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Wang TT, Maamary J, Tan GS, Bournazos S, Davis CW, Krammer F, Schlesinger SJ, Palese P, Ahmed R, Ravetch JV
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Anti-HA Glycoforms Drive B Cell Affinity Selection and Determine Influenza Vaccine Efficacy
CELL 2015 JUL 2; 162(1):160-169
Protective vaccines elicit high-affinity, neutralizing antibodies by selection of somatically hypermutated B cell antigen receptors (BCR) on immune complexes (ICs). This implicates Fc-Fc receptor (FcR) interactions in affinity maturation, which, in turn, are determined by IgG subclass and Fc glycan composition within ICs. Trivalent influenza virus vaccination elicited regulation of anti-hemagglutinin (HA) IgG subclass and Fc glycans, with abundance of sialylated Fc glycans (sFc) predicting quality of vaccine response. We show that sFcs drive BCR affinity selection by binding the Type-II FcR CD23, thus upregulating the inhibitory Fc gamma RIIB on activated B cells. This elevates the threshold requirement for BCR signaling, resulting in B cell selection for higher affinity BCR. Immunization with sFc HA ICs elicited protective, high-affinity IgGs against the conserved stalk of the HA. These results reveal a novel, endogenous pathway for affinity maturation that can be exploited for eliciting high-affinity, broadly neutralizing antibodies through immunization with sialylated immune complexes.
Khachatryan V, Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Bergauer T, Dragicevic M, Ero J, Friedl M, Fruhwirth R, Ghete VM, Hartl C, Hormann N, Hrubec J, Jeitler M, Kiesenhofer W, Knunz V, Krammer M, Kratschmer I, Liko D, Mikulec I, Rabady D, Rahbaran B, Rohringer H, Schofbeck R, Strauss J, Treberer-Treberspurg W, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Mossolov V, Shumeiko N, Gonzalez JS, Alderweireldt S, Bansal S, Cornelis T, De Wolf EA, Janssen X, Knutsson A, Lauwers J, Luyckx S, Ochesanu S, Rougny R, Van De Klundert M, Van Haevermaet H, Van Mechelen P, Van Remortel N, Van Spilbeeck A, Blekman F, Blyweert S, D'Hondt J, Daci N, Heracleous N, Keaveney J, Lowette S, Maes M, Olbrechts A, Python Q, Strom D, Tavernier S, Van Doninck W, Van Mulders P, Van Onsem GP, Villella I, Caillol C, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Dobur D, Favart L, Gay APR, Grebenyuk A, Leonard A, Mohammadi A, Pernie L, Randle-conde A, Reis T, Seva T, Thomas L, Velde CV, Vanlaer P, Wang J, Zenoni F, Adler V, Beernaert K, Benucci L, Cimmino A, 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Rogerson S, Rose A, Seez C, Sharp P, Tapper A, Acosta MV, Virdee T, Zenz SC, Cole JE, Hobson PR, Khan A, Kyberd P, Leggat D, Leslie D, Reid ID, Symonds P, Teodorescu L, Turner M, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Kasmi A, Liu H, Scarborough T, Charaf O, Cooper SI, Henderson C, Rumerio P, Avetisyan A, Bose T, Fantasia C, Lawson P, Richardson C, Rohlf J, John JS, Sulak L, Alimena J, Berry E, Bhattacharya S, Christopher G, Cutts D, Demiragli Z, Dhingra N, Ferapontov A, Garabedian A, Heintz U, Kukartsev G, Laird E, Landsberg G, Luk M, Narain M, Segala M, Sinthuprasith T, Speer T, Swanson J, Breedon R, Breto G, Sanchez MCD, Chauhan S, Chertok M, Conway J, Conway R, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Gardner M, Ko W, Lander R, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Pilot J, Ricci-Tam F, Shalhout S, Smith J, Squires M, Stolp D, Tripathi M, Wilbur S, Yohay R, Cousins R, Everaerts P, Farrell C, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Rakness G, Takasugi E, Valuev V, Weber M, Burt K, Clare R, Ellison J, Gary JW, Hanson G, Heilman J, Rikova MI, Jandir P, Kennedy E, Lacroix F, Long OR, Luthra A, Malberti M, Negrete MO, Shrinivas A, Sumowidagdo S, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cerati GB, Cittolin S, D'Agnolo RT, Holzner A, Kelley R, Klein D, Letts J, Macneill I, Olivito D, Padhi S, Palmer C, Pieri M, Sani M, Sharma V, Simon S, Tadel M, Tu Y, Vartak A, Welke C, Wurthwein F, Yagil A, Barge D, Bradmiller-Feld J, Campagnari C, Danielson T, Dishaw A, Dutta V, Flowers K, Sevilla MF, Geffert P, George C, Golf F, Gouskos L, Incandela J, Justus C, Mccoll N, Richman J, Stuart D, To W, West C, Yoo J, Apresyan A, Bornheim A, Bunn J, Chen Y, Duarte J, Mott A, Newman HB, Pena C, Pierini M, Spiropulu M, Vlimant JR, Wilkinson R, Xie S, Zhu RY, Azzolini V, Calamba A, Carlson B, Ferguson T, Iiyama Y, Paulini M, Russ J, Vogel H, Vorobiev I, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Gaz A, Krohn M, Lopez EL, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Stenson K, Wagner SR, Alexander J, Chatterjee A, Chaves J, Chu J, Dittmer S, Eggert N, Mirman N, Kaufman GN, Patterson JR, Ryd A, Salvati E, Skinnari L, Sun W, Teo WD, Thom J, Thompson J, Tucker J, Weng Y, Winstrom L, Wittich P, Winn D, Abdullin S, Albrow M, Anderson J, Apollinari G, Bauerdick LAT, Beretvas A, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Bolla G, Burkett K, Butler JN, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cihangir S, Elvira VD, Fisk I, Freeman J, Gao Y, Gottschalk E, Gray L, Green D, Grunendahl S, Gutsche O, Hanlon J, Hare D, Harris RM, Hirschauer J, Hooberman B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Klima B, Kreis B, Kwan S, Linacre J, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, Lykken J, Maeshima K, Marraffino JM, Outschoorn VIM, Maruyama S, Mason D, McBride P, Merkel P, Mishra K, Mrenna S, Nahn S, Newman-Holmes C, O'Dell V, Prokofyev O, Sexton-Kennedy E, Sharma S, Soha A, Spalding WJ, Spiegel L, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Morales RV, Vidal R, Whitbeck A, Whitmore J, Yang F, Acosta D, Avery P, Bortignon P, Bourilkov D, Carver M, Curry D, Das S, De Gruttola M, Di Giovanni GP, Field RD, Fisher M, Furic IK, Gainer J, Hugon J, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Kypreos T, Low JF, Matchev K, Mei H, Milenovic P, Mitselmakher G, Muniz L, Rinkevicius A, Shchutska L, Snowball M, Sperka D, Yelton J, Zakaria M, Hewamanage S, Linn S, Markowitz P, Martinez G, Rodriguez JL, Adams T, Askew A, Bochenek J, Diamond B, Haas J, Hagopian S, Hagopian V, Johnson KF, Prosper H, Veeraraghavan V, Weinberg M, Baarmand MM, Hohlmann M, Kalakhety H, Yumiceva F, Adams MR, Apanasevich L, Berry D, Betts RR, Bucinskaite I, Cavanaugh R, Evdokimov O, Gauthier L, Gerber CE, Hofman DJ, Kurt P, O'Brien C, Gonzalez IDS, Silkworth C, Turner P, Varelas N, Bilki B, Clarida W, Dilsiz K, Haytmyradov M, Merlo JP, Mermerkaya H, Mestvirishvili A, Moeller A, Nachtman J, Ogul H, Onel Y, Ozok F, Penzo A, Rahmat R, Sen S, Tan P, Tiras E, Wetzel J, Yi K, Anderson I, Barnett BA, Blumenfeld B, Bolognesi S, Fehling D, Gritsan AV, Maksimovic P, Martin C, Roskes J, Sarica U, Swartz M, Xiao M, You C, Baringer P, Bean A, Benelli G, Bruner C, Gray J, Kenny RP, Majumder D, Malek M, Murray M, Noonan D, Sanders S, Sekaric J, Stringer R, Wang Q, Wood JS, Chakaberia I, Ivanov A, Kaadze K, Khalil S, Makouski M, Maravin Y, Saini LK, Skhirtladze N, Svintradze I, Gronberg J, Lange D, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Calvert B, Eno SC, Gomez JA, Hadley NJ, Kellogg RG, Kolberg T, Lu Y, Mignerey AC, Pedro K, Skuja A, Tonjes MB, Tonwar SC, Apyan A, Barbieri R, Busza W, Cali IA, Chan M, Di Matteo L, Ceballos GG, Goncharov M, Gulhan D, Klute M, Lai YS, Lee YJ, Levin A, Luckey PD, Paus C, Ralph D, Roland C, Roland G, Stephans GSF, Sumorok K, Velicanu D, Veverka J, Wyslouch B, Yang M, Zanetti M, Zhukova V, Dahmes B, Gude A, Kao SC, Klapoetke K, Kubota Y, Mans J, Nourbakhsh S, Pastika N, Rusack R, Singovsky A, Tambe N, Turkewitz J, Acosta JG, Oliveros S, Avdeeva E, Bloom K, Bose S, Claes DR, Dominguez A, Suarez RG, Keller J, Knowlton D, Kravchenko I, Lazo-Flores J, Meier F, Ratnikov F, Snow GR, Zvada M, Dolen J, Godshalk A, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Kumar A, Rappoccio S, Alverson G, Barberis E, Baumgartel D, Chasco M, Massironi A, Morse DM, Nash D, Orimoto T, Trocino D, Wang RJ, Wood D, Zhang J, Hahn KA, Kubik A, Mucia N, Odell N, Pollack B, Pozdnyakov A, Schmitt M, Stoynev S, Sung K, Velasco M, Won S, Brinkerhoff A, Chan KM, Drozdetskiy A, Hildreth M, Jessop C, Karmgard DJ, Kellams N, Lannon K, Lynch S, Marinelli N, Musienko Y, Pearson T, Planer M, Ruchti R, Smith G, Valls N, Wayne M, Wolf M, Woodard A, Antonelli L, Brinson J, Bylsma B, Durkin LS, Flowers S, Hart A, Hill C, Hughes R, Kotov K, Ling TY, Luo W, Puigh D, Rodenburg M, Winer BL, Wolfe H, Wulsin HW, Driga O, Elmer P, Hardenbrook J, Hebda P, Koay SA, Lujan P, Marlow D, Medvedeva T, Mooney M, Olsen J, Piroue P, Quan X, Saka H, Stickland D, Tully C, Werner JS, Zuranski A, Brownson E, Malik S, Mendez H, Vargas JER, Barnes VE, Benedetti D, Bortoletto D, De Mattia M, Gutay L, Hu Z, Jha MK, Jones M, Jung K, Kress M, Leonardo N, Miller DH, Neumeister N, Radburn-Smith BC, Shi X, Shipsey I, Silvers D, Svyatkovskiy A, Wang F, Xie W, Xu L, Zablocki J, Parashar N, Stupak J, Adair A, Akgun B, Ecklund KM, Geurts FJM, Li W, Michlin B, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Roberts J, Zabel J, Betchart B, Bodek A, Covarelli R, de Barbaro P, Demina R, Eshaq Y, Ferbel T, Garcia-Bellido A, Goldenzweig P, Han J, Harel A, Khukhunaishvili A, Korjenevski S, Petrillo G, Vishnevskiy D, Ciesielski R, Demortier L, Goulianos K, Mesropian C, Arora S, Barker A, Chou JP, Contreras-Campana C, Contreras-Campana E, Duggan D, Ferencek D, Gershtein Y, Gray R, Halkiadakis E, Hidas D, Kaplan S, Lath A, Panwalkar S, Park M, Patel R, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Sheffield D, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thomas S, Thomassen P, Walker M, Rose K, Spanier S, York A, Bouhali O, Hernandez AC, Eusebi R, Flanagan W, Gilmore J, Kamon T, Khotilovich V, Krutelyov V, Montalvo R, Osipenkov I, Pakhotin Y, Perloff A, Roe J, Rose A, Safonov A, Suarez I, Tatarinov A, Ulmer KA, Akchurin N, Cowden C, Damgov J, Dragoiu C, Dudero PR, Faulkner J, Kovitanggoon K, Kunori S, Lee SW, Libeiro T, Volobouev I, Appelt E, Delannoy AG, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Maguire C, Mao Y, Melo A, Sharma M, Sheldon P, Snook B, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Arenton MW, Boutle S, Cox B, Francis B, Goodell J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Li H, Lin C, Neu C, Wood J, Clarke C, Harr R, Karchin PE, Don CKK, Lamichhane P, Sturdy J, Belknap DA, Carlsmith D, Cepeda M, Dasu S, Dodd L, Duric S, Friis E, Hall-Wilton R, Herndon M, Herve A, Klabbers P, Lanaro A, Lazaridis C, Levine A, Loveless R, Mohapatra A, Ojalvo I, Perry T, Pierro GA, Polese G, Ross I, Sarangi T, Savin A, Smith WH, Taylor D, Vuosalo C, Woods N
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Constraints on the spin-parity and anomalous HVV couplings of the Higgs boson in proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2015 JUL 13; 92(1):? Article 012004
The study of the spin-parity and tensor structure of the interactions of the recently discovered Higgs boson is performed using the H -> ZZ, Z gamma*, gamma*gamma* -> 4l, H -> WW -> l(nu)l(nu), and H -> gamma gamma decay modes. The full data set recorded by the CMS experiment during the LHC run 1 is used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of up to 5.1 fb(-1) at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and up to 19.7 fb(-1) at 8 TeV. A wide range of spin-two models is excluded at a 99% confidence level or higher, or at a 99.87% confidence level for the minimal gravitylike couplings, regardless of whether assumptions are made on the production mechanism. Any mixed-parity spin-one state is excluded in the ZZ and WW modes at a greater than 99.999% confidence level. Under the hypothesis that the resonance is a spin-zero boson, the tensor structure of the interactions of the Higgs boson with two vector bosons ZZ, Z gamma, gamma gamma, and WW is investigated and limits on eleven anomalous contributions are set. Tighter constraints on anomalous HVV interactions are obtained by combining the HZZ and HWW measurements. All observations are consistent with the expectations for the standard model Higgs boson with the quantum numbers J(PC) = 0(++).
Kushnir VA, Halevy N, Barad DH, Albertini DF, Gleicher N
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Relative importance of AMH and androgens changes with aging among non-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome
JOURNAL OF OVARIAN RESEARCH 2015 JUL 9; 8(?):? Article 45
Background: To assess the changes in phenotypes and endocrine profiles of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with advancing age. Methods: In a cross-sectional study conducted at a private tertiary fertility clinical and research center we identified anonymized electronic records of 37 women who had presented with a prior diagnosis of PCOS. They were stratified as younger (<35 years) and older (>= 40 years). As controls, we identified 43 women with age-specific low functional ovarian reserve and 14 young women with normal functional ovarian reserve. Endocrine profiles for each group were evaluated based on total (TT) and free testosterone (FT), anti-Mullerian (AMH) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Results: Patients including those with PCOS were mostly non-obese, evidenced by normal BMIs (21.6 +/- 6.0) with no differences between study groups. Young PCOS patients presented with a typical pattern of significant hyperandrogenemia and elevated AMH in comparison to young women with normal functional ovarian reserve [TT 44.0 (32.9-58.7) vs. 23.9 (20.3-28.1) ng/dL, (P<0.05); and AMH 7.7 (6.2-9.1) vs. 2.5 (2.0-3.0) ng/mL, (P<0.05)]. With advancing age, hyperandrogenemia in PCOS diminished in comparison to young women with normal functional ovarian reserve, resulting in similar TT levels [28.6 (19.7-37.5) vs. 23.9 (20.3-28.1) ng/dL]. Though also declining, AMH remained significantly elevated in older PCOS women in comparison to young women with normal functional ovarian reserve [4.0 (2.7-5.2) vs. 2.5 (2.0-3.0) ng/mL, (P<0.05)]. Patients with low functional ovarian reserve demonstrated significantly lower AMH at both young and older ages compared to women with normal functional ovarian reserve (P<0.05 for both). However, among patients with low functional ovarian reserve no differences were observed at young compared to older ages in TT [17.6 (12.9-24.1) vs. 18.1 (13.6-24.1) ng/dL)] and AMH [0.4 (0.3-0.6) vs. 0.3 (0.2-0.5) ng/mL]. SHBG did not differ significantly between groups but trended opposite to testosterone. Conclusions: The PCOS population predominantly consisted of non-obese phenotype at both young and advanced ages. This suggests that patients with "classical" obese PCOS phenotype rarely reach tertiary infertility care, while non-obese PCOS patients may be more resistant to lower levels of infertility treatments. PCOS patients also demonstrate more precipitous declines in testosterone then AMH with advancing age. These data support incorporation of AMH as diagnostic criterion for PCOS regardless of age, and imply that testosterone should not be relied upon in the diagnosis of PCOS in older women.
Sultanik P, Mallet V, Lagaye S, Casrouge A, Dorival C, Barthe Y, Fontaine H, Hezode C, Mottez E, Bronowicki JP, Carrat F, Theodorou I, Abel L, Gayat E, Fontanet A, Pol S, Albert ML
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Plasma apolipoprotein H limits HCV replication and associates with response to NS3 protease inhibitors-based therapy
LIVER INTERNATIONAL 2015 JUL; 35(7):1833-1844
Background & AimsChronic infection with HCV remains a public health problem with approximately 150 million people infected worldwide. HCV intersects with lipid metabolism for replication and entry; and plasma concentrations of apolipoproteins have been identified as predictors for response to therapy. Herein, we conducted a screen of plasma proteins, including all apolipoproteins, to identify correlates of response to pegylated-interferon/ribavirin (PR) and HCV non-structural protein 3 (NS3) inhibitors (i.e., telaprevir/boceprevir) therapy in treatment-experienced cirrhotic patients from the ANRS CUPIC cohort. MethodsWe analysed 220 baseline plasma protein concentrations in 189 patients using Luminex technology and analyzed results. ResultsWe identified baseline levels of apolipoprotein H (apoH) as a surrogate marker for sustained virological response (SVR). Notably, increased plasma concentration of apoH, used in combination with known clinical parameters, established a robust model with improved classification of patients as likely to achieve SVR (AUC=0.77, Se=66%, Sp=72%, NRI=39%). Moreover, we provide mechanistic information that indicates a previously unidentified role for apoH during viral entry. Using a human liver slices HCV infection model, we demonstrate that apoH limits replication. ConclusionThese data support testing of new biomarker strategies for the management of cirrhotic HCV patients and expand our understanding of how apoH may intersect with HCV infection.
Zeng WW, Lu YH, Lee J, Friedman JM
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Reanalysis of parabiosis of obesity mutants in the age of leptin
In this study we set out to explain the differing effects of parabiosis with genetically diabetic (db) mice versus administration of recombinant leptin. Parabiosis of db mutant, which overexpress leptin, to wildtype (WT) or genetically obese (ob) mice has been reported to cause death by starvation, whereas leptin infusions do not produce lethality at any dose or mode of delivery tested. Leptin is not post-translationally modified other than a single disulphide bond, raising the possibility that it might require additional factor(s) to exert the maximal appetite-suppressing effect. We reconfirmed the lethal effect of parabiosis of db mutant on WT mice and further showed that this lethality could not be rescued by administration of ghrelin or growth hormone. We then initiated a biochemical fractionation of a high-molecular-weight leptin complex from human plasma and identified clusterin as a major component of this leptin-containing complex. However, in contrast to previous reports, we failed to observe a leptin-potentiating effect of either exogenous or endogenous clusterin, and parabiosis of db clusterin(-/-) double-mutant to WT mice still caused lethality. Intriguingly, in parabiotic pairs of two WT mice, leptin infusion into one of the mice led to an enhanced starvation response during calorie restriction as evidenced by increased plasma ghrelin and growth-hormone levels. Moreover, leptin treatment resulted in death of the parabiotic pairs. These data suggest that the appetite suppression in WT mice after parabiosis to db mutants is the result of induced hyperleptinemia combined with the stress or other aspect(s) of the parabiosis procedure.
Jung C, Zhao PZ, Seo JS, Mitsuda N, Deng SL, Chua NH
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PLANT U-BOX PROTEIN10 Regulates MYC2 Stability in Arabidopsis
PLANT CELL 2015 JUL; 27(7):2016-2031
MYC2 is an important regulator for jasmonic acid (JA) signaling, but little is known about its posttranslational regulation. Here, we show that the MYC2 C-terminal region interacted with the PLANT U-BOX PROTEIN10 (PUB10) armadillo repeats in vitro. MYC2 was efficiently polyubiquitinated by PUB10 with UBC8 as an E2 enzyme and the conserved C249 in PUB10 was required for activity. The inactive PUB10(C249A) mutant protein retained its ability to heterodimerize with PUB10, thus blocking PUB10 E3 activity as a dominant-negative mutant. Both MYC2 and PUB10 were nucleus localized and coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed their interaction in vivo. Although unstable in the wild type, MYC2 stability was enhanced in pub10, suggesting destabilization by PUB10. Moreover, MYC2 half-life was shortened or prolonged by induced expression of PUB10 or the dominant-negative PUB10(C249A) mutant, respectively. Root growth of pub10 seedlings phenocopied 35S:MYC2 seedlings and was hypersensitive to methyl jasmonate, whereas 35S: PUB10 and jin1-9 (myc2) seedlings were hyposensitive. In addition, the root phenotype conferred by MYC2 overexpression in double transgenic plants was reversed or enhanced by induced expression of PUB10 or PUB10(C249A), respectively. Similar results were obtained with three other JA-regulated genes, TAT, JR2, and PDF1.2. Collectively, our results show that MYC2 is targeted by PUB10 for degradation during JA responses.
Wasserman MR, Pulk A, Zhou Z, Altman RB, Zinder JC, Green KD, Garneau-Tsodikova S, Cate JHD, Blanchard SC
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Chemically related 4,5-linked aminoglycoside antibiotics drive subunit rotation in opposite directions
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2015 JUL; 6(?):? Article 7896
Dynamic remodelling of intersubunit bridge B2, a conserved RNA domain of the bacterial ribosome connecting helices 44 (h44) and 69 (H69) of the small and large subunit, respectively, impacts translation by controlling intersubunit rotation. Here we show that aminoglycosides chemically related to neomycin-paromomycin, ribostamycin and neamine-each bind to sites within h44 and H69 to perturb bridge B2 and affect subunit rotation. Neomycin and paromomycin, which only differ by their ring-I 6'-polar group, drive subunit rotation in opposite directions. This suggests that their distinct actions hinge on the 6'-substituent and the drug's net positive charge. By solving the crystal structure of the paromomycin-ribosome complex, we observe specific contacts between the apical tip of H69 and the 6'-hydroxyl on paromomycin from within the drug's canonical h44-binding site. These results indicate that aminoglycoside actions must be framed in the context of bridge B2 and their regulation of subunit rotation.
Furlow PW, Zhang S, Soong TD, Halberg N, Goodarzi H, Mangrum C, Wu YG, Elemento O, Tavazoie SF
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Mechanosensitive pannexin-1 channels mediate microvascular metastatic cell survival
NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 2015 JUL; 17(7):943-952
During metastatic progression, circulating cancer cells become lodged within the microvasculature of end organs, where most die from mechanical deformation. Although this phenomenon was first described over a half-century ago, the mechanisms enabling certain cells to survive this metastasis-suppressive barrier remain unknown. By applying whole-transcriptome RNA-sequencing technology to isogenic cancer cells of differing metastatic capacities, we identified a mutation encoding a truncated form of the pannexin-1 (PANX1) channel, PANX1(1-89), as recurrently enriched in highly metastatic breast cancer cells. PANX(1-89) functions to permit metastatic cell survival during traumatic deformation in the microvasculature by augmenting ATP release from mechanosensitive PANX1 channels activated by membrane stretch. PANX1-mediated ATP release acts as an autocrine suppressor of deformation-induced apoptosis through P2Y-purinergic receptors. Finally, small-molecule therapeutic inhibition of PANX1 channels is found to reduce the efficiency of breast cancer metastasis. These data suggest a molecular basis for metastatic cell survival on microvasculature-induced biomechanical trauma.
Krueger JG, Ferris LK, Menter A, Wagner F, White A, Visvanathan S, Lalovic B, Aslanyan S, Wang EEL, Hall D, Solinger A, Padula S, Scholl P
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Anti-IL-23A mAb BI 655066 for treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis: Safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and biomarker results of a single-rising-dose, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Background: IL-23 is associated with plaque psoriasis susceptibility and pathogenesis. BI 655066 is a fully human IgG(1) mAb specific for the IL-23 p19 subunit. Objective: This first-in-human proof-of-concept study evaluated the clinical and biological effects of BI 655066 in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Methods: We performed a single-rising-dose, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, within-dose cohort phase I trial. Patients received 0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 1, 3, or 5 mg/kg BI 655066 intravenously, 0.25 or 1 mg/kg BI 655066 subcutaneously, or matched placebo. The primary objective was safety evaluation. Results: Thirty-nine patients received single-dose BI 655066 intravenously (n = 18) or subcutaneously (n = 13) or placebo (n = 8). Adverse events were reported with similar frequency in the BI 655066 and placebo groups. Four serious adverse events (not considered treatment related) were reported among BI 655066-treated patients. BI 655066 was associated with clinical improvement from week 2 and maintained for up to 66 weeks after treatment. At week 12, 75%, 90%, and 100% decreases in the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index were achieved by 87%, 58%, and 16% of BI 655066-treated patients (any dose), respectively, versus none receiving placebo. BI 655066 treatment resulted in reduced expression of lesional skin genes associated with IL-23/IL-17 signaling pathways and normalization of psoriatic lesion gene expression profiles to a profile approaching that of nonlesional skin. Significant correlation between treatment-associated molecular changes and psoriasis area and severity index improvement was observed (r = 0.73, P = 2 x 10(-6)). Conclusions: BI 655066 was well tolerated and associated with rapid, substantial, and durable clinical improvement in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis, supporting a central role for IL-23 in psoriasis pathogenesis.
Bargmann CI
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How the New Neuroscience Will Advance Medicine