Tamponi U, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, Della Ricca G, Gobbo B, La Licata C, Marone M, Schizzi A, Umer T, Zanetti A, Chang S, Kropivnitskaya A, Nam SK, Kim DH, Kim GN, Kim MS, Kong DJ, Lee S, Oh YD, Park H, Sakharov A, Son DC, Kim TJ, Ryu MS, Kim JY, Moon DH, Song S, Choi S, Gyun D, Hong B, Jo M, Kim H, Kim Y, Lee B, Lee KS, Park SK, Roh Y, Yoo HD, Choi M, Kim JH, Park IC, Ryu G, Choi Y, Choi YK, Goh J, Kim D, Kwon E, Lee J, Yu I, Juodagalvis A, Komaragiri JR, Ali MABM, Abdullah WATW, Linares EC, Castilla-Valdez H, De la Cruz-Burelo E, Heredia-de La Cruz I, Hernandez-Almada A, Lopez-Fernandez R, Sanchez-Hernandez A, Moreno SC, Valencia FV, Pedraza I, Ibarguen HAS, Pineda AM, Krofcheck D, Butler PH, Reucroft S, Ahmad A, Ahmad M, Hassan Q, Hoorani HR, Khan WA, Khurshid T, Shoaib M, Bialkowska H, Bluj M, Boimska B, Frueboes T, Gorski M, Kazana M, Nawrocki K, Romanowska-Rybinska K, Szleper M, Zalewski R, Brona G, Bunkowski K, Cwiok M, Dominik W, Doroba K, Kalinowski A, Konecki M, Krolikowski J, Misiura M, Olszewski M, Bargassa R, Silva CBDE, Faccioli R, Parracho PGF, Gallinaro M, Iglesias LL, Nguyen F, Antunes JR, Seixas J, Varela J, Vischia R, Gavrilenko M, Golutvin I, Kamenev A, Karjavin V, Konoplyanikov V, Korenkov V, Kozlov G, Laney A, Malakhov A, Matveev V, Mitsyn VV, Moisenz R, Palichik V, Perelygin V, Shmatov S, Smirnov V, Tikhonenko E, Zarubin A, Golovtsov V, Ivanov Y, Kim V, Kuznetsova E, Levchenko R, Murzin V, Oreshkin V, Smirnov I, Sulimov V, Uvarov L, Vavilov S, Vorobyev A, Vorobyev A, Andreev Y, Dermenev A, Gninenko S, Golubev N, Kirsanov M, Krasnikov N, Pashenkov A, Tlisov D, Toropin A, Epshteyn V, Gavrilov V, Lychkovskaya N, Popov V, Pozdnyakov I, Safronov G, Semenov S, Spiridonov A, Stolin V, Vlasov E, Zhokin A, Andreev V, Azarkin M, Dremin I, Kirakosyan M, Leonidov A, Mesyats G, Rusakov SV, Vinogradov A, Belyaev A, Boos E, Dubinin M, Dudko L, Ershov A, Gribushin A, Klyukhin V, Kodolova O, Lokhtin I, Obraztsov S, Petrushanko S, Savrin V, Snigirev A, Azhgirey I, Bayshev I, Bitioukov S, Kachanov V, Kalinin A, Konstantinov D, Krychkine V, Petrov V, Ryutin R, Sobol A, Tourtchanovitch L, Troshin S, Tyurin N, Uzunian A, Volkov A, Adzic R, Ekmedzic M, Milosevic J, Rekovic V, Maestre JA, Battilana C, Calvo E, Cerrada M, Llatas MC, Colino N, De La Cruz B, Peris AD, Vazquez D, Del Valle AE, Bedoya CF, Ramos JPF, Flix J, Fouz MC, Garcia-Abia R, Lopez OL, Lopez SG, Hernandez JM, Josa MI, De Martino EN, Yzquierdo APC, Pelayo JP, Olmeda AQ, Redondo I, Romero L, Soares MS, Albajar C, de Troconiz JF, Missiroli M, Moran D, Brun H, Cuevas J, Menendez JF, Folgueras S, Caballero IG, Cifuentes JAB, Cabrillo IJ, Calderon A, Campderros JD, Fernandez M, Gomez G, Graziano A, Virto AL, Marco J, Marco R, Rivero CM, Matorras F, Sanchez FJM, Gomez JP, Rodrigo T, Rodriguez-Marrero AY, Ruiz-Jimeno A, Scodellaro L, Vila I, Cortabitarte RV, Abbaneo D, Auffray E, Auzinger G, Bachtis M, Baillon R, Ball AH, Barney D, Benaglia A, Bendavid J, Benhabib L, Benitez JF, Bloch R, Bocci A, Bonato A, Bondu O, Botta C, Breuker H, Camporesi T, Cerminara G, Colafranceschi S, D'Alfonso M, d'Enterria D, Dabrowski A, David A, De Guio F, De Roeck A, De Visscher S, Di Marco E, Dobson M, Dordevic M, Dorney B, Dupont-Sagorin N, Elliott-Peisert A, Franzoni G, Funk W, Gigi D, Gill K, Giordano D, Girone M, Glege F, Guida R, Gundacker S, Guthoff M, Hammer J, Hansen M, Harris R, Hegeman J, Innocente V, Janot R, Kousouris K, Krajczar K, Lecoq R, Lourenco C, Magini N, Malgeri L, Mannelli M, Marrouche J, Masetti L, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Moortgat F, Morovic S, Mulders M, Orsini L, Pape L, Perez E, Petrilli A, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pimia M, Piparo D, Plagge M, Racz A, Rolandi G, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Schafer C, Schwick C, Sharma A, Siegrist R, Silva R, Simon M, Sphicas R, Spiga D, Steggemann J, Stieger B, Stoye M, Takahashi Y, Treille D, Tsirou A, Veres GI, Wardle N, Wohri HK, Wollny H, Zeuner WD, Bertl W, Deiters K, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Langenegger U, Renker D, Rohe T, Bachmair F, Bani L, Bianchini L, Buchmann MA, Casal B, Chanon N, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donega M, Dunser M, Eller R, Grab C, Hits D, Hoss J, Kasieczka G, Lustermann W, Mangano B, Marini AC, Marionneau M, del Arbol RMR, Masciovecchio M, Meister D, Mohr N, Musella R, Nageli C, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Pandolfi F, Pauss F, Perrozzi L, Peruzzi M, Quittnat M, Rebane L, Rossini M, Starodumov A, Takahashi M, Theofilatos K, Wallny R, Weber HA, Amsler C, Canelli MF, Chiochia V, De Cosa A, Hinzmann A, Hreus T, Kilminster B, Lange C, Ngadiuba J, Pinna D, Robmann R, Ronga FJ, Taroni S, Yang Y, Cardaci M, Chen KH, Ferro C, Kuo CM, Lin W, Lu YJ, Volpe R, Yu SS, Chang P, Chang YH, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PH, Dietz C, Grundler U, Hou WS, Liu YF, Lu RS, Moya MM, Petrakou E, Tzeng YM, Wilken R, Asavapibhop B, Singh G, Srimanobhas N, Suwonjandee N, Adiguzel A, Bakirci MN, Cerci S, Dozen C, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Girgis S, Gokbulut G, Guler Y, Gurpinar E, Hos I, Kanga EE, Topaksu AK, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Ozturk S, Polatoz A, Cerci DS, Tali B, Topakli H, Vergili M, Zorbilmez C, Akin IV, Bilin B, Bilmis S, Gamsizkan H, Isildak B, Karapinar G, Ocalan K, Sekmen S, Surat UE, Yalvac M, Zeyrek M, Albayrak EA, Gulmez E, Kaya M, Kaya O, Yetkin T, Cankocak K, Vardarli FI, Levchuk L, Sorokin P, Brooke JJ, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Goldstein J, Grimes M, Heath GP, Heath HF, Jacob J, Kreczko L, Lucas C, Meng Z, Newbold DM, Paramesvaran S, Poll A, Sakuma T, El Nasr-storey SS, Senkin S, Smith VJ, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Coughlan JA, Harder K, Harper S, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Thea A, Tomalin IR, Williams T, Womersley WJ, Worm SD, Baber M, Bainbridge R, Buchmuller O, Burton D, Colling D, Cripps N, Dauncey R, Davies G, Della Negra M, Dunne R, Elwood A, Ferguson W, Fulcher J, Futyan D, Hall G, Iles G, Jarvis M, Karapostoli G, Kenzie M, Lane R, Lucas R, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Mathias B, Nash J, Nikitenko A, Pela J, Pesaresi M, Petridis K, Raymond DM, Rogerson S, Rose A, Seez C, Sharp R, Tapper A, Acosta MV, Virdee T, Zenz SC, Cole JE, Hobson PR, Khan A, Kyberd R, Leggat D, Leslie D, Reid ID, Symonds R, Teodorescu L, Turner M, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Kasmi A, Liu H, Pastika N, Scarborough T, Wu Z, Charaf O, Cooper SI, Henderson C, Rumerio P, Avetisyan A, Bose T, Fantasia C, Lawson P, Richardson C, Rohlf J, St John J, Sulak L, Alimena J, Berry E, Bhattacharya S, Christopher G, Cutts D, Demiragli Z, Dhingra N, Ferapontov A, Garabedian A, Heintz U, Laird E, Landsberg G, Mao Z, Narain M, Sagir S, Sinthuprasith T, Speer T, Swanson J, Breedon R, Breto G, Sanchez MCD, Chauhan S, Chertok M, Conway J, Conway R, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Gardner M, Ko W, Lander R, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Pilot J, Ricci-Tam F, Shalhout S, Smith J, Squires M, Stolp D, Tripathi M, Wilbur S, Yohay R, Cousins R, Everaerts R, Farrell C, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Rakness G, Takasugi E, Valuev V, Weber M, Burt K, Clare R, Ellison J, Gary JW, Hanson G, Heilman J, Rikova MI, Jandir P, Kennedy E, Lacroix F, Long OR, Luthra A, Malberti M, Negrete MO, Shrinivas A, Sumowidagdo S, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cerati GB, Cittolin S, D'Agnolo RT, Holzner A, Kelley R, Klein D, Letts J, Macneill I, Olivito D, Padhi S, Palmer C, Pieri M, Sani M, Sharma V, Simon S, Tadel M, Tu Y, Vartak A, Welke C, Wurthwein F, Yagil A, Della Porta GZ, Barge D, Bradmiller-Feld J, Campagnari C, Danielson T, Dishaw A, Dutta V, Flowers K, Sevilla MF, George PGC, Golf F, Gouskos L, Incandela J, Justus C, Mccoll N, Mullin SD, Richman J, Stuart D, To W, West C, Yoo J, Apresyan A, Bornheim A, Bunn J, Chen Y, Duarte J, Mott A, Newman HB, Pena C, Pierini M, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wilkinson R, Xie S, Zhu RY, Azzolini V, Calamba A, Carlson B, Ferguson T, Iiyama Y, Paulini M, Russ J, Vogel H, Vorobiev I, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Gaz A, Krohn M, Lopez EL, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Stenson K, Wagner SR, Alexander J, Chatterjee A, Chaves J, Chu J, Dittmer S, Eggert N, Mirman N, Kaufman GN, Patterson JR, Ryd A, Salvati E, Skinnari L, Sun W, Teo WD, Thom J, Thompson J, Tucker J, Weng Y, Winstrom L, Wittich P, Winn D, Abdullin S, Albrow M, Anderson J, Apollinari G, Bauerdick LAT, Beretvas A, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Bolla G, Burkett K, Butler JN, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cihangir S, Elvira VD, Fisk I, Freeman J, Gottschalk E, Gray L, Green D, Grunendahl S, Gutsche O, Hanlon J, Hare D, Harris RM, Hirschauer J, Hooberman B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Klima B, Kreis B, Kwan S, Linacre J, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, De Sa RL, Lykken J, Maeshima K, Marraffino JM, Outschoorn VIM, Maruyama S, Mason D, McBride R, Merkel R, Mishra K, Mrenna S, Nahn S, Newman-Holmes C, O'Dell V, Prokofyev O, Sexton-Kennedy E, Soha A, Spalding WJ, Spiegel L, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Vidal R, Whitbeck A, Whitmore J, Yang F, Acosta D, Avery P, Bortignon P, Bourilkov D, Carver M, Curry D, Das S, De Gruttola M, Di Giovanni GP, Field RD, Fisher M, Furic IK, Hugon J, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Kypreos T, Low JF, Matchev K, Mei H, Milenovic P, Mitselmakher G, Muniz L, Rinkevicius A, Shchutska L, Snowball M, Sperka D, Yelton J, Zakaria M, Hewamanage S, Linn S, Markowitz R, Martinez G, Rodriguez JL, Adams JR, Adams T, Askew A, Bochenek J, Diamond B, Haas J, Hagopian S, Hagopian V, Johnson KF, Prosper H, Veeraraghavan V, Weinberg M, Baarmand MM, Hohlmann M, Kalakhety H, Yumiceva F, Adams MR, Apanasevich L, Berry D, Betts RR, Bucinskaite I, Cavanaugh R, Evdokimov O, Gauthier L, Gerber CE, Hofman DJ, Kurt P, O'Brien C, Gonzalez IDS, Silkworth C, Turner P, Varelas N, Bilki B, Clarida W, Dilsiz K, Haytmyradov M, Merlo JR, Mermerkaya H, Mestvirishvili A, Moeller A, Nachtman J, Ogul H, Onel Y, Ozok F, Penzo A, Rahmat R, Sen S, Tan P, Tiras E, Wetzel J, Yi K, Anderson I, Barnett BA, Blumenfeld B, Bolognesi S, Fehling D, Gritsan AV, Maksimovic P, Martin C, Swartz M, Xiao M, Baringer P, Bean A, Benelli G, Bruner C, Gray J, Kenny RP, Majumder D, Malek M, Murray M, Noonan D, Sanders S, Sekaric J, Stringer R, Wang Q, Wood JS, Chakaberia I, Ivanov A, Kaadze K, Khalil S, Makouski M, Maravin Y, Saini LK, Skhirtladze N, Svintradze I, Gronberg J, Lange D, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Calvert B, Eno SC, Gomez JA, Hadley NJ, Jabeen S, Kellogg RG, Kolberg T, Lu Y, Mignerey AC, Pedro K, Skuja A, Tonjes MB, Tonwar SC, Apyan A, Barbieri R, Bierwagen K, Busza W, Cali IA, Di Matteo L, Ceballos GG, Goncharov M, Gulhan D, Klute M, Lai YS, Lee YJ, Levin A, Luckey PD, Paus C, Ralph D, Roland C, Roland G, Stephans GSF, Sumorok K, Velicanu D, Veverka J, Wyslouch B, Yang M, Zanetti M, Zhukova V, Dahmes B, Gude A, Kao SC, Klapoetke K, Kubota Y, Mans J, Nourbakhsh S, Rusack R, Singovsky A, Tambe N, Turkewitz J, Acosta JG, Oliveros S, Avdeeva E, Bloom K, Bose S, Claes DR, Dominguez A, Suarez RG, Keller J, Knowlton D, Kravchenko I, Lazo-Flores J, Meier F, Ratnikov F, Snow GR, Zvada M, Dolen J, Godshalk A, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Kumar A, Rappoccio S, Alverson G, Barberis E, Baumgartel D, Chasco M, Massironi A, Morse DM, Nash D, Orimoto T, Trocino D, Wang RJ, Wood D, Zhang J, Hahn KA, Kubik A, Mucia N, Odell N, Pollack B, Pozdnyakov A, Schmitt M, Stoynev S, Sung K, Velasco M, Won S, Brinkerhoff A, Chan KM, Drozdetskiy A, Hildreth M, Jessop C, Karmgard DJ, Kellams N, Lannon K, Lynch S, Marinelli N, Musienko Y, Pearson T, Planer M, Ruchti R, Smith G, Valls N, Wayne M, Wolf M, Woodard A, Antonelli L, Brinson J, Bylsma B, Durkin LS, Flowers S, Hart A, Hill C, Hughes R, Kotov K, Ling TY, Luo W, Puigh D, Rodenburg M, Winer BL, Wolfe H, Wulsin HW, Driga O, Elmer P, Hardenbrook J, Hebda P, Koay SA, Lujan P, Marlow D, Medvedeva T, Mooney M, Olsen J, Piroue P, Quan X, Saka H, Stickland D, Tully C, Werner JS, Zuranski A, Brownson E, Malik S, Mendez H, Vargas JER, Barnes VE, Benedetti D, Bortoletto D, De Mattia M, Gutay L, Hu Z, Jha MK, Jones M, Jung K, Kress M, Leonardo N, Miller DH, Neumeister N, Primavera F, Radburn-Smith BC, Shi X, Shipsey I, Silvers D, Svyatkovskiy A, Wang F, Xie W, Xu L, Zablocki J, Parashar N, Stupak J, Adair A, Akgun B, Ecklund KM, Geurts FJM, Li W, Michlin B, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Roberts J, Zabel J, Betchart B, Bodek A, De Barbaro P, Demina R, Eshaq Y, Ferbel T, Galanti M, Garcia-Bellido A, Goldenzweig P, Han J, Harel A, Hindrichs O, Khukhunaishvili A, Korjenevski S, Petrillo G, Verzetti M, Vishnevskiy D, Ciesielski R, Demortier L, Goulianos K, Mesropian C, Arora S, Barker A, Chou JP, Contreras-Campana C, Contreras-Campana E, Duggan D, Ferencek D, Gershtein Y, Gray R, Halkiadakis E, Hidas D, Kaplan S, Lath A, Panwalkar S, Park M, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Sheffield D, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thomas S, Thomassen P, Walker M, Rose K, Spanier S, York A, Bouhali O, Hernandez AC, Dildick S, Eusebi R, Flanagan W, Gilmore J, Kamon T, Khotilovich V, Krutelyov V, Montalvo R, Osipenkov I, Pakhotin Y, Patel R, Perloff A, Roe J, Rose A, Safonov A, Suarez I, Tatarinov A, Ulmer KA, Akchurin N, Cowden C, Damgov J, Dragoiu C, Dudero PR, Faulkner J, Kovitanggoon K, Kunori S, Lee SW, Libeiro T, Volobouev I, Appelt E, Delannoy AG, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Maguire C, Mao Y, Melo A, Sharma M, Sheldon P, Snook B, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Arenton MW, Boutle S, Cox B, Francis B, Goodell J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Li H, Lin C, Neu C, Wolfe E, Wood J, Clarke C, Harr R, Karchin PE, Don CKK, Lamichhane P, Sturdy J, Belknap DA, Carlsmith D, Cepeda M, Dasu S, Dodd L, Duric S, Friis E, Hall-Wilton R, Herndon M, Herve A, Klabbers R, Lanaro A, Lazaridis C, Levine A, Loveless R, Mohapatra A, Ojalvo I, Perry T, Pierro GA, Polese G, Ross I, Sarangi T, Savin A, Smith WH, Taylor D, Vuosalo C, Woods N
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Measurement of the ratio B(B-s(0) -> J/psi f(0)(980))/B(B-s(0) -> J/psi phi(1020)) in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV

PHYSICS LETTERS B 2016 MAY 10; 756(?):84-102
A measurement of the ratio of the branching fractions of the B-s(0) meson to J/psi f(0)(980) and to J/psi phi(1020) is presented. The J/psi, f(0)(980), and phi(1020) are observed through their decays to mu(+)mu(-), pi(+)pi(-), and K+K-, respectively. The f(0) and the phi are identified by requiring |M-pi+(pi)- - 974 MeV| < 50 MeV and |M-K+(K)- - 1020 MeV| < 10 MeV. The analysis is based on a data sample of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.3fb(-1). The measured ratio is B(B-s(0) -> J/psi f(0)) B(f(0) ->pi(+)pi(-))/B(B-s(0) -> J/psi phi) B(phi -> K+K-)= 0.140 +/- 0.008 (stat) +/- 0.023 (syst), where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
Ritchlin CT, Krueger JG
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New therapies for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Purpose of review Over the last several years, novel immunologic pathways pivotal in the development of the pathobiology of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) have been revealed. These discoveries catalyzed a search for new treatment targets resulting in many new therapies that are now available for patients with psoriatic disease. Recent findings Helper T cells that secrete interleukin-17 (TH17) along with CD8+ cells, innate lymphocyte cells, and gamma delta T cells are important in the pathogenesis of psoriasis and PsA. Recently, agents that target interleukin-17, the interleukin-17 receptor, and interleukin-23 (antip19) have been approved or are in clinical trials. Apremilast, a new oral agent, was approved for the treatment of psoriasis and PsA. Secukinumab, an interleukin-17A antibody, has been approved for treatment of psoriasis and PsA in the United States. It is effective with a good safety profile. Ixekizumab, another anti-interleukin-17A antibody, is currently in clinical trials and brodalumab, an interleukin-17 receptor antagonist, was removed from clinical trials because of safety concerns despite demonstrated efficacy in psoriasis and PsA. Targeting interleukin-23 with antibodies to p19 is another approach with encouraging results in psoriasis. Apremilast, an oral agent, approved to treat psoriasis and PsA demonstrates moderate efficacy with an excellent safety record. The role of tofacitinib in psoriatic disease remains to be determined pending a safety review in psoriasis and completion of PsA trials.
Paquet D, Kwart D, Chen A, Sproul A, Jacob S, Teo S, Olsen KM, Gregg A, Noggle S, Tessier-Lavigne M
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Efficient introduction of specific homozygous and heterozygous mutations using CRISPR/Cas9

NATURE 2016 MAY 5; 533(7601):125-129
The bacterial CRISPR/Cas9 system allows sequence-specific gene editing in many organisms and holds promise as a tool to generate models of human diseases, for example, in human pluripotent stem cells(1,2). CRISPR/Cas9 introduces targeted double-stranded breaks (DSBs) with high efficiency, which are typically repaired by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) resulting in nonspecific insertions, deletions or other mutations (indels)(2). DSBs may also be repaired by homology-directed repair (HDR)(1,2) using a DNA repair template, such as an introduced single-stranded oligo DNA nucleotide (ssODN), allowing knock-in of specific mutations(3). Although CRISPR/Cas9 is used extensively to engineer gene knockouts through NHEJ, editing by HDR remains inefficient(3-8) and can be corrupted by additional indels(9), preventing its widespread use for modelling genetic disorders through introducing disease-associated mutations. Furthermore, targeted mutational knock-in at single alleles to model diseases caused by heterozygous mutations has not been reported. Here we describe a CRISPR/Cas9-based genome-editing framework that allows selective introduction of mono-and bi-allelic sequence changes with high efficiency and accuracy. We show that HDR accuracy is increased dramatically by incorporating silent CRISPR/Casblocking mutations along with pathogenic mutations, and establish a method termed 'CORRECT' for scarless genome editing. By characterizing and exploiting a stereotyped inverse relationship between a mutation's incorporation rate and its distance to the DSB, we achieve predictable control of zygosity. Homozygous introduction requires a guide RNA targeting close to the intended mutation, whereas heterozygous introduction can be accomplished by distance-dependent suboptimal mutation incorporation or by use of mixed repair templates. Using this approach, we generated human induced pluripotent stem cells with heterozygous and homozygous dominant early onset Alzheimer's disease-causing mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP(Swe))(10) and presenilin 1 (PSEN1M146V)(11) and derived cortical neurons, which displayed genotype-dependent disease-associated phenotypes. Our findings enable efficient introduction of specific sequence changes with CRISPR/Cas9, facilitating study of human disease.
Gleicher N, Seier K, Kushnir VA, Weghofer A, Wu YG, Wang Q, Albertini DF, Barad DH
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Associations between peripheral androgens and cortisol in infertile women

Testosterone has in recent years been proven essential for normal growth and maturation of small growing follicles. Concomitantly, low functional ovarian reserve (LFOR), characterized by a small growing follicle pool, has been associated with low testosterone levels, which can be of ovarian and/or adrenal origin. In this study we, therefore, investigated whether peripheral sex steroid precursors and testosterone levels potentially reflect on adrenal function. In a retrospective cohort study of 355 consecutive infertile women, who presented to an academically affiliated fertility center in New York City, we investigated in a series of statistical models whether low peripheral sex steroid precursors and testosterone are associated with peripheral cortisol (C) levels, reflecting adrenal function. To determine potential correlations, we investigated the dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate (DHEAS), androstenedione (AD), total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT); sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and C in a series of multivariate and logistic regression analyses, utilizing C either as a continuous variable or with cut off <5.0 mu g/dL, and TT only as a continuous variable. Practically all models demonstrated significant predictability of peripheral sex hormone precursors for C levels, with DHEA demonstrating the strongest and most consistent predictability as an individual parameter and as part of the DHEAS/DHEA ratio. We conclude that in infertile women peripheral sex hormone precursors, especially DHEA, reflect C levels and, therefore, adrenal function. In infertile women, at all ages low levels of sex hormone precursors, therefore, should be considered indications for further adrenal assessments. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Czarnowicki T, Malajian D, Khattri S, da Rosa JC, Dutt R, Finney R, Dhingra N, Peng XY, Xu H, Estrada YD, Zheng XZ, Gilleaudeau P, Sullivan-Whalen M, Suarez-Farinas M, Shemer A, Krueger JG, Guttman-Yassky E
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Petrolatum: Barrier repair and antimicrobial responses underlying this "inert" moisturizer

Background: Petrolatum is a common moisturizer often used in the prevention of skin infections after ambulatory surgeries and as a maintenance therapy of atopic dermatitis (AD). However, the molecular responses induced by petrolatum in the skin have never been assessed. Objective: We sought to define the cutaneous molecular and structural effects induced by petrolatum. Methods: Thirty-six healthy subjects and 13 patients with moderate AD (mean SCORAD score, 39) were studied by using RT-PCR, gene arrays, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence performed on control skin, petrolatum-occluded skin, and skin occluded with a Finn chamber only. Results: Significant upregulations of antimicrobial peptides (S100A8/fold change [FCH], 13.04; S100A9/FCH, 11.28; CCL20/FCH, 8.36; PI3 [elafin]/FCH, 15.40; lipocalin 2/FCH, 6.94, human beta-defensin 2 [DEFB4A]/FCH, 4.96; P < .001 for all) and innate immune genes (IL6, IL8, and IL1B; P < .01) were observed in petrolatum-occluded skin compared with expression in both control and occluded-only skin. Application of petrolatum also induced expression of key barrier differentiation markers (filaggrin and loricrin), increased stratum corneum thickness, and significantly reduced T-cell infiltrates in the setting of "normal-appearing" or nonlesional AD skin, which is known to harbor barrier and immune defects. Conclusions: Petrolatum robustly modulates antimicrobials and epidermal differentiation barrier measures. These data shed light on the beneficial molecular responses of petrolatum in barrier-defective states, such as AD and postoperative wound care.