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von Beeren C, Bruckner A, Hoenle PO, Ospina-Jara B, Kronauer DJC, Bluthgen N
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Multiple phenotypic traits as triggers of host attacks towards ant symbionts: body size, morphological gestalt, and chemical mimicry accuracy

FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY 2021 SEP 19; 18(1):? Article 46
Background Ant colonies are plagued by a diversity of arthropod guests, which adopt various strategies to avoid or to withstand host attacks. Chemical mimicry of host recognition cues is, for example, a common integration strategy of ant guests. The morphological gestalt and body size of ant guests have long been argued to also affect host hostility, but quantitative studies testing these predictions are largely missing. We here evaluated three guest traits as triggers of host aggression-body size, morphological gestalt, and accuracy in chemical mimicry-in a community of six Eciton army ant species and 29 guest species. We quantified ant aggression towards 314 guests in behavioral assays and, for the same individuals, determined their body size and their accuracy in mimicking ant cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles. We classified guests into the following gestalts: protective, myrmecoid, staphylinid-like, phorid-like, and larval-shaped. We expected that (1) guests with lower CHC mimicry accuracy are more frequently attacked; (2) larger guests are more frequently attacked; (3) guests of different morphological gestalt receive differing host aggression levels. Results Army ant species had distinct CHC profiles and accuracy of mimicking these profiles was variable among guests, with many species showing high mimicry accuracy. Unexpectedly, we did not find a clear relationship between chemical host similarity and host aggression, suggesting that other symbiont traits need to be considered. We detected a relationship between the guests' body size and the received host aggression, in that diminutive forms were rarely attacked. Our data also indicated that morphological gestalt might be a valuable predictor of host aggression. While most ant-guest encounters remained peaceful, host behavior still differed towards guests in that ant aggression was primarily directed towards those guests possessing a protective or a staphylinid-like gestalt. Conclusion We demonstrate that CHC mimicry accuracy does not necessarily predict host aggression towards ant symbionts. Exploitation mechanisms are diverse, and we conclude that, besides chemical mimicry, other factors such as the guests' morphological gestalt and especially their body size might be important, yet underrated traits shaping the level of host hostility against social insect symbionts.
Navrazhina K, Garcet S, Gonzalez J, Grand D, Frew JW, Krueger JG
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In-Depth Analysis of the Hidradenitis Suppurativa Serum Proteome Identifies Distinct Inflammatory Subtypes

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis with presentations ranging from painful nodules and abscesses to draining tunnels. Using an unbiased proteomics approach, we assessed cardiovascular-, cardiometabolic-, and inflammation-related biomarkers in the serum of patients with moderate-to-severe hidradenitis suppurativa. The serum of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa clustered separately from that of healthy controls and had an upregulation of neutrophil-related markers (Cathepsin D, IL-17A, CXCL1). Patients with histologically diagnosed dermal tunnels had higher serum lipocalin-2 levels compared with those without tunnels. Consistent with this, patients with tunnels had a more neutrophilic-rich serum signature, marked by Cathepsin D, IL-17A, and IL-17D alterations. There was a significant correlation between proteins in the serum and the corresponding mRNA expression in skin biopsies, with healthy-appearing perilesional skin demonstrating a significant correlation with neutrophil-related proteins in the serum. CSF3 mRNA levels in lesional skin significantly correlated with neutrophil-related proteins in the serum, suggesting that CFS3 in the skin may be a driver of neutrophilic inflammation. Clinical significantly correlated with the levels of lipocalin-2 and IL-17A in the serum. Using an unbiased, large-scale proteomic approach, we demonstrate that hidradenitis suppurativa is a systemic neutrophilic dermatosis, with a specific molecular signature associated with the presence of dermal tunnels.
Puel A, Casanova JL
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Comment on "Aberrant type 1 immunity drives susceptibility to mucosal fungal infections"

SCIENCE 2021 SEP 17; 373(6561):?
Break et al. (Research Articles, 15 January 2021, eaay5731) suggest that chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in humans with inborn errors of AIRE and autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 is due to excessive interferon-gamma production and not to autoantibodies neutralizing interleukin-17 cytokines. We argue that both claims are not conclusively supported by their data and are at odds with 35 years of study.
De Gasparo R, Pedotti M, Simonelli L, Nickl P, Muecksch F, Cassaniti I, Percivalle E, Lorenzi JCC, Mazzola F, Magri D, Michalcikova T, Haviernik J, Honig V, Mrazkova B, Polakova N, Fortova A, Tureckova J, Iatsiuk V, Di Girolamo S, Palus M, Zudova D, Bednar P, Bukova I, Bianchini F, Mehn D, Nencka R, Strakova P, Pavlis O, Rozman J, Gioria S, Sammartino JC, Giardina F, Gaiarsa S, Pan-Hammarstrom Q, Barnes CO, Bjorkman PJ, Calzolai L, Piralla A, Baldanti F, Nussenzweig MC, Bieniasz PD, Hatziioannou T, Prochazka J, Sedlacek R, Robbiani DF, Ruzek D, Varani L
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Publisher Correction: Bispecific IgG neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 variants and prevents escape in mice (vol 593, pg 424, 2021)

NATURE 2021 SEP 2; 597(7874):E2-E2
Alciatore G, Ugelvig LV, Frank E, Bidaux J, Gal A, Schmitt T, Kronauer DJC, Ulrich Y
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Immune challenges increase network centrality in a queenless ant

Social animals display a wide range of behavioural defences against infectious diseases, some of which increase social contacts with infectious individuals (e.g. mutual grooming), while others decrease them (e.g. social exclusion). These defences often rely on the detection of infectious individuals, but this can be achieved in several ways that are difficult to differentiate. Here, we combine non-pathogenic immune challenges with automated tracking in colonies of the clonal raider ant to ask whether ants can detect the immune status of their social partners and to quantify their behavioural responses to this perceived infection risk. We first show that a key behavioural response elicited by live pathogens (allogrooming) can be qualitatively recapitulated by immune challenges alone. Automated scoring of interactions between all colony members reveals that this behavioural response increases the network centrality of immune-challenged individuals through a general increase in physical contacts. These results show that ants can detect the immune status of their nest-mates and respond with a general 'caring' strategy, rather than avoidance, towards social partners that are perceived to be infectious. Finally, we find no evidence that changes in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles drive these behavioural effects.
McKenzie SK, Winston ME, Grewe F, Asensio GV, Rodriguez-Hernandez N, Rubin BER, Murillo-Cruz C, von Beeren C, Moreau CS, Suen G, Pinto-Tomas AA, Kronauer DJC
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The genomic basis of army ant chemosensory adaptations

The evolution of mass raiding has allowed army ants to become dominant arthropod predators in the tropics. Although a century of research has led to many discoveries about behavioural, morphological and physiological adaptations in army ants, almost nothing is known about the molecular basis of army ant biology. Here we report the genome of the iconic New World army ant Eciton burchellii, and show that it is unusually compact, with a reduced gene complement relative to other ants. In contrast to this overall reduction, a particular gene subfamily (9-exon ORs) expressed predominantly in female antennae is expanded. This subfamily has previously been linked to the recognition of hydrocarbons, key olfactory cues used in insect communication and prey discrimination. Confocal microscopy of the brain showed a corresponding expansion in a putative hydrocarbon response centre within the antennal lobe, while scanning electron microscopy of the antenna revealed a particularly high density of hydrocarbon-sensitive sensory hairs. E. burchellii shares these features with its predatory and more cryptic relative, the clonal raider ant. By integrating genomic, transcriptomic and anatomical analyses in a comparative context, our work thus provides evidence that army ants and their relatives possess a suite of modifications in the chemosensory system that may be involved in behavioural coordination and prey selection during social predation. It also lays the groundwork for future studies of army ant biology at the molecular level.
Li WH, Wang ZK, Syed S, Lyu C, Lincoln S, O'Neil J, Nguyen AD, Feng I, Young MW
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Chronic social isolation signals starvation and reduces sleep in Drosophila

NATURE 2021 SEP 9; 597(7875):239-244
Social isolation and loneliness have potent effects on public health(1-4). Research in social psychology suggests that compromised sleep quality is a key factor that links persistent loneliness to adverse health conditions(5,6). Although experimental manipulations have been widely applied to studying the control of sleep and wakefulness in animal models, how normal sleep is perturbed by social isolation is unknown. Here we report that chronic, but not acute, social isolation reduces sleep in Drosophila. We use quantitative behavioural analysis and transcriptome profiling to differentiate between brain states associated with acute and chronic social isolation. Although the flies had uninterrupted access to food, chronic social isolation altered the expression of metabolic genes and induced a brain state that signals starvation. Chronically isolated animals exhibit sleep loss accompanied by overconsumption of food, which resonates with anecdotal findings of loneliness-associated hyperphagia in humans. Chronic social isolation reduces sleep and promotes feeding through neural activities in the peptidergic fan-shaped body columnar neurons of the fly. Artificial activation of these neurons causes misperception of acute social isolation as chronic social isolation and thereby results in sleep loss and increased feeding. These results present a mechanistic link between chronic social isolation, metabolism, and sleep, addressing a long-standing call for animal models focused on loneliness(7).
Hedrick SL, Luo D, Kaska S, Niloy KK, Jackson K, Sarma R, Horn J, Baynard C, Leggas M, Butelman ER, Kreek MJ, Prisinzano TE
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Design, synthesis, and preliminary evaluation of a potential synthetic opioid rescue agent

JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE 2021 SEP 9; 28(1):? Article 62
Background: One of the most prominent opioid analgesics in the United States is the high potency agonist fentanyl. It is used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain and as an anesthetic adjuvant. When used inappropriately, however, ingestion of just a few milligrams of fentanyl or other synthetic opioid can cause opioid-induced respiratory depression (OIRD), often leading to death. Currently, the treatment of choice for OIRD is the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone. Recent reports, however, suggest that higher doses or repeated dosing of naloxone (due to recurrence of respiratory depression) may be required to reverse fully fentanyl-induced respiratory depression, rendering this treatment inadequate. To combat this synthetic opioid overdose crisis, this research aims at identifying a novel opioid reversal agent with enhanced efficacy towards fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. Methods: A series of naltrexone analogues were characterized for their ability to antagonize the effects of fentanyl in vitro utilizing a modified forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation assay. Lead analogue 29 was chosen to undergo further PK studies, followed by in vivo pharmacological analysis to determine its ability to antagonize opioid-induced antinociception in the hot plate assay. Results: A series of potent MOR antagonists were identified, including the highly potent analogue 29 (IC50 =2.06 nM). Follow-up PK studies revealed 29 to possess near 100% bioavailability following IP administration. Brain concentrations of 29 surpassed plasma concentrations, with an apparent terminal half-life of similar to 80 min in mice. In the hot plate assay, 29 dose-dependently (0.01-0.1 mg/kg; IP) and fully antagonized the antinociception induced by oxycodone (5.6 mg/kg; IP). Furthermore, the dose of 29 that is fully effective in preventing oxycodone-induced antinociception (0.1 mg/kg) was ineffective against locomotor deficits caused by the KOR agonist U50,488. Conclusions: Methods have been developed that have utility to identify enhanced rescue agents for the treatment of OIRD. Analogue 29, possessing potent MOR antagonist activity in vitro and in vivo, provides a promising lead in our search for an enhanced synthetic opioid rescue agent.
Tobin JN, Hower S, D'Orazio BM, de la Gandara MP, Evering TH, Khalida C, Ramachandran J, Gonzalez LJ, Kost RG, Vasquez KS, de Lencastre H, Tomasz A, Coller BS, Vaughan R
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Comparative Effectiveness Study of Home-Based Interventions to Prevent CA-MRSA Infection Recurrence

ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL 2021 SEP; 10(9):? Article 1105
Recurrent skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) caused by Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) or Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MSSA) present treatment challenges. This community-based trial examined the effectiveness of an evidence-based intervention (CDC Guidelines, topical decolonization, surface decontamination) to reduce SSTI recurrence, mitigate household contamination/transmission, and improve patient-reported outcomes. Participants (n = 186) were individuals with confirmed MRSA(+)/MSSA(+) SSTIs and their household members. During home visits; Community Health Workers/Promotoras provided hygiene instructions; a five-day supply of nasal mupirocin; chlorhexidine for body cleansing; and household disinfecting wipes (Experimental; EXP) or Usual Care Control (UC CON) pamphlets. Primary outcome was six-month SSTI recurrence from electronic health records (EHR). Home visits (months 0; 3) and telephone assessments (months 0; 1; 6) collected self-report data. Index patients and participating household members provided surveillance culture swabs. Secondary outcomes included household surface contamination; household member colonization and transmission; quality of life; and satisfaction with care. There were no significant differences in SSTI recurrence between EXP and UC in the intent-to-treat cohort (n = 186) or the enrolled cohort (n = 119). EXP participants showed reduced but non-significant colonization rates. EXP and UC did not differ in household member transmission, contaminated surfaces, or patient-reported outcomes. This intervention did not reduce clinician-reported MRSA/MSSA SSTI recurrence. Taken together with other recent studies that employed more intensive decolonization protocols, it is possible that a promotora-delivered intervention instructing treatment for a longer or repetitive duration may be effective and should be examined by future studies.
Butelman ER, Chen CY, Brown KG, Lake KJ, Kreek MJ
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Age of onset of heaviest use of cannabis or alcohol in persons with severe opioid or cocaine use disorders

DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE 2021 SEP 1; 226(?):? Article 108834
Background: Persons with severe opioid or cocaine use disorders are particularly vulnerable to morbidity and mortality. Heaviest use of mu-opioid receptor agonists and cocaine typically commences in early adulthood and is preceded by substantial adolescent exposure to cannabis and/or alcohol. Little information exists on the age trajectories of exposure to cannabis or alcohol in persons diagnosed with severe opioid or cocaine use disorders, compared to persons diagnosed with other substance use disorders (unrelated to opioids or cocaine). Method: This observational study had n = 854 volunteers (male = 581, female = 273; >= 18 years of age at the time of interview) and examined the ages of onset of heaviest use of cannabis and alcohol in persons diagnosed by DSM-IV criteria with opioid dependence (OD), both opioid and cocaine dependence (OD + CD) and cocaine dependence (CD). These age trajectory measures were compared to persons with other substance use disorders (primarily cannabis and alcohol use disorders, termed "Any Other Diagnoses"). Results: Unadjusted survival analyses showed persons diagnosed with either OD + CD or CD had earlier onset of heaviest use of cannabis (mean ages of 16.2 and 17.8, respectively) compared to the "Any Other Diagnoses" reference group (mean age = 19.5). A multivariate logistic regression showed that later onset of heaviest use of cannabis was associated with lower odds of being in the OD + CD or CD groups, when compared to the reference group. Conclusions: Persons diagnosed with severe cocaine use disorders or dual opioid and cocaine use disorders exhibit a pattern of heavy and especially early adolescent exposure to cannabis, compared to persons with other substance use disorders.