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Barak T, Ristori E, Ercan-Sencicek AG, Miyagishima DF, Nelson-Williams C, Dong WL, Jin SC, Prendergast A, Armero W, Henegariu O, Erson-Omay EZ, Harmanal AS, Guy M, Gultekin B, Kilic D, Rai DK, Goc N, Aguilera SM, Gulez B, Altinok S, Ozcan K, Yarman Y, Coskun S, Sempou E, Deniz E, Hintzen J, Cox A, Fomchenko E, Jung SW, Ozturk AK, Louvi A, Bilguvar K, Connolly ES, Khokha MK, Kahle KT, Yasuno K, Lifton RP, Mishra-Gorur K, Nicoli S, Gunel M
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PPIL4 is essential for brain angiogenesis and implicated in intracranial aneurysms in humans

NATURE MEDICINE 2021 DEC; 27(12):2165-+
Genomic analyses in individuals with index and familial intracranial aneurysms and experiments in vertebrate models identify pathogenic variants in the PPIL4 gene implicated in cerebral angiogenesis and cerebrovascular integrity, through the Wnt signaling pathway. Intracranial aneurysm (IA) rupture leads to subarachnoid hemorrhage, a sudden-onset disease that often causes death or severe disability. Although genome-wide association studies have identified common genetic variants that increase IA risk moderately, the contribution of variants with large effect remains poorly defined. Using whole-exome sequencing, we identified significant enrichment of rare, deleterious mutations in PPIL4, encoding peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 4, in both familial and index IA cases. Ppil4 depletion in vertebrate models causes intracerebral hemorrhage, defects in cerebrovascular morphology and impaired Wnt signaling. Wild-type, but not IA-mutant, PPIL4 potentiates Wnt signaling by binding JMJD6, a known angiogenesis regulator and Wnt activator. These findings identify a novel PPIL4-dependent Wnt signaling mechanism involved in brain-specific angiogenesis and maintenance of cerebrovascular integrity and implicate PPIL4 gene mutations in the pathogenesis of IA.
Broennimann K, Ricardo-Lax I, Adler J, Michailidis E, de Jong YP, Reuven N, Shaul Y
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RNR-R2 Upregulation by a Short Non-Coding Viral Transcript

BIOMOLECULES 2021 DEC; 11(12):? Article 1822
DNA viruses require dNTPs for replication and have developed different strategies to increase intracellular dNTP pools. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infects non-dividing cells in which dNTPs are scarce and the question is how viral replication takes place. Previously we reported that the virus induces the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway culminating in RNR-R2 expression and the generation of an active RNR holoenzyme, the key regulator of dNTP levels, leading to an increase in dNTPs. How the virus induces DDR and RNR-R2 upregulation is not completely known. The viral HBx open reading frame (ORF) was believed to trigger this pathway. Unexpectedly, however, we report here that the production of HBx protein is dispensable. We found that a small conserved region of 125 bases within the HBx ORF is sufficient to upregulate RNR-R2 expression in growth-arrested HepG2 cells and primary human hepatocytes. The observed HBV mRNA embedded regulatory element is named ERE. ERE in isolation is sufficient to activate the ATR-Chk1-E2F1-RNR-R2 DDR pathway. These findings demonstrate a non-coding function of HBV transcripts to support its propagation in non-cycling cells.
Kelly SP, Arbona RJR, Michel AO, Wang CW, Henderson KS, Lipman NS
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Biology and Cellular Tropism of a Unique Astrovirus Strain: Murine Astrovirus 2

COMPARATIVE MEDICINE 2021 DEC; 71(6):474-484
Murine astrovirus 2 (MuAstV2) is a novel murine astrovirus recently identified in laboratory and wild mice. MuAstV2 readily transmits between immunocompetent mice yet fails to transmit to highly immunocompromised mouse strains-a unique characteristic when contrasted with other murine viruses including other astroviruses. We characterized the viral shedding kinetics and tissue tropism of MuAstV2 in immunocompetent C57BL/6NCrl mice and evaluated the apparent Temporal patterns of viral shedding were determined by serially measuring fecal viral RNA. Tissue tropism and viral load were characterized and quantified by using in-situ hybridization (ISH) targeting viral RNA. Cellular tropism was characterized by evaluating fluorescent colocalization of viral ISH with various immunohistochemical markers. We found a rapid increase of fecal viral RNA in B6 mice, which peaked at 5 d after inoculation (dpi) followed by cessation of shedding by 168 dpi. The small intestine had the highest percentage of hybridization (3.09% of tissue area) of all tissues in which hybridization occurred at 5 dpi. The thymus displayed the next highest degree of hybridization (2.3%) at 7 dpi, indicating extraintestinal viral spread. MuAstV2 RNA hybridization was found to colocalize with only 3 of the markers evaluated: CD3 (T cells), Iba1 (macrophages), and cytokeratin (enterocytes). A higher percentage of CD3 cells and Iba1 cells hybridized with MuAstV2 as compared with cytokeratin at 2 dpi (CD3, 59%; Iba1, 46%; cytokeratin, 6%) and 35 dpi (CD3, 14%; Iba1, 55%; cytokeratin, 3%). Neither fecal viral RNA nor viral hybridization was noted in NCG mice at the time points examined. In addition, mice of mixed genetic background were inoculated, and only those with a functioning Il2rg gene shed MuAstV2. Results from this study suggest that infection of, or interaction with, the immune system is required for infection by or replication of MuAstV2.
Wallace SW, Lizzappi MC, Magemizoglu E, Hur H, Liang YP, Shaham S
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Nuclear hormone receptors promote gut and glia detoxifying enzyme induction and protect C. elegans from the mold P. brevicompactum

CELL REPORTS 2021 DEC 28; 37(13):? Article 110166
Animals encounter microorganisms in their habitats, adapting physiology and behavior accordingly. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is found in microbe-rich environments; however, its responses to fungi are not extensively studied. Here, we describe interactions of C. elegans and Penicillium brevicompactum, an ecologically relevant mold. Transcriptome studies reveal that co-culture upregulates stress response genes, including xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XMEs), in C. elegans intestine and AMsh glial cells. The nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) NHR-45 and NHR-156 are induction regulators, and mutants that cannot induce XMEs in the intestine when exposed to P. brevicompactum experience mitochondrial stress and exhibit developmental defects. Different C. elegans wild isolates harbor sequence polymorphisms in nhr156, resulting in phenotypic diversity in AMsh glia responses to microbe exposure. We propose that P. brevicompactum mitochondria-targeting mycotoxins are deactivated by intestinal detoxification, allowing tolerance to moldy environments. Our studies support the idea that C. elegans NHRs may be regulated by environmental cues.
Ortuno MJ, Schneeberger M, Ilanges A, Marchildon F, Pellegrino K, Friedman JM, Ducy P
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Melanocortin 4 receptor stimulation prevents antidepressant-associated weight gain in mice caused fluoxetine

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2021 DEC 15; 131(24):? Article e151976
Contrasting with the predicted anorexigenic effect of increasing brain serotonin signaling, long-term use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants correlates with body weight (BW) gain. This adverse outcome increases the risk of transitioning to obesity and interferes with treatment compliance. Here, we show that orally administered fluoxetine (Flx), a widely prescribed SSRI, increased BW by enhancing food intake in healthy mice at 2 different time points and through 2 distinct mechanisms. Within hours, Flx decreased the activity of a subset of brainstem serotonergic neurons by triggering autoinhibitory signaling through 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1a (Htr1a). Following a longer treatment period, Flx blunted 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2c (Htr2c) expression and signaling, decreased the phosphorylation of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and STAT3, and dampened the production of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC, the precursor of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone [alpha-MSH]) in hypothalamic neurons, thereby increasing food intake. Accordingly, exogenous stimulation of the melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) by cotreating mice with Flx and lipocalin 2, an anorexigenic hormone signaling through this receptor, normalized feeding and BW. Flx and other SSRIs also inhibited CREB and STAT3 phosphorylation in a human neuronal cell line, suggesting that these noncanonical effects could also occur in individuals treated long term with SSRIs. By defining the molecular basis of long-term SSRI-associated weight gain, we propose a therapeutic strategy to counter this effect.
Knight JS, Caricchio R, Casanova JL, Combes AJ, Diamond B, Fox SE, Hanauer DA, James JA, Kanthi Y, Ladd V, Mehta P, Ring AM, Sanz I, Selmi C, Tracy RP, Utz PJ, Wagner CA, Wang JY, McCune WJ
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The intersection of COVID-19 and autoimmunity

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2021 DEC 15; 131(24):? Article e154886
Acute COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, is characterized by diverse clinical presentations, ranging from asymptomatic infection to fatal respiratory failure, and often associated with varied longer-term sequelae. Over the past 18 months, it has become apparent that inappropriate immune responses contribute to the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19. Researchers working at the intersection of COVID-19 and autoimmunity recently gathered at an American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association Noel R. Rose Colloquium to address the current state of knowledge regarding two important questions: Does established autoimmunity predispose to severe COVID-19? And, at the same time, can SARS-CoV-2 infection trigger de novo autoimmunity? Indeed, work to date has demonstrated that 10% to 15% of patients with critical COVID-19 pneumonia exhibit autoantibodies against type I interferons, suggesting that preexisting autoimmunity underlies severe disease in some patients. Other studies have identified functional autoantibodies following infection with SARS-CoV-2, such as those that promote thrombosis or antagonize cytokine signaling. These autoantibodies may arise from a predominantly extrafollicular B cell response that is more prone to generating autoantibody-secreting B cells. This Review highlights the current understanding, evolving concepts, and unanswered questions provided by this unique opportunity to determine mechanisms by which a viral infection can be exacerbated by, and even trigger, autoimmunity. The potential role of autoimmunity in post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 is also discussed.
Varble A, Campisi E, Euler CW, Maguin P, Kozlova A, Fyodorova J, Rostol JT, Fischetti VA, Marraffini LA
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Prophage integration into CRISPR loci enables evasion of antiviral immunity in Streptococcus pyogenes

NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 2021 DEC; 6(12):1516-+
By combining the use of a small anti-CRISPR protein, AcrIIA23, with direct integration into the host cell's CRISPR locus, the lysogenic phage phi AP1.1 neutralizes CRISPR-mediated anti-phage immunity in Streptococcus pyogenes. CRISPR loci are composed of short DNA repeats separated by sequences, known as spacers, that match the genomes of invaders such as phages and plasmids. Spacers are transcribed and processed to generate RNA guides used by CRISPR-associated nucleases to recognize and destroy the complementary nucleic acids of invaders. To counteract this defence, phages can produce small proteins that inhibit these nucleases, termed anti-CRISPRs (Acrs). Here we demonstrate that the phi AP1.1 temperate phage utilizes an alternative approach to antagonize the type II-A CRISPR response in Streptococcus pyogenes. Immediately after infection, this phage expresses a small anti-CRISPR protein, AcrIIA23, that prevents Cas9 function, allowing phi AP1.1 to integrate into the direct repeats of the CRISPR locus, neutralizing immunity. However, acrIIA23 is not transcribed during lysogeny and phage integration/excision cycles can result in the deletion and/or transduction of spacers, enabling a complex modulation of the type II-A CRISPR immune response. A bioinformatic search identified prophages integrated not only in the CRISPR repeats, but also the cas genes, of diverse bacterial species, suggesting that prophage disruption of the CRISPR-cas locus is a recurrent mechanism to counteract immunity.
Chen J, Jing HE, Martin-Nalda A, Bastard P, Riviere JG, Liu ZY, Colobran R, Lee D, Tung W, Manry J, Hasek M, Boucherit S, Lorenzo L, Rozenberg F, Aubart M, Abel L, Su HC, Palacin PS, Casanova JL, Zhang SY
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Inborn errors of TLR3-or MDA5-dependent type I IFN immunity in children with enterovirus rhombencephalitis

JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 2021 DEC 6; 218(12):? Article e20211349
Enterovirus (EV) infection rarely results in life-threatening infection of the central nervous system. We report two unrelated children with EV30 and EV71 rhombencephalitis. One patient carries compound heterozygous TLR3 variants (loss-of-function F322fs2* and hypomorphic D280N), and the other is homozygous for an IFIH1 variant (loss-of-function c.1641+1G>C). Their fibroblasts respond poorly to extracellular (TLR3) or intracellular (MDA5) poly(I:C) stimulation. The baseline (TLR3) and EV-responsive (MDA5) levels of IFN-beta in the patients' fibroblasts are low. EV growth is enhanced at early and late time points of infection in TLR3- and MDA5-deficient fibroblasts, respectively. Treatment with exogenous IFN-alpha 2b before infection renders both cell lines resistant to EV30 and EV71, whereas post-infection treatment with IFN-alpha 2b rescues viral susceptibility fully only in MDA5-deficient fibroblasts. Finally, the poly(I:C) and viral phenotypes of fibroblasts are rescued by the expression of WT TLR3 or MDA5. Human TLR3 and MDA5 are critical for cell-intrinsic immunity to EV, via the control of baseline and virus-induced type I IFN production, respectively.
Tataryn NM, Singh V, Dyke JP, Berk-Rauch HE, Clausen DM, Aronowitz E, Norris EH, Strickland S, Ahn HJ
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Vascular endothelial growth factor associated dissimilar cerebrovascular phenotypes in two different mouse models of Alzheimer's Disease

Vascular perturbations and cerebral hypometabolism are emerging as important components of Alzheimer's disease (AD). While various in vivo imaging modalities have been designed to detect changes of cerebral perfusion and metabolism in AD patients and animal models, study results were often het erogenous with respect to imaging techniques and animal models. We therefore evaluated cerebral perfusion and glucose metabolism of two popular transgenic AD mouse strains, TgCRND8 and 5xFAD, at 7 and 12 months-of-age under identical conditions and analyzed possible molecular mechanisms underlying heterogeneous cerebrovascular phenotypes. Results revealed disparate findings in these two strains, displaying important aspects of AD progression. TgCRND8 mice showed significantly decreased cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism with unchanged cerebral blood volume (CBV) at 12 months of-age whereas 5xFAD mice showed unaltered glucose metabolism with significant increase in CBV at 12 months-of-age and a biphasic pattern of early hypoperfusion followed by a rebound to normal cerebral blood flow in late disease. Finally, immunoblotting assays suggested that VEGF dependent vascular tone change may restore normoperfusion and increase CBV in 5xFAD. (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Kowalski-Jahn M, Schihada H, Turku A, Huber T, Sakmar TP, Schulte G
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Frizzled BRET sensors based on bioorthogonal labeling of unnatural amino acids reveal WNT-induced dynamics of the cysteine-rich domain

SCIENCE ADVANCES 2021 NOV; 7(46):? Article eabj7917
Frizzleds (FZD(1-10)) are G protein-coupled receptors containing an extracellular cysteine-rich domain (CRD) binding Wingless/Int-1 lipoglycoproteins (WNTs). Despite the role of WNT/FZD signaling in health and disease, our understanding of how WNT binding is translated into receptor activation and transmembrane signaling remains limited. Current hypotheses dispute the roles for conformational dynamics. To clarify how WNT binding to FZD translates into receptor dynamics, we devised conformational FZD-CRD biosensors based on bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). Using FZD with N-terminal nanoluciferase (Nluc) and fluorescently labeled unnatural amino acids in the linker domain and extracellular loop 3, we show that WNT-3A and WNT-5A induce similar CRD conformational rearrangements despite promoting distinct signaling pathways and that CRD dynamics are not required for WNT/beta-catenin signaling. Thus, these FZD-CRD biosensors provide insights into binding, activation, and signaling processes in FZDs. The sensor design is broadly applicable to explore ligand--induced dynamics also in other membrane receptors.