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Victora GD, Nussenzweig MC
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Germinal Centers

Germinal centers (GCs) are microanatomical sites of B cell clonal expansion and antibody affinity maturation. Therein, B cells undergo the Darwinian process of somatic diversification and affinity-driven selection of immunoglobulins that produces the high-affinity antibodies essential for effective humoral immunity. Here, we review recent developments in the field of GC biology, primarily as it pertains to GCs induced by infection or immunization. First, we summarize the phenotype and function of the different cell types that compose the GC, focusing on GC B cells. Then, we review the cellular and molecular bases of affinity-dependent selection within the GC and the export of memory and plasma cells. Finally, we present an overview of the emerging field of GC clonal dynamics, focusing on how GC and post-GC selection shapes the diversity of antibodies secreted into serum.
Lawniczak MKN, Durbin R, Flicek P, Lindblad-Toh K, Wei XF, Archibald JM, Baker WJ, Belov K, Blaxter ML, Bonet TM, Childers AK, Coddington JA, Crandall KA, Crawford AJ, Davey RP, Di Palma F, Fang Q, Haerty W, Hall N, Hoff KJ, Howe K, Jarvis ED, Johnson WE, Johnson RN, Kersey PJ, Liu X, Lopez JV, Myers EW, Pettersson OV, Phillippy AM, Poelchau MF, Pruitt KD, Rhie A, Castilla-Rubio JC, Sahu SK, Salmon NA, Soltis PS, Swarbreck D, Thibaud-Nissen F, Wang SB, Wegrzyn JL, Zhang GJ, Zhang H, Lewin HA, Richards S
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Standards recommendations for the Earth BioGenome Project

A global international initiative, such as the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), requires both agreement and coordination on standards to ensure that the collective effort generates rapid progress toward its goals. To this end, the EBP initiated five technical standards committees comprising volunteer members from the global genomics scientific community: Sample Collection and Processing, Sequencing and Assembly, Annotation, Analysis, and IT and Informatics. The current versions of the resulting standards documents are available on the EBP website, with the recognition that opportunities, technologies, and challenges may improve or change in the future, requiring flexibility for the EBP to meet its goals. Here, we describe some highlights from the proposed standards, and areas where additional challenges will need to be met.
Talal AH, Markatou M, Sofikitou EM, Brown LS, Perumalswami P, Dinani A, Tobin JN
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Patient-centered HCV care via telemedicine for individuals on medication for opioid use disorder: Telemedicine for Evaluation, Adherence and Medication for Hepatitis C (TEAM-C)

CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL TRIALS 2022 JAN; 112(?):? Article 106632
Background: Telemedicine has the potential to increase healthcare access especially for vulnerable populations. Telemedicine for Evaluation, Adherence, and Medication for Hepatitis C (TEAM-C) is comparing telemedicine access to specialty medical care to usual care for management of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among persons with opioid use disorder (PWOUD). PWOUD have the highest hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence and incidence, yet they infrequently receive HCV care. The study objectives are to compare access to specialty care via telemedicine to offsite specialty referral (usual care) on 1) treatment initiation, completion, and sustained virological response, 2) patient satisfaction with health care delivery, and 3) HCV reinfection after successful HCV cure. Methods: TEAM-C is a multi-site, non-blinded, randomized pragmatic clinical trial conducted at 12 opioid treatment programs (OTP) throughout New York State that utilizes the stepped-wedge design. The unit of randomization is the OTP with a total sample size of 624 participants. HCV-infected PWOUD were treated via telemedicine or referral. Telemedicine encounters are conducted onsite in the OTP with co-administration of direct acting antivirals for HCV with medications for opioid use disorder. The primary outcome is undetectable HCV RNA obtained 12 weeks post-treatment cessation. We also follow participants for two years to assess for reinfection. Conclusions: The study utilizes a rigorous study design to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of virtual treatment for HCV integrated into behavioral treatment. We demonstrate the feasibility, engagement principles and lessons learned from the initial prospective randomized trial of telemedicine targeted to a vulnerable population.
von Beeren C, Bruckner A, Hoenle PO, Ospina-Jara B, Kronauer DJC, Bluthgen N
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Multiple phenotypic traits as triggers of host attacks towards ant symbionts: body size, morphological gestalt, and chemical mimicry accuracy (vol 18, 46, 2021)

FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY 2022 JAN 11; 19(1):? Article 2
Fiedorczuk K, Chen J
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Mechanism of CFTR correction by type I folding correctors

CELL 2022 JAN 6; 185(1):158-+
Small molecule chaperones have been exploited as therapeutics for the hundreds of diseases caused by protein misfolding. The most successful examples are the CFTR correctors, which transformed cystic fibrosis therapy. These molecules revert folding defects of the Delta F508 mutant and are widely used to treat patients. To investigate the molecular mechanism of their action, we determined cryo-electron microscopy structures of CFTR in complex with the FDA-approved correctors lumacaftor or tezacaftor. Both drugs insert into a hydrophobic pocket in the first transmembrane domain (TMD1), linking together four helices that are thermo-dynamically unstable. Mutating residues at the binding site rendered Delta F508-CFTR insensitive to lumacaftor and tezacaftor, underscoring the functional significance of the structural discovery. These results support a mechanism in which the correctors stabilize TMD1 at an early stage of biogenesis, prevent its premature degradation, and thereby allosterically rescuing many disease-causing mutations.
Gross A, Zhou BH, Bewersdorf L, Schwarz N, Schacht GM, Boor P, Hoeft K, Hoffmann B, Fuchs E, Kramann R, Merkel R, Leube RE, Strnad P
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Desmoplakin Maintains Transcellular Keratin Scaffolding and Protects From Intestinal Injury

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Desmosomes are intercellular junctions connecting keratin intermediate filaments of neighboring cells. The cadherins desmoglein 2 (Dsg2) and desmocollin 2 mediate cell-cell adhesion, whereas desmoplakin (Dsp) provides the attachment of desmosomes to keratins. Although the importance of the desmosome-keratin network is well established in mechanically challenged tissues, we aimed to assess the currently understudied function of desmosomal proteins in intestinal epithelia.& nbsp;METHODS: We analyzed the intestine-specific villin-Cre DSP (DSP delta IEC) and the combined intestine-specific DSG2/DSP delta IEC (delta Dsg2/Dsp) knockout mice. Cross-breeding with keratin 8-yellow fluorescent protein knock-in mice and generation of organoids was performed to visualize the keratin network. A Dsp-deficient colorectal carcinoma HT29-derived cell line was generated and the role of Dsp in adhesion and mechanical stress was studied in dispase assays, after exposure to uniaxial cell stretching and during scratch assay.& nbsp;RESULTS: The intestine of DSP delta IEC mice was histopathologically inconspicuous. Intestinal epithelial cells, however, showed an accelerated migration along the crypt and an enhanced shedding into the lumen. Increased intestinal permeability and altered levels of desmosomal proteins were detected. An inconspicuous phenotype also was seen in delta Dsg2/Dsp mice. After dextran sodium sulfate treatment, DSP delta IEC mice developed more pronounced colitis. A retracted keratin network was seen in the intestinal epithelium of DSP delta IEC/keratin 8-yellow fluorescent protein mice and organoids derived from these mice presented a collapsed keratin network. The level, phosphorylation status, and solubility of keratins were not affected. Dsp-deficient HT29 cells had an impaired cell adhesion and suffered from increased cellular damage after stretch.& nbsp;CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that Dsp is required for proper keratin network architecture in intestinal epithelia, mechanical resilience, and adhesion, thereby protecting from injury.
Dahan N, Bykov YS, Boydston EA, Fadel A, Gazi Z, Hochberg-Laufer H, Martenson J, Denic V, Shav-Tal Y, Weissman JS, Aviram N, Zalckvar E, Schuldiner M
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Peroxisome function relies on organelle-associated mRNA translation

SCIENCE ADVANCES 2022 JAN; 8(2):? Article eabk2141
Crucial metabolic functions of peroxisomes rely on a variety of peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs). While mRNA transcripts of PMPs were shown to be colocalized with peroxisomes, the process by which PMPs efficiently couple translation with targeting to the peroxisomal membrane remained elusive. Here, we combine quantitative electron microscopy with proximity-specific ribosome profiling and reveal that translation of specific PMPs occurs on the surface of peroxisomes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This places peroxisomes alongside chloroplasts, mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum as organelles that use localized translation for ensuring correct insertion of hydrophobic proteins into their membranes. Moreover, the correct targeting of these transcripts to peroxisomes is crucial for peroxisomal and cellular function, emphasizing the importance of localized translation for cellular physiology.
Chandler CS, Bell MM, Chung SK, Veach DR, Fung EK, Punzalan B, Vargas DB, Patel M, Xu H, Guo HF, Santich BH, Zanzonico PB, Monette S, Nash GM, Cercek A, Jungbluth A, Pandit-Taskar N, Cheung NKV, Larson SM, Cheal SM
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Intraperitoneal Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy for Colorectal Peritoneal Carcinomatosis

Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) is considered incurable, and more effective therapies are needed. Herein we test the hypothesis that GPA33-directed intracompartmental pretargeted radioim-munotherapy (PRIT) can cure colorectal peritoneal carcinoma-tosis. Nude mice were implanted intraperitoneally with lucifer-ase-transduced GPA33-expressing SW1222 cells for aggressive peritoneal carcinomatosis (e.g., resected tumor mass 0.369 + 0.246 g; n = 17 on day 29). For GPA33-PRIT, we administered intraperitoneally a high-affinity anti-GPA33/anti-DOTA bispecific antibody (BsAb), followed by clearing agent (intrave-nous), and lutetium-177 (Lu-177) or yttrium-86 (Y-86) radio-labeled DOTA-radiohapten (intraperitoneal) for beta/gamma-emitter therapy and PET imaging, respectively. The DOTA-radiohaptens were prepared from S-2-(4-aminobenzyl)-1,4,7, 10-tetraazacyclododecane tetraacetic acid chelate (DOTA-Bn). Efficacy and toxicity of single-versus three-cycle therapy were evaluated in mice 26-27 days post-tumor implantation. Single-cycle treatment ([177Lu]LuDOTA-Bn 111 MBq; tumor dose: 4,992 cGy) significantly prolonged median survival (MS) approx-imately 2-fold to 84.5 days in comparison with controls (P = 0.007). With three-cycle therapy (once weekly, total 333 MBq; tumor dose: 14,975 cGy), 6/8 (75%) survived long-term (MS > 183 days). Furthermore, for these treated long-term survivors, 1 mouse was completely disease free (microscopic "cure") at necropsy; the others showed stabilized disease, which was detect-able during PET-CT using [86Y]DOTA-Bn. Treatment controls had MS ranging from 42-52.5 days (P < 0.001) and 19/20 mice succumbed to progressive intraperitoneal disease by 69 days. Multi-cycle GPA33 DOTA-PRIT significantly prolongs survival with reversible myelosuppression and no chronic marrow (929 cGy to blood) or kidney (982 cGy) radiotoxicity, with therapeutic indices of 12 for blood and 12 for kidneys. MTD was not reached.
Babunovic GH, DeJesus MA, Bosch B, Chase MR, Barbier T, Dickey AK, Bryson BD, Rock JM, Fortune SM
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CRISPR Interference Reveals That All-Trans-Retinoic Acid Promotes Macrophage Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Limiting Bacterial Access to Cholesterol and Propionyl Coenzyme A

MBIO 2022 JAN-FEB; 13(1):? Article e03683-21
Macrophages are a protective replicative niche for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) but can kill the infecting bacterium when appropriately activated. To identify mechanisms of clearance, we compared levels of bacterial restriction by human macrophages after treatment with 26 compounds, including some currently in clinical trials for tuberculosis. All-transretinoic acid (ATRA), an active metabolite of vitamin A, drove the greatest increase in Mtb control. Bacterial clearance was transcriptionally and functionally associated with changes in macrophage cholesterol trafficking and lipid metabolism. To determine how these macrophage changes affected bacterial control, we performed the first Mtb CRISPR interference screen in an infection model, identifying Mtb genes specifically required to survive in ATRA-activated macrophages. These data showed that ATRA treatment starves Mtb of cholesterol and the downstream metabolite propionyl coenzyme A (propionyl-CoA). Supplementation with sources of propionyl-CoA, including cholesterol, abrogated the restrictive effect of ATRA. This work demonstrates that targeting the coupled metabolism of Mtb and the macrophage improves control of infection and that it is possible to genetically map the mode of bacterial death using CRISPR interference. IMPORTANCE Tuberculosis, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a leading cause of death due to infectious disease. Improving the immune response to tuberculosis holds promise for fighting the disease but is limited by our lack of knowledge as to how the immune system kills M. tuberculosis. Our research identifies a potent way to make relevant immune cells more effective at fighting M. tuberculosis and then uses paired human and bacterial genomic methods to determine the mechanism of that improved bacterial clearance.
Cridland JM, Majane AC, Zhao L, Begun DJ
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Population biology of accessory gland-expressed de novo genes in Drosophila melanogaster

GENETICS 2022 JAN; 220(1):? Article iyab207
Early work on de novo gene discovery in Drosophila was consistent with the idea that many such genes have male-biased patterns of expression, including a large number expressed in the testis. However, there has been little formal analysis of variation in the abundance and properties of de novo genes expressed in different tissues. Here, we investigate the population biology of recently evolved de novo genes expressed in the Drosophila melanogaster accessory gland, a somatic male tissue that plays an important role in male and female fertility and the post mating response of females, using the same collection of inbred lines used previously to identify testis-expressed de novo genes, thus allowing for direct cross tissue comparisons of these genes in two tissues of male reproduction. Using RNA-seq data, we identify candidate de novo genes located in annotated intergenic and intronic sequence and determine the properties of these genes including chromosomal location, expression, abundance, and coding capacity. Generally, we find major differences between the tissues in terms of gene abundance and expression, though other properties such as transcript length and chromosomal distribution are more similar. We also explore differences between regulatory mechanisms of de novo genes in the two tissues and how such differences may interact with selection to produce differences in D. melanogaster de novo genes expressed in the two tissues.