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Anderson MS, Casanova JL
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More than Meets the Eye: Monogenic Autoimmunity Strikes Again

IMMUNITY 2015 JUN 16; 42(6):986-988
Autoimmunity is often familial, suggesting that inborn genetic variations might underlie its development. Curiously, autoimmunity has long been thought to be typically polygenic. Contrary to this prediction and consistent with growing discoveries of monogenic autoimmunity, Oftedal et al. discovered heterozygous dominant-negative AIRE mutations in patients with certain forms of autoimmunity.
Koh J, Blobel G
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Allosteric Regulation in Gating the Central Channel of the Nuclear Pore Complex

CELL 2015 JUN 4; 161(6):1361-1373
The nuclear pore complex (NPC) arose in evolution as the cell's largest and most versatile transport channel. Current models for selective transport mediated by NPCs are focused on properties of intrinsically disordered regions of nucleoporins that bind transport factors. In contrast, structured regions are considered to provide static anchoring sites for the disordered regions without affecting transport factor binding. Here, we demonstrate allosteric coupling between a structured domain of a channel nucleoporin (Nup58) and its neighboring disordered domain in interaction with another channel nucleoporin (Nup54) and a transport factor (Kap beta 1). Analysis of multiple equilibria showed that multivalent interactions of Kapb1 with the disordered domains of Nup58 stabilize the neighboring structured domain associated with Nup54, shifting conformational equilibria from homo-oligomers to hetero-oligomers. Based on these and previous crystallographic results, a quantitative framework was established to describe constriction and dilation of the central channel as a function of transport factor occupancy.
Costa-Silva B, Aiello NM, Ocean AJ, Singh S, Zhang HY, Thakur BK, Becker A, Hoshino A, Mark MT, Molina H, Xiang J, Zhang T, Theilen TM, Garcia-Santos G, Williams C, Ararso Y, Huang YJ, Rodrigues G, Shen TL, Labori KJ, Lothe IMB, Kure EH, Hernandez J, Doussot A, Ebbesen SH, Grandgenett PM, Hollingsworth MA, Jain M, Mallya K, Batra SK, Jarnagin WR, Schwartz RE, Matei I, Peinado H, Stanger BZ, Bromberg J, Lyden D
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Pancreatic cancer exosomes initiate pre-metastatic niche formation in the liver

NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 2015 JUN; 17(6):816-826
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs) are highly metastatic with poor prognosis, mainly due to delayed detection. We hypothesized that intercellular communication is critical for metastatic progression. Here, we show that PDAC-derived exosomes induce liver pre-metastatic niche formation in naive mice and consequently increase liver metastatic burden. Uptake of PDAC-derived exosomes by Kupffer cells caused transforming growth factor beta secretion and upregulation of fibronectin production by hepatic stellate cells. This fibrotic microenvironment enhanced recruitment of bone marrow-derived macrophages. We found that macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was highly expressed in PDAC-derived exosomes, and its blockade prevented liver pre-metastatic niche formation and metastasis. Compared with patients whose pancreatic tumours did not progress, MIF was markedly higher in exosomes from stage I PDAC patients who later developed liver metastasis. These findings suggest that exosomal MIF primes the liver for metastasis and may be a prognostic marker for the development of PDAC liver metastasis.
Giometto A, Formentin M, Rinaldo A, Cohen JE, Maritan A
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Sample and population exponents of generalized Taylor's law

Taylor's law (TL) states that the variance V of a nonnegative random variable is a power function of its mean M; i.e., V = aM(b). TL has been verified extensively in ecology, where it applies to population abundance, physics, and other natural sciences. Its ubiquitous empirical verification suggests a context-independent mechanism. Sample exponents b measured empirically via the scaling of sample mean and variance typically cluster around the value b=2. Some theoretical models of population growth, however, predict a broad range of values for the population exponent b pertaining to the mean and variance of population density, depending on details of the growth process. Is the widely reported sample exponent b similar or equal to 2 the result of ecological processes or could it be a statistical artifact? Here, we apply large deviations theory and finite-sample arguments to show exactly that in a broad class of growth models the sample exponent is b similar or equal to 2 regardless of the underlying population exponent. We derive a generalized TL in terms of sample and population exponents b(jk) for the scaling of the kth vs. the jth cumulants. The sample exponent b(jk) depends predictably on the number of samples and for finite samples we obtain b(jk) similar or equal to k/j asymptotically in time, a prediction that we verify in two empirical examples. Thus, the sample exponent b similar or equal to 2 may indeed be a statistical artifact and not dependent on population dynamics under conditions that we specify exactly. Given the broad class of models investigated, our results apply to many fields where TL is used although inadequately understood.
Khachatryan V, Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Bergauer T, Dragicevic M, Ero J, Friedl M, Fruhwirth R, Ghete VM, Hartl C, Hormann N, Hrubec J, Jeitler M, Kiesenhofer W, Knunz V, Krammer M, Kratschmer I, Liko D, Mikulec I, Rabady D, Rahbaran B, Rohringer H, Schofbeck R, Strauss J, Treberer-Treberspurg W, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Mossolov V, Shumeiko N, Gonzalez JS, Alderweireldt S, Bansal M, Bansal S, Cornelis T, De Wolf EA, Janssen X, Knutsson A, Luyckx S, Ochesanu S, Rougny R, Van De Klundert M, Van Haevermaet H, Van Mechelen P, Van Remortel N, Van Spilbeeck A, Blekman F, Blyweert S, D'Hondt J, Daci N, Heracleous N, Keaveney J, Lowette S, Maes M, Olbrechts A, Python Q, Strom D, Tavernier S, Van Doninck W, Van Mulders P, Van Onsem GP, Villella I, Caillol C, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Dobur D, Favart L, Gay APR, Grebenyuk A, Leonard A, Mohammadi A, Pernie L, Reis T, Seva T, Thomas L, Vander Velde C, Vanlaer P, Wang J, Zenoni F, Adler V, Beernaert K, Benucci L, Cimmino A, Costantini S, Crucy S, Dildick S, Fagot A, Garcia G, Mccartin J, Rios AAO, Ryckbosch D, Diblen SS, Sigamani M, Strobbe N, Thyssen F, Tytgat M, Yazgan E, Zaganidis N, Basegmez S, Beluffi C, Bruno G, Castello R, Caudron A, Ceard L, Da Silveira GG, Delaere C, du Pree T, Favart D, Forthomme L, Giammanco A, Hollar J, Jafari A, Jez P, Komm M, Lemaitre V, Nuttens C, Pagano D, Perrini L, Pin A, Piotrzkowski K, Popov A, Quertenmont L, Selvaggi M, Marono MV, Garcia JMV, Beliy N, Caebergs T, Daubie E, Hammad GH, Alda WL, Alves GA, Brito L, Martins MC, Martins TD, Herrera CM, Pol ME, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Custodio A, Da Costa EM, Damiao DD, Martins CD, De Souza SF, Malbouisson H, Figueiredo DM, Mundim L, Nogima H, Da Silva WLP, Santaolalla J, Santoro A, Sznajder A, Manganote EJT, Pereira AV, Bernardes CA, Dogra S, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Genchev V, Iaydjiev P, Marinov A, Piperov S, Rodozov M, Stoykova S, Sultanov G, Vutova M, Dimitrov A, Glushkov I, Hadjiiska R, Kozhuharov V, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Bian JG, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Du R, Jiang CH, Plestina R, Romeo F, Tao J, Wang Z, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Ban Y, Li Q, Liu S, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Wang D, Zou W, Avila C, Sierra LFC, Florez C, Gomez JP, Moreno BG, Sanabria JC, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Polic D, Puljak I, Antunovic Z, Kovac M, Brigljevic V, Kadija K, Luetic J, Mekterovic D, Sudic L, Attikis A, Mavromanolakis G, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Bodlak M, Finger M, Finger M, Assran Y, Kamel AE, Mahmoud MA, Radi A, Kadastik M, Murumaa M, Raidal M, Tiko A, Eerola P, Fedi G, Voutilainen M, Harkonen J, Karimaki V, Kinnunen R, Kortelainen MJ, Lampen T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Linden T, Luukka P, Maenpaa T, Peltola T, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Tuovinen E, Wendland L, Talvitie J, Tuuva T, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Fabbro B, Faure JL, Favaro C, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Givernaud A, Gras P, de Monchenault GH, Jarry P, Locci E, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Titov M, Baffioni S, Beaudette F, Busson P, Charlot C, Dahms T, Dalchenko M, Dobrzynski L, Filipovic N, Florent A, de Cassagnac RG, Mastrolorenzo L, Mine P, Mironov C, Naranjo IN, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Paganini P, Regnard S, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Veelken C, Yilmaz Y, Zabi A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Aubin A, Bloch D, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Conte E, Fontaine JC, Gele D, Goerlach U, Goetzmann C, Le Bihan AC, Van Hove P, Gadrat S, Beauceron S, Beaupere N, Boudoul G, Bouvier E, Brochet S, Montoya CAC, Chasserat J, Chierici R, Contardo D, Depasse P, El Mamouni H, Fan J, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Ille B, Kurca T, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Perries S, Alvarez JDR, Sabes D, Sgandurra L, Sordini V, Vander Donckt M, Verdier P, Viret S, Xiao H, Tsamalaidze Z, Autermann C, Beranek S, Bontenackels M, Edelhoff M, Feld L, Hindrichs O, Klein K, Ostapchuk A, Perieanu A, Raupach F, Sammet J, Schael S, Weber H, Wittmer B, Zhukov V, Ata M, Brodski M, Dietz-Laursonn E, Duchardt D, Erdmann M, Fischer R, Guth A, Hebbeker T, Heidemann C, Hoepfner K, Klingebiel D, Knutzen S, Kreuzer P, Merschmeyer M, Meyer A, Millet P, Olschewski M, Padeken K, Papacz P, Reithler H, Schmitz SA, Sonnenschein L, Teyssier D, Thuer S, Weber M, Cherepanov V, Erdogan Y, Flugge G, Geenen H, Geisler M, Ahmad WH, Heister A, Hoehle F, Kargoll B, Kress T, Kuessel Y, Kunsken A, Lingemann J, Nowack A, Nugent IM, Perchalla L, Pooth O, Stahl A, Asin I, Bartosik N, Behr J, Behrenhoff W, Behrens U, Bell AJ, Bergholz M, Bethani A, Borras K, Burgmeier A, Cakir A, Calligaris L, Campbell A, Choudhury S, Costanza F, Pardos CD, Dooling S, Dorland T, Eckerlin G, Eckstein D, Eichhorn T, Flucke G, Garcia JG, Geiser A, Gunnellini P, Hauk J, Hempel M, Horton D, Jung H, Kalogeropoulos A, Kasemann M, Katsas P, Kieseler J, Kleinwort C, Krucker D, Lange W, Leonard J, Lipka K, Lobanov A, Lohmann W, Lutz B, Mankel R, Marfin I, Melzer-Pellmann IA, Meyer AB, Mittag G, Mnich J, Mussgiller A, Naumann-Emme S, Nayak A, Novgorodova O, Ntomari E, Perrey H, Pitzl D, Placakyte R, Raspereza A, Cipriano PMR, Roland B, Ron E, Sahin MO, Salfeld-Nebgen J, Saxena P, Schmidt R, Schoerner-Sadenius T, Schroder M, Seitz C, Spannagel S, Trevino ADRV, Walsh R, Wissing C, Martin MA, Blobel V, Vignali MC, Draeger AR, Erfle J, Garutti E, Goebel K, Gorner M, Haller J, Hoffmann M, Hoing RS, Kirschenmann H, Klanner R, Kogler R, Lange J, Lapsien T, Lenz T, Marchesini I, Ott J, Peiffer T, Pietsch N, Poehlsen J, Poehlsen T, Rathjens D, Sander C, Schettler H, Schleper P, Schlieckau E, Schmidt A, Seidel M, Sola V, Stadie H, Steinbruck G, Troendle D, Usai E, Vanelderen L, Vanhoefer A, Barth C, Baus C, Berger J, Boser C, Butz E, Chwalek T, De Boer W, Descroix A, Dierlamm A, Feindt M, Frensch F, Giffels M, Hartmann F, Hauth T, Husemann U, Katkov I, Kornmayer A, Kuznetsova E, Pardo PL, Mozer MU, Muller T, Nurnberg A, Quast G, Rabbertz K, Ratnikov F, Rocker S, Sieber G, Simonis HJ, Stober FM, Ulrich R, Wagner-Kuhr J, 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Mantovani G, Menichelli M, Saha A, Santocchia A, Spiezia A, Androsov K, Azzurri P, Bagliesi G, Bernardini J, Boccali T, Broccolo G, Castaldi R, Ciocci MA, Dell'Orso R, Donato S, Fiori F, Foa L, Giassia A, Grippo MT, Ligabue F, Lomtadze T, Martini L, Messineo A, Moon CS, Palla F, Rizzi A, Savoy-Navarro A, Serban AT, Spagnolo P, Squillacioti P, Tenchini R, Tonelli G, Venturi A, Verdini PG, Vernieri C, Barone L, Cavallari F, D'imperio G, Del Re D, Diemoz M, Jorda C, Longo E, Margaroli F, Meridiani P, Micheli F, Nourbakhsh S, Organtini G, Paramatti R, Rahatlou S, Rovelli C, Santanastasio F, Soffi L, Traczyk P, Amapane N, Arcidiacono R, Argiro S, Arneodo M, Bellan R, Biino C, Cartiglia N, Casasso S, Costa M, Degano A, Demaria N, Finco L, Mariotti C, Maselli S, Migliore E, Monaco V, Musich M, Obertino MM, Ortona G, Pacher L, Pastrone N, Pelliccioni M, Angioni GLP, Potenza A, Romero A, Ruspa M, Sacchi R, Solano A, Staiano A, Tamponi U, Belforte S, Candelise V, Casarsa M, Cossutti F, Della 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Camporesi T, Cerminara G, Colafranceschi S, D'Alfonso M, d'Enterria D, Dabrowski A, David A, De Guio F, De Roeck A, De Visscher S, Di Marco E, Dobson M, Dordevic M, Dupont-Sagorin N, Elliott-Peisert A, Eugster J, Franzoni G, Funk W, Gigi D, Gill K, Giordano D, Girone M, Glege F, Guida R, Gundacker S, Guthoff M, Hammer J, Hansen M, Harris P, Hegeman J, Innocente V, Janot P, Kousouris K, Krajczar K, Lecoq P, Loureno C, Magini N, Malgeri L, Mannelli M, Marrouche J, Masetti L, Meijers F, Mersi S, Meschi E, Moortgat F, Morovic S, Mulders M, Musella P, Orsini L, Pape L, Perez E, Perrozzi L, Petrilli A, Petrucciani G, Pfeiffer A, Pierini M, Pimia M, Piparo D, Plagge M, Racz A, Rolandi G, Rovere M, Sakulin H, Schafer C, Schwick C, Sharma A, Siegrist P, Silva P, Simon M, Sphicas P, Spiga D, Steggemann J, Stieger B, Stoye M, Takahashi Y, Treille D, Tsirou A, Veres GI, Wardle N, Wohri HK, Wollny H, Zeuner WD, Bertl W, Deiters K, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Langenegger U, Renker D, Rohe T, Bachmair F, Bani L, Bianchini L, Buchmann MA, Casal B, Chanon N, Dissertori G, Dittmar M, Donega M, Dunser M, Eller P, Grab C, Hits D, Hoss J, Lustermann W, Mangano B, Marini AC, del Arbol PMR, Masciovecchio M, Meister D, Mohr N, Nageli C, Nessi-Tedaldi F, Pandolfi F, Pauss F, Peruzzi M, Quittnat M, Rebane L, Rossini M, Starodumov A, Takahashi M, Theofilatos K, Wallny R, Weber HA, Amsler C, Canelli MF, Chiochia V, De Cosa A, Hinzmann A, Hreus T, Kilminster B, Lange C, Mejias BM, Ngadiuba J, Robmann P, Ronga FJ, Taroni S, Verzetti M, Yang Y, Cardaci M, Chen KH, Ferro C, Kuo CM, Lin W, Lu YJ, Volpe R, Yu SS, Chang P, Chang YH, Chang YW, Chao Y, Chen KF, Chen PH, Dietz C, Grundler U, Hou WS, Kao KY, Lei YJ, Liu YF, Lu RS, Majumder D, Petrakou E, Tzeng YM, Wilken R, Asavapibhop B, Singh G, Srimanobhas N, Suwonjandee N, Adiguzel A, Bakirci MN, Cerci S, Dozen C, Dumanoglu I, Eskut E, Girgis S, Gokbulut G, Gurpinar E, Hos I, Kangal EE, Topaksu AK, Onengut G, Ozdemir K, Ozturk S, Polatoz A, Cerci DS, Tali B, Topakli H, Vergili M, Akin IV, Bilin B, Bilmis S, Gamsizkan H, Karapinar G, Ocalan K, Sekmen S, Surat UE, Yalvac M, Zeyrek M, Albayrak EA, Gulmez E, Isildak B, Kaya M, Kaya O, Yetkin T, Cankocak K, Vardarli FI, Levchuk L, Sorokin P, Brooke JJ, Clement E, Cussans D, Flacher H, Goldstein J, Grimes M, Heath GP, Heath HF, Jacob J, Kreczko L, Lucas C, Meng Z, Newbold DM, Paramesvaran S, Poll A, Senkin S, Smith VJ, Williams T, Bell KW, Belyaev A, Brew C, Brown RM, Cockerill DJA, Coughlan JA, Harder K, Harper S, Olaiya E, Petyt D, Shepherd-Themistocleous CH, Thea A, Tomalin IR, Womersley WJ, Worm SD, Baber M, Bainbridge R, Buchmuller O, Burton D, Colling D, Cripps N, Cutajar M, Dauncey P, Davies G, Della Negra M, Dunne P, Ferguson W, Fulcher J, Futyan D, Gilbert A, Hall G, Iles G, Jarvis M, Karapostoli G, Kenzie M, Lane R, Lucas R, Lyons L, Magnan AM, Malik S, Mathias B, Nash J, Nikitenko A, Pela J, Pesaresi M, Petridis K, Raymond DM, Rogerson S, Rose A, Seez C, Sharp P, Tapper A, Acosta MV, Virdee T, Zenz SC, Cole JE, Hobson PR, Khan A, Kyberd P, Leggat D, Leslie D, Martin W, Reid ID, Symonds P, Teodorescu L, Turner M, Dittmann J, Hatakeyama K, Kasmi A, Liu H, Scarborough T, Charaf O, Cooper SI, Henderson C, Rumerio P, Avetisyan A, Bose T, Fantasia C, Lawson P, Richardson C, Rohlf J, St John J, Sulak L, Alimena J, Berry E, Bhattacharya S, Christopher G, Cutts D, Demiragli Z, Dhingra N, Ferapontov A, Garabedian A, Heintz U, Kukartsev G, Laird E, Landsberg G, Luk M, Narain M, Segala M, Sinthuprasith T, Speer T, Swanson J, Breedon R, Breto G, De La Barca Sanchez MC, Chauhan S, Chertok M, Conway J, Conway R, Cox PT, Erbacher R, Gardner M, Ko W, Lander R, Miceli T, Mulhearn M, Pellett D, Pilot J, Ricci-Tam F, Searle M, Shalhout S, Smith J, Squires M, Stolp D, Tripathi M, Wilbur S, Yohay R, Cousins R, Everaerts P, Farrell C, Hauser J, Ignatenko M, Rakness G, Takasugi E, Valuev V, Weber M, Burt K, Clare R, Ellison J, Gary JW, Hanson G, Heilman J, Rikova MI, Jandir P, Kennedy E, Lacroix F, Long OR, Luthra A, Malberti M, Negrete MO, Shrinivas A, Sumowidagdo S, Wimpenny S, Branson JG, Cerati GB, Cittolin S, D'Agnolo RT, Holzner A, Kelley R, Klein D, Letts J, Macneill I, Olivito D, Padhi S, Palmer C, Pieri M, Sani M, Sharma V, Simon S, Sudano E, Tadel M, Tu Y, Vartak A, Welke C, Wurthwein F, Yagil A, Barge D, Bradmiller-Feld J, Campagnari C, Danielson T, Dishaw A, Dutta V, Flowers K, Sevilla MF, Geffert P, George C, Golf F, Gouskos L, Incandela J, Justus C, Mccoll N, Richman J, Stuart D, To W, West C, Yoo J, Apresyan A, Bornheim A, Bunn J, Chen Y, Duarte J, Mott A, Newman HB, Pena C, Rogan C, Spiropulu M, Timciuc V, Vlimant JR, Wilkinson R, Xie S, Zhu RY, Azzolini V, Calamba A, Carlson B, Ferguson T, Iiyama Y, Paulini M, Russ J, Vogel H, Vorobiev I, Cumalat JP, Ford WT, Gaz A, Krohn M, Lopez EL, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Stenson K, Ulmer KA, Wagner SR, Alexander J, Chatterjee A, Chaves J, Chu J, Dittmer S, Eggert N, Mirman N, Kaufman GN, Patterson JR, Ryd A, Salvati E, Skinnari L, Sun W, Teo WD, Thom J, Thompson J, Tucker J, Weng Y, Winstrom L, Wittich P, Winn D, Abdullin S, Albrow M, Anderson J, Apollinari G, Bauerdick LAT, Beretvas A, Berryhill J, Bhat PC, Bolla G, Burkett K, Butler JN, Cheung HWK, Chlebana F, Cihangir S, Elvira VD, Fisk I, Freeman J, Gao Y, Gottschalk E, Gray L, Green D, Grunendahl S, Gutsche O, Hanlon J, Hare D, Harris RM, Hirschauer J, Hooberman B, Jindariani S, Johnson M, Joshi U, Kaadze K, Klima B, Kreis B, Kwan S, Linacre J, Lincoln D, Lipton R, Liu T, Lykken J, Maeshima K, Marraffino JM, Outschoorn VIM, Maruyama S, Mason D, McBride P, Merkel P, Mishra K, Mrenna S, Musienko Y, Nahn S, Newman-Holmes C, O'Dell V, Prokofyev O, Sexton-Kennedy E, Sharma S, Soha A, Spalding WJ, Spiegel L, Taylor L, Tkaczyk S, Tran NV, Uplegger L, Vaandering EW, Vidal R, Whitbeck A, Whitmore J, Yang F, Acosta D, Avery P, Bortignon P, Bourilkov D, Carver M, Cheng T, Curry D, Das S, De Gruttola M, Di Giovanni GP, Field RD, Fisher M, Furic IK, Hugon J, Konigsberg J, Korytov A, Kypreos T, Low JF, Matchev K, Milenovic P, Mitselmakher G, Muniz L, Rinkevicius A, Shchutska L, Snowball M, Sperka D, Yelton J, Zakaria M, Hewamanage S, Linn S, Markowitz P, Martinez G, Adams T, Askew A, Bochenek J, Diamond B, Haas J, Hagopian S, Hagopian V, Johnson KF, Prosper H, Veeraraghavan V, Weinberg M, Baarmand MM, Hohlmann M, Kalakhety H, Yumiceva F, Adams MR, Apanasevich L, Bazterra VE, Berry D, Betts RR, Bucinskaite I, Cavanaugh R, Evdokimov O, Gauthier L, Gerber CE, Hofman DJ, Khalatyan S, Kurt P, Moon DH, O'Brien C, Silkworth C, Turner P, Varelas N, Bilki B, Clarida W, Dilsiz K, Duru F, Haytmyradov M, Merlo JP, Mermerkaya H, Mestvirishvili A, Moeller A, Nachtman J, Ogul H, Onel Y, Ozok F, Penzo A, Rahmat R, Sen S, Tan P, Tiras E, Wetzel J, Yi K, Barnett BA, Blumenfeld B, Bolognesi S, Fehling D, Gritsan AV, Maksimovic P, Martin C, Swartz M, Baringer P, Bean A, Benelli G, Bruner C, Kenny RP, Malek M, Murray M, Noonan D, Sanders S, Sekaric J, Stringer R, Wang Q, Wood JS, Chakaberia I, Ivanov A, Khalil S, Makouski M, Maravin Y, Saini LK, Shrestha S, Skhirtladze N, Svintradze I, Gronberg J, Lange D, Rebassoo F, Wright D, Baden A, Belloni A, Calvert B, Eno SC, Gomez JA, Hadley NJ, Kellogg RG, Kolberg T, Lu Y, Marionneau M, Mignerey AC, Pedro K, Skuja A, Tonjes MB, Tonwar SC, Apyan A, Barbieri R, Bauer G, Busza W, Cali IA, Chan M, Di Matteo L, Ceballos GG, Goncharov M, Gulhan D, Klute M, Lai YS, Lee YJ, Levin A, Luckey PD, Ma T, Paus C, Ralph D, Roland C, Roland G, Stephans GSF, Stockli F, Sumorok K, Velicanu D, Veverka J, Wyslouch B, Yang M, Zanetti M, Zhukova V, Dahmes B, Gude A, Kao SC, Klapoetke K, Kubota Y, Mans J, Pastika N, Rusack R, Singovsky A, Tambe N, Turkewitz J, Acosta JG, Oliveros S, Avdeeva E, Bloom K, Bose S, Claes DR, Dominguez A, Suarez RG, Keller J, Knowlton D, Kravchenko I, Lazo-Flores J, Malik S, Meier F, Snow GR, Zvada M, Dolen J, Godshalk A, Iashvili I, Kharchilava A, Kumar A, Rappoccio S, Alverson G, Barberis E, Baumgartel D, Chasco M, Haley J, Massironi A, Morse DM, Nash D, Orimoto T, Trocino D, Wang RJ, Wood D, Zhang J, Hahn KA, Kubik A, Mucia N, Odell N, Pollack B, Pozdnyakov A, Schmitt M, Stoynev S, Sung K, Velasco M, Won S, Brinkerhoff A, Chan KM, Drozdetskiy A, Hildreth M, Jessop C, Karmgard DJ, Kellams N, Lannon K, Luo W, Lynch S, Marinelli N, Pearson T, Planer M, Ruchti R, Valls N, Wayne M, Wolf M, Woodard A, Antonelli L, Brinson J, Bylsma B, Durkin LS, Flowers S, Hart A, Hill C, Hughes R, Kotov K, Ling TY, Puigh D, Rodenburg M, Smith G, Winer BL, Wolfe H, Wulsin HW, Driga O, Elmer P, Hardenbrook J, Hebda P, Hunt A, Koay SA, Lujan P, Marlow D, Medvedeva T, Mooney M, Olsen J, Piroue P, Quan X, Saka H, Stickland D, Tully C, Werner JS, Zuranski A, Brownson E, Mendez H, Vargas JER, Barnes VE, Benedetti D, Bortoletto D, De Mattia M, Gutay L, Hu Z, Jha MK, Jones M, Jung K, Kress M, Leonardo N, Pegna DL, Maroussov V, Miller DH, Neumeister N, Radburn-Smith BC, Shi X, Shipsey I, Silvers D, Svyatkovskiy A, Wang F, Xie W, Xu L, Yoo HD, Zablocki J, Zheng Y, Parashar N, Stupak J, Adair A, Akgun B, Ecklund KM, Geurts FJM, Li W, Michlin B, Padley BP, Redjimi R, Roberts J, Zabel J, Betchart B, Bodek A, Covarelli R, de Barbaro P, Demina R, Eshaq Y, Ferbel T, Garcia-Bellido A, Goldenzweig P, Han J, Harel A, Khukhunaishvili A, Petrillo G, Vishnevskiy D, Ciesielski R, Demortier L, Goulianos K, Lungu G, Mesropian C, Arora S, Barker A, Chou JP, Contreras-Campana C, Contreras-Campana E, Duggan D, Ferencek D, Gershtein Y, Gray R, Halkiadakis E, Hidas D, Kaplan S, Lath A, Panwalkar S, Park M, Patel R, Salur S, Schnetzer S, Somalwar S, Stone R, Thomas S, Thomassen P, Walker M, Rose K, Spanier S, York A, Bouhali O, Hernandez AC, Eusebi R, Flanagan W, Gilmore J, Kamon T, Khotilovich V, Krutelyov V, Montalvo R, Osipenkov I, Pakhotin Y, Perloff A, Roe J, Rose A, Safonov A, Sakuma T, Suarez I, Tatarinov A, Akchurin N, Cowden C, Damgov J, Dragoiu C, Dudero PR, Faulkner J, Kovitanggoon K, Kunori S, Lee SW, Libeiro T, Volobouev I, Appelt E, Delannoy AG, Greene S, Gurrola A, Johns W, Maguire C, Mao Y, Melo A, Sharma M, Sheldon P, Snook B, Tuo S, Velkovska J, Arenton MW, Boutle S, Cox B, Francis B, Goodell J, Hirosky R, Ledovskoy A, Li H, Lin C, Neu C, Wood J, Clarke C, Harr R, Karchin PE, Don CKK, Lamichhane P, Sturdy J, Belknap DA, Carlsmith D, Cepeda M, Dasu S, Dodd L, Duric S, Friis E, Hall-Wilton R, Herndon M, Herve A, Klabbers P, Lanaro A, Lazaridis C, Levine A, Loveless R, Mohapatra A, Ojalvo I, Perry T, Pierro GA, Polese G, Ross I, Sarangi T, Savin A, Smith WH, Taylor D, Verwilligen P, Vuosalo C, Woods N
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Constraints on parton distribution functions and extraction of the strong coupling constant from the inclusive jet cross section in pp collisions at root s=7TeV

EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 2015 JUN 26; 75(6):? Article 288
The inclusive jet cross section for proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV was measured by the CMS Collaboration at the LHC with data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb(-1). The measurement covers a phase space up to 2 TeV in jet transverse momentum and 2.5 in absolute jet rapidity. The statistical precision of these data leads to stringent constraints on the parton distribution functions of the proton. The data provide important input for the gluon density at high fractions of the proton momentum and for the strong coupling constant at large energy scales. Using predictions from perturbative quantum chromodynamics at next-to-leading order, complemented with electroweak corrections, the constraining power of these data is investigated and the strong coupling constant at the Z boson mass M-Z is determined to be alpha(S)(M-Z) = 0.1185 +/- 0.0019 (exp)(-0.0037)(+0.0060) (theo), which is in agreement with the world average.
Braden GC, Arbona RR, Lepherd M, Monette S, Toma A, Fox JG, Dewhirst FE, Lipman NS
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A Novel alpha-Hemolytic Streptococcus Species (Streptococcus azizii sp nov.) Associated with Meningoencephalitis in Naive Weanling C57BL/6 Mice

COMPARATIVE MEDICINE 2015 JUN; 65(3):186-195
During 1 year, experimentally naive C57BL/6NCrl weanlings born to timed-pregnant dams from a single vendor demonstrated markedly increased mortality associated with runting, abnormal gait, and decreased activity. Gram-positive, aerobic, a-hemolytic, coccoid bacteria were isolated from the meninges (n = 16), blood (n = 1), and kidneys (n = 1) of clinically affected weanlings (n = 15); from the uterus (n = 1), meninges (n = 1), and oral cavity (n = 2) of 3 dams; and from the meninges and oral cavity of a clinically affected 86-d-old mouse in the same colony. Multifocal, necrosuppurative meningoencephalitis and ventriculitis with intralesional gram-positive coccoid bacteria were present in all but 2 affected animals. The bacterium also was isolated from the oral cavity of an asymptomatic timed-pregnant dam (1 of 23) from the same vendor and from 8 mice at the vendor's facility. All isolates (n = 25) were identified by using 2 semiautomated rapid-identification systems, one of which consistently identified the causative bacterium as Aerococcus viridans 2 (n = 12) or 3 (n = 13), with probabilities of 55.7% to 98.3%. The bacterium did not grow in 6.5% NaCl at 10 degrees C, thus suggesting a Streptococcus species. Partial 16S rRNA sequencing of 4 isolates suggested S. hyointestinalis (probability, 93.4%) and S. gallinaceus (99.5%). Full 16S rRNA sequences for 3 isolates identified the bacterium as a novel Streptococcus species most closely related to S. acidominimus strain LGM (96.5%) and Streptococcus species strain Smarlab 3301444 (96.3%) and for which we propose the name S. azizii.
Snodin BEK, Randisi F, Mosayebi M, Sulc P, Romano JSSF, Romano F, Ouldridge TE, Tsukanov R, Nir E, Louis AA, Doye JPK
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Introducing improved structural properties and salt dependence into a coarse-grained model of DNA

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2015 JUN 21; 142(23):? Article 234901
We introduce an extended version of oxDNA, a coarse-grained model of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) designed to capture the thermodynamic, structural, and mechanical properties of single-and double-stranded DNA. By including explicit major and minor grooves and by slightly modifying the coaxial stacking and backbone-backbone interactions, we improve the ability of the model to treat large (kilobase-pair) structures, such as DNA origami, which are sensitive to these geometric features. Further, we extend the model, which was previously parameterised to just one salt concentration ([Na+] = 0.5M), so that it can be used for a range of salt concentrations including those corresponding to physiological conditions. Finally, we use new experimental data to parameterise the oxDNA potential so that consecutive adenine bases stack with a different strength to consecutive thymine bases, a feature which allows a more accurate treatment of systems where the flexibility of single-stranded regions is important. We illustrate the new possibilities opened up by the updated model, oxDNA2, by presenting results from simulations of the structure of large DNA objects and by using the model to investigate some salt-dependent properties of DNA. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
Coller BS
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alpha IIb3: structure and function

During the past decade, advanced techniques in structural biology have provided atomic level information on the platelet integrin IIb3 activation mechanism that results in it adopting a high-affinity ligand-binding conformation(s). This review focuses on advances in imaging intact IIb3 in a lipid bilayer in the absence of detergent and new structural insights into the changes in the ligand-binding pocket with receptor activation and ligand binding. It concludes with descriptions of novel therapeutic IIb3 antagonists being developed based on an advanced knowledge of the receptor's structure.
Cabantous S, Ranque S, Poudiougou B, Traore A, Berbache S, Vitte J, Bongrand P, Doumbo O, Dessein AJ, Abel L, Marquet S
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Genotype combinations of two IL4 polymorphisms influencing IL-4 plasma levels are associated with different risks of severe malaria in the Malian population

IMMUNOGENETICS 2015 JUN; 67(5-6):283-288
We have previously found that children heterozygous for IL4 variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) (rs8179190) or IL4-33 (rs2070874) variants were at risk for severe malaria (SM), whereas homozygous children were protected suggesting a complex genetic control. Hence, to dissect this complex genetic control of IL4 VNTR and IL4-33, we performed further investigation by conditional logistic regression analysis and found a strong interaction between both markers (p<10(-6)). The best-fit model revealed three genotype combinations associated with different levels of SM risk. The highest risk (odds ratio (OR)=4.8, 95 % confidence interval (CI)= 2.0-11.5) was observed for subjects carrying at least one copy of both IL4-33 allele T and IL4 VNTR allele 1, who exhibited higher interleukin (IL)-4 plasma levels (p=0.007). Children homozygous for IL4 VNTR allele 2 had a lower SM risk as well as lower IL-4 plasma levels. Our findings indicate that the genetic interaction between these two IL-4 variants is a key factor of SM susceptibility, probably because of its direct role in IL-4 regulation.
Shin C, Han JA, Koh H, Choi B, Cho Y, Jeong H, Ra JS, Sung PS, Shin EC, Ryu S, Do Y
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CD8 alpha(-) Dendritic Cells Induce Antigen-Specific T Follicular Helper Cells Generating Efficient Humoral Immune Responses

CELL REPORTS 2015 JUN 30; 11(12):1929-1940
Recent studies on T follicular helper (Tfh) cells have significantly advanced our understanding of T cell-dependent B cell responses. However, little is known about the early stage of Tfh cell commitment by dendritic cells (DCs), particularly by the conventional CD8 alpha(+) and CD8 alpha(-) DC subsets. We show that CD8 alpha(-) DCs localized at the interfollicular zone play a pivotal role in the induction of antigen-specific Tfh cells by upregulating the expression of Icosl and Ox40l through the non-canonical NF-kappa B signaling pathway. Tfh cells induced by CD8 alpha(-) DCs function as true B cell helpers, resulting in significantly increased humoral immune responses against various human pathogenic antigens, including Yersinia pestis LcrV, HIV Gag, and hepatitis B surface antigen. Our findings uncover a mechanistic role of CD8 alpha(-) DCs in the initiation of Tfh cell differentiation and thereby provide a rationale for investigating CD8 alpha(-) DCs in enhancing antigen-specific humoral immune responses for improving vaccines and therapeutics.