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Sordillo A, Bargmann CI
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Behavioral control by depolarized and hyperpolarized states of an integrating neuron

ELIFE 2021 NOV 5; 10(?):? Article e67723
Coordinated transitions between mutually exclusive motor states are central to behavioral decisions. During locomotion, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans spontaneously cycles between forward runs, reversals, and turns with complex but predictable dynamics. Here, we provide insight into these dynamics by demonstrating how RIM interneurons, which are active during reversals, act in two modes to stabilize both forward runs and reversals. By systematically quantifying the roles of RIM outputs during spontaneous behavior, we show that RIM lengthens reversals when depolarized through glutamate and tyramine neurotransmitters and lengthens forward runs when hyperpolarized through its gap junctions. RIM is not merely silent upon hyperpolarization: RIM gap junctions actively reinforce a hyperpolarized state of the reversal circuit. Additionally, the combined outputs of chemical synapses and gap junctions from RIM regulate forward-to-reversal transitions. Our results indicate that multiple classes of RIM synapses create behavioral inertia during spontaneous locomotion.
Leonen CJA, Shimada M, Weller CE, Nakadai T, Hsu PL, Tyson EL, Mishra A, Shelton PMM, Sadilek M, Hawkins RD, Zheng N, Roeder RG, Chatterjee C
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Sumoylation of the human histone H4 tail inhibits p300-mediated transcription by RNA polymerase II in cellular extracts

ELIFE 2021 NOV 8; 10(?):? Article e67952
The post-translational modification of histones by the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein has been associated with gene regulation, centromeric localization, and double-strand break repair in eukaryotes. Although sumoylation of histone H4 was specifically associated with gene repression, this could not be proven due to the challenge of site-specifically sumoylating H4 in cells. Biochemical crosstalk between SUMO and other histone modifications, such as H4 acetylation and H3 methylation, that are associated with active genes also remains unclear. We addressed these challenges in mechanistic studies using an H4 chemically modified at Lys12 by SUMO-3 (H4K12su) and incorporated into mononucleosomes and chromatinized plasmids for functional studies. Mononucleosome-based assays revealed that H4K12su inhibits transcription-activating H4 tail acetylation by the histone acetyltransferase p300, as well as transcription-associated H3K4 methylation by the extended catalytic module of the Set1/COMPASS (complex of proteins associated with Set1) histone methyltransferase complex. Activator- and p300-dependent in vitro transcription assays with chromatinized plasmids revealed that H4K12su inhibits both H4 tail acetylation and RNA polymerase II-mediated transcription. Finally, cell-based assays with a SUMO-H4 fusion that mimics H4 tail sumoylation confirmed the negative crosstalk between histone sumoylation and acetylation/methylation. Thus, our studies establish the key role for histone sumoylation in gene silencing and its negative biochemical crosstalk with active transcription-associated marks in human cells.
Banerjee P, Xiao GY, Tan XC, Zheng VJ, Shi L, Rabassedas MNB, Guo HF, Liu X, Yu J, Diao LX, Wang J, Russell WK, Roszik J, Creighton CJ, Kurie JM
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The EMT activator ZEB1 accelerates endosomal trafficking to establish a polarity axis in lung adenocarcinoma cells

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2021 NOV 3; 12(1):? Article 6354
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a transcriptionally governed process by which cancer cells establish a front-rear polarity axis that facilitates motility and invasion. Dynamic assembly of focal adhesions and other actin-based cytoskeletal structures on the leading edge of motile cells requires precise spatial and temporal control of protein trafficking. Yet, the way in which EMT-activating transcriptional programs interface with vesicular trafficking networks that effect cell polarity change remains unclear. Here, by utilizing multiple approaches to assess vesicular transport dynamics through endocytic recycling and retrograde trafficking pathways in lung adenocarcinoma cells at distinct positions on the EMT spectrum, we find that the EMT-activating transcription factor ZEB1 accelerates endocytosis and intracellular trafficking of plasma membrane-bound proteins. ZEB1 drives turnover of the MET receptor tyrosine kinase by hastening receptor endocytosis and transport to the lysosomal compartment for degradation. ZEB1 relieves a plus-end-directed microtubule-dependent kinesin motor protein (KIF13A) and a clathrin-associated adaptor protein complex subunit (AP1S2) from microRNA-dependent silencing, thereby accelerating cargo transport through the endocytic recycling and retrograde vesicular pathways, respectively. Depletion of KIF13A or AP1S2 mitigates ZEB1-dependent focal adhesion dynamics, front-rear axis polarization, and cancer cell motility. Thus, ZEB1-dependent transcriptional networks govern vesicular trafficking dynamics to effect cell polarity change. The way in which metastatic tumour cells control endocytic vesicular trafficking networks to establish a front-rear polarity axis that facilitates motility remains unclear. Here, the authors show that the EMT activator ZEB1 influences vesicular trafficking dynamics to execute cell polarity change.
Chikhalya A, Dittmann M, Zheng YT, Sohn SY, Rice CM, Hearing P
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Human IFIT3 Protein Induces Interferon Signaling and Inhibits Adenovirus Immediate Early Gene Expression

MBIO 2021 NOV-DEC; 12(6):? Article e02829-21
Interferons (IFNs) are one of the hallmarks of host antiviral immunity. IFNs exert their antiviral activities through the induction of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) and antiviral proteins; however, the mechanism by which ISGs inhibit adenovirus (Ad) replication is not clearly understood. IFNs repress Ad immediate early gene expression and, consequently, all subsequent aspects of the viral life cycle. In this study, we found that IFN-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3, IFIT3 (ISG60), restricts Ad replication. IFIT3 repressed Ad E1A immediate early gene expression but did not alter Ad genome entry into the nucleus. Expression of IFIT3 led to phosphorylation of TBK1, IRF3, and STAT1; increased expression of IFN beta and ISGs; and required IFIT1 and IFIT2 partner proteins. During RNA virus infections, it is known that IFIT3 stimulates IFN production through mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS)-mediated activation of TBK1 which synergizes activation of IRF3 and NF-kappa B. MAVS or TBK1 depletion in cells expressing IFIT3 blocked IFN signaling and reversed the Ad replication restriction. In addition, STING depletion phenocopied the effect suggesting that IFIT3 activates the STING pathway with cross talk to the MAVS pathway. This occurs independently of viral pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). These results demonstrate that the expression of a single ISG, IFIT3, activates IFN signaling and establishes a cellular antiviral state independent of viral PAMPs. IMPORTANCE IFITs belong to a family of IFN-induced proteins that have broad antiviral functions, primarily studied with RNA viruses leaving a gap of knowledge on the effects of these proteins on DNA viruses. In this study we show that IFIT3, with its partner proteins IFIT1 and IFIT2, specifically restricts replication of human Ad, a DNA virus, by stimulating IFN beta production via the STING and MAVS pathways. This effect enhanced the IFN response and is independent of viral PAMPs. These results reveal a novel mechanism of activation of IFN signaling to enhance cellular antiviral responses.
Gatimu SM, Kimani RW
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Does mass drug administration of azithromycin reduce child mortality?

LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH 2021 NOV; 9(11):E1485-E1486
Hu JJ, Molinari E, Darmon SK, Zhang L, Patrizio P, Barad DH, Gleicher N
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Predictive value of cytoplasmic granulation patterns during in vitro fertilization in metaphase II oocytes part II, donor oocyte cycles

FERTILITY AND STERILITY 2021 NOV; 116(5):1330-1340
Objective: To determine whether the ooplasm granulation patterns of donor oocytes, like those of oocytes from poor-prognosis patients, are predictive of in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Academically affiliated private clinical infertility and research center. Patient(s): 770 fresh and 381 vitrified-thawed metaphase II oocytes from young donors (aged 21.0-34.6 years) used for IVF during 2017-2020. Intervention(s): Determination of granulation patterns in every oocyte during intracytoplasmic sperm injection as fine, central, uneven, dispersed, and peripheral (thawed only). Main Outcome Measure(s): Fertilization, pregnancy, and live birth rates in fresh and thawed donor oocytes. Both overall and known-outcome analyses were performed for pregnancy and live birth. Result(s): In fresh donor oocytes, 2 pronuclei rates trended down from 96.1% to 90.2%, 88.9%, and 69.7% from fine to central, uneven, and dispersed granulations; overall pregnancy rates trended down from 50.4% to 29.0%, 17.7%, and 6.9%, as well as live birth rates (43.4%, 21.6%, 12.5%, and 6.4%), from fine to uneven, central, and dispersed granulations. Known pregnancy and known-live birth analyses showed similar findings. Thawed donor oocytes demonstrated similar trends in differences in fertilization, pregnancy, and live birth analyses with relatively worse outcomes. Peripheral granulation, unique to vitrification and thawing, always demonstrated the worst IVF outcomes. Moreover, granulation patterns were relatively disassociated from embryo morphological grades in fresh and largely disassociated in thawed donor oocytes. Conclusion(s): Predictive values of oocyte granulation patterns for fertilization, pregnancy, and live birth in IVF cycles are even more pronounced in young donors than results in older poor-prognosis patients, further supporting integration of oocyte granulation patterns into embryo selection. (C) 2021 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Friedman JM
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How the discovery of microbial opsins led to the development of optogenetics

CELL 2021 OCT 14; 184(21):5266-5270
This year's Lasker Award recognizes Dieter Oesterhelt, Peter Hegemann, and Karl Deisseroth for their discovery of microbial opsins as light-activated ion conductors and the development of optogenetics using these proteins to regulate neural activity in awake, behaving animals. Optogenetics has revolutionized neuroscience and transformed our understanding of brain function.
Kow LM, Kandel H, Kilinc M, Daniels MA, Magarinos AM, Jiang CS, Pfaff DW
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Potassium channels and the development of arousal-relevant action potential trains in primary hindbrain neurons

BRAIN RESEARCH 2021 OCT 1; 1768(?):? Article 147574
Neurons in nucleus gigantocellularis (NGC) have been shown by many lines of evidence to be important for regulating generalized CNS arousal. Our previous study on mouse pups suggested that the development of NGC neurons' capability to fire action potential (AP) trains may both lead to the development of behavioral arousal and may itself depend on an increase in delayed rectifier currents. Here with whole-cell patch clamp we studied delayed rectifier currents in two stages. First, primary cultured neurons isolated from E12.5 embryonic hindbrain (HB), a dissection which contains all of NGC, were used to take advantage of studying neurons in vitro over using neurons in situ or in brain slices. HB neurons were tested with Guangxitoxin-1E and Resveratrol, two inhibitors of Kv2 channels which mediate the main bulk of delayed rectifier currents. Both inhibitors depressed delayed rectifier currents, but differentially: Resveratrol, but not Guangxitoxin-1E, reduced or abolished action potentials in AP trains. Since Resveratrol affects the Kv2.2 subtype, the development of the delayed rectifier mediated through Kv2.2 channels may lead to the development of HB neurons' capability to generate AP trains. Stage Two in this work found that electrophysiological properties of the primary HB neurons recorded are essentially the same as those of NGC neurons. Thus, from the two stages combined, we propose that currents mediated through Kv2.2 are crucial for generating AP trains which, in turn, lead to the development of mouse pup behavioral arousal.
Al-Massadi O, Dieguez C, Schneeberger M, Lopez M, Schwaninger M, Prevot V, Nogueiras R
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Multifaceted actions of melanin-concentrating hormone on mammalian energy homeostasis

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) integrates physiological functions and mood states associated with energy and glucose homeostasis. In this Review, Al-Massadi et al. describe how MCH regulates the hedonic component of food intake and discuss its potential as a therapeutic target. Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a small cyclic peptide expressed in all mammals, mainly in the hypothalamus. MCH acts as a robust integrator of several physiological functions and has crucial roles in the regulation of sleep-wake rhythms, feeding behaviour and metabolism. MCH signalling has a very broad endocrine context and is involved in physiological functions and emotional states associated with metabolism, such as reproduction, anxiety, depression, sleep and circadian rhythms. MCH mediates its functions through two receptors (MCHR1 and MCHR2), of which only MCHR1 is common to all mammals. Owing to the wide variety of MCH downstream signalling pathways, MCHR1 agonists and antagonists have great potential as tools for the directed management of energy balance disorders and associated metabolic complications, and translational strategies using these compounds hold promise for the development of novel treatments for obesity. This Review provides an overview of the numerous roles of MCH in energy and glucose homeostasis, as well as in regulation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic circuits that encode the hedonic component of food intake.
Fenk LM, Kim AJ, Maimon G
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Suppression of motion vision during course-changing, but not course-stabilizing, navigational turns

CURRENT BIOLOGY 2021 OCT 25; 31(20):4608-+
From mammals to insects, locomotion has been shown to strongly modulate visual-system physiology. Does the manner in which a locomotor act is initiated change the modulation observed? We performed patchclamp recordings from motion-sensitive visual neurons in tethered, flying Drosophila. We observed motorrelated signals in flies performing flight turns in rapid response to looming discs and also during spontaneous turns, but motor-related signals were weak or non-existent in the context of turns made in response to brief pulses of unidirectional visual motion (i.e., optomotor responses). Thus, the act of a locomotor turn is variably associated with modulation of visual processing. These results can be understood via the following principle: suppress visual responses during course-changing, but not course-stabilizing, navigational turns. This principle is likely to apply broadly-even to mammals-whenever visual cells whose activity helps to stabilize a locomotor trajectory or the visual gaze angle are targeted for motor modulation.