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Hwang JY, Nawaz S, Choi J, Wang HF, Hussain S, Nawaz M, Lopez-Giraldez F, Jeong K, Dong WL, Oh JN, Bilguvar K, Mane S, Lee CK, Bystroff C, Lifton RP, Ahmad W, Chung JJ
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Genetic Defects in DNAH2 Underlie Male Infertility With Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagella in Humans and Mice

Asthenozoospermia accounts for over 80% of primary male infertility cases. Reduced sperm motility in asthenozoospermic patients are often accompanied by teratozoospermia, or defective sperm morphology, with varying severity. Multiple morphological abnormalities of the flagella (MMAF) is one of the most severe forms of asthenoteratozoospermia, characterized by heterogeneous flagellar abnormalities. Among various genetic factors known to cause MMAF, multiple variants in the DNAH2 gene are reported to underlie MMAF in humans. However, the pathogenicity by DNAH2 mutations remains largely unknown. In this study, we identified a novel recessive variant (NM_020877:c.12720G > T;p.W4240C) in DNAH2 by whole-exome sequencing, which fully co-segregated with the infertile male members in a consanguineous Pakistani family diagnosed with asthenozoospermia. 80-90% of the sperm from the patients are morphologically abnormal, and in silico analysis models reveal that the non-synonymous variant substitutes a residue in dynein heavy chain domain and destabilizes DNAH2. To better understand the pathogenicity of various DNAH2 variants underlying MMAF in general, we functionally characterized Dnah2-mutant mice generated by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. Dnah2-null males, but not females, are infertile. Dnah2-null sperm cells display absent, short, bent, coiled, and/or irregular flagella consistent with the MMAF phenotype. We found misexpression of centriolar proteins and delocalization of annulus proteins in Dnah2-null spermatids and sperm, suggesting dysregulated flagella development in spermiogenesis. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy analyses revealed that flagella ultrastructure is severely disorganized in Dnah2-null sperm. Absence of DNAH2 compromises the expression of other axonemal components such as DNAH1 and RSPH3. Our results demonstrate that DNAH2 is essential for multiple steps in sperm flagella formation and provide insights into molecular and cellular mechanisms of MMAF pathogenesis.
Cai BL, Li ZH, Ma MT, Zhang J, Kong SF, Abdalla BA, Xu HP, Jebessa E, Zhang XQ, Lawal RA, Nie QH
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Long noncoding RNA SMUL suppresses SMURF2 production-mediated muscle atrophy via nonsense-mediated mRNA decay

As the world population grows, muscle atrophy leading to muscle wasting could become a bigger risk. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are known to play important roles in muscle growth and muscle atrophy. Meanwhile, it has recently come to light that many putative small open reading frames (sORFs) are hidden in lncRNAs; however, their translational capabilities and functions remain unclear. In this study, we uncovered 104 myogenic-associated lncRNAs translated, in at least a small peptide, by integrated transcriptome and proteomic analyses. Furthermore, an upstream ORF (uORF) regulatory network was constructed, and a novel muscle atrophy-associated lncRNA named SMUL (Smad ubiquitin regulatory factor 2 [SMURF2] upstream lncRNA) was identified. SMUL was highly expressed in skeletal muscle, and its expression level was down regulated during myoblast differentiation. SMUL promoted myoblast proliferation and suppressed differentiation in vitro. In vivo, SMUL induced skeletal muscle atrophy and promoted a switch from slow-twitch to fast-twitch fibers. In the meantime, translation of the SMUL sORF disrupted the stability of SMURF2 mRNA. Mechanistically, SMUL restrained SMURF2 production via nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), participating in the regulation of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta)/SMAD pathway and further regulating myogenesis and muscle atrophy. Taken together, these results suggest that SMUL could be a novel therapeutic target for muscle atrophy.
Gaebler C, Wang ZJ, Lorenzi JCC, Muecksch F, Finkin S, Tokuyama M, Cho A, Jankovic M, Schaefer-Babajew D, Oliveira TY, Cipolla M, Viant C, Barnes CO, Bram Y, Breton G, Hagglof T, Mendoza P, Hurley A, Turroja M, Gordon K, Millard KG, Ramos V, Schmidt F, Weisblum Y, Jha D, Tankelevich M, Martinez-Delgado G, Yee J, Patel R, Dizon J, Unson-O'Brien C, Shimeliovich I, Robbiani DF, Zhao Z, Gazumyan A, Schwartz RE, Hatziioannou T, Bjorkman PJ, Mehandru S, Bieniasz PD, Caskey M, Nussenzweig MC
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Evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2

NATURE 2021 MAR 25; 591(7851):639-644
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has infected 78 million individuals and is responsible for over 1.7 million deaths to date. Infection is associated with the development of variable levels of antibodies with neutralizing activity, which can protect against infection in animal models(1,2). Antibody levels decrease with time, but, to our knowledge, the nature and quality of the memory B cells that would be required to produce antibodies upon reinfection has not been examined. Here we report on the humoral memory response in a cohort of 87 individuals assessed at 1.3 and 6.2 months after infection with SARS-CoV-2. We find that titres of IgM and IgG antibodies against the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 decrease significantly over this time period, with IgA being less affected. Concurrently, neutralizing activity in plasma decreases by fivefold in pseudotype virus assays. By contrast, the number of RBD-specific memory B cells remains unchanged at 6.2 months after infection. Memory B cells display clonal turnover after 6.2 months, and the antibodies that they express have greater somatic hypermutation, resistance to RBD mutations and increased potency, indicative of continued evolution of the humoral response. Immunofluorescence and PCR analyses of intestinal biopsies obtained from asymptomatic individuals at 4 months after the onset of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) revealed the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acids and immunoreactivity in the small bowel of 7 out of 14 individuals. We conclude that the memory B cell response to SARS-CoV-2 evolves between 1.3 and 6.2 months after infection in a manner that is consistent with antigen persistence.
Maguire OA, Ackerman SE, Szwed SK, Maganti AV, Marchildon F, Huang XJ, Kramer DJ, Rosas-Villegas A, Gelfer RG, Turner LE, Ceballos V, Hejazi A, Samborska B, Rahbani JF, Dykstra CB, Annis MG, Luo JD, Carroll TS, Jiang CS, Dannenberg AJ, Siegel PM, Tersey SA, Mirmira RG, Kazak L, Cohen P
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Creatine-mediated crosstalk between adipocytes and cancer cells regulates obesity-driven breast cancer

CELL METABOLISM 2021 MAR 2; 33(3):499-512.e6
Obesity is a major risk factor for adverse outcomes in breast cancer; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been elucidated. To investigate the role of crosstalk between mammary adipocytes and neoplastic cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME), we performed transcriptomic analysis of cancer cells and adjacent adipose tissue in a murine model of obesity-accelerated breast cancer and identified glycine amidinotransferase (Gatm) in adipocytes and Acsbg1 in cancer cells as required for obesity-driven tumor progression. Gatm is the rate-limiting enzyme in creatine biosynthesis, and deletion in adipocytes attenuated obesity-driven tumor growth. Similarly, genetic inhibition of creatine import into cancer cells reduced tumor growth in obesity. In parallel, breast cancer cells in obese animals upregulated the fatty acyl-CoA synthetase Acsbg1 to promote creatine-dependent tumor progression. These findings reveal key nodes in the crosstalk between adipocytes and cancer cells in the TME necessary for obesity-driven breast cancer progression.
Gaebler C, Wang ZJ, Lorenzi JCC, Muecksch F, Finkin S, Tokuyama M, Cho A, Jankovic M, Schaefer-Babajew D, Oliveira TY, Cipolla M, Viant C, Barnes CO, Bram Y, Breton G, Hagglof T, Mendoza P, Hurley A, Turroja M, Gordon K, Millard KG, Ramos V, Schmidt F, Weisblum Y, Jha D, Tankelevich M, Martinez-Delgado G, Yee J, Patel R, Dizon J, Unson-O'Brien C, Shimeliovich I, Robbiani DF, Zhao Z, Gazumyan A, Schwartz RE, Hatziioannou T, Bjorkman PJ, Mehandru S, Bieniasz PD, Caskey M, Nussenzweig MC
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Evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2

NATURE 2021 MAR 25; 591(7851):639-644
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has infected 78 million individuals and is responsible for over 1.7 million deaths to date. Infection is associated with the development of variable levels of antibodies with neutralizing activity, which can protect against infection in animal models(1,2). Antibody levels decrease with time, but, to our knowledge, the nature and quality of the memory B cells that would be required to produce antibodies upon reinfection has not been examined. Here we report on the humoral memory response in a cohort of 87 individuals assessed at 1.3 and 6.2 months after infection with SARS-CoV-2. We find that titres of IgM and IgG antibodies against the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 decrease significantly over this time period, with IgA being less affected. Concurrently, neutralizing activity in plasma decreases by fivefold in pseudotype virus assays. By contrast, the number of RBD-specific memory B cells remains unchanged at 6.2 months after infection. Memory B cells display clonal turnover after 6.2 months, and the antibodies that they express have greater somatic hypermutation, resistance to RBD mutations and increased potency, indicative of continued evolution of the humoral response. Immunofluorescence and PCR analyses of intestinal biopsies obtained from asymptomatic individuals at 4 months after the onset of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) revealed the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acids and immunoreactivity in the small bowel of 7 out of 14 individuals. We conclude that the memory B cell response to SARS-CoV-2 evolves between 1.3 and 6.2 months after infection in a manner that is consistent with antigen persistence.
Krueger JG, Murrell DF, Garcet S, Navrazhina K, Lee PC, Muscianisi E, Blauvelt A
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Secukinumab lowers expression of ACE2 in affected skin of patients with psoriasis

Liu J, Wang ZJ, Li J, Xu LH, Liu JQ, Feng SH, Guo CX, Chen SC, Ren ZJ, Rao JP, Wei K, Chen YZ, Jarvis ED, Zhang GJ, Zhou Q
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A new emu genome illuminates the evolution of genome configuration and nuclear architecture of avian chromosomes

GENOME RESEARCH 2021 MAR; 31(3):497-511
Emu and other ratites are more informative than any other birds in reconstructing the evolution of the ancestral avian or vertebrate karyotype because of their much slower rate of genome evolution. Here, we generated a new chromosome-level genome assembly of a female emu, and estimated the tempo of chromosome evolution across major avian phylogenetic branches, by comparing it to chromosome-level genome assemblies of 11 other bird and one turtle species. We found ratites exhibited the lowest numbers of intraand inter-chromosomal changes among birds since their divergence with turtles. The small-sized and gene-rich emu microchromosomes have frequent inter-chromosomal contacts that are associated with housekeeping genes, which appears to be driven by clustering their centromeres in the nuclear interior, away from the macrochromosomes in the nuclear periphery. Unlike nonratite birds, only less than one-third of the emu W Chromosome regions have lost homologous recombination and diverged between the sexes. The emu W is demarcated into a highly heterochromatic region (WS0) and another recently evolved region (WS1) with only moderate sequence divergence with the Z Chromosome. WS1 has expanded its inactive chromatin compartment, increased chromatin contacts within the region, and decreased contacts with the nearby regions, possibly influenced by the spreading of heterochromatin from WS0. These patterns suggest that alteration of chromatin conformation comprises an important early step of sex chromosome evolution. Overall, our results provide novel insights into the evolution of avian genome structure and sex chromosomes in three-dimensional space.
Suzuki TW, Inoue KI, Takada M, Tanaka M
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Effects of Optogenetic Suppression of Cortical Input on Primate Thalamic Neuronal Activity during Goal-Directed Behavior

ENEURO 2021 MAR-APR; 8(2):?
The motor thalamus relays signals from subcortical structures to the motor cortical areas. Previous studies in songbirds and rodents suggest that cortical feedback inputs crucially contribute to the generation of movement-related activity in the motor thalamus. In primates, however, it remains uncertain whether the corticothalamic projections may play a role in shaping neuronal activity in the motor thalamus. Here, using an optogenetic inactivation technique with the viral vector system expressing halorhodopsin, we investigated the role of cortical input in modulating thalamic neuronal activity during goal-directed behavior. In particular, we assessed whether the suppression of signals originating from the supplementary eye field at the corticothalamic terminals could change the task-related neuronal modulation in the oculomotor thalamus in monkeys performing a self-initiated saccade task. We found that many thalamic neurons exhibited changes in their firing rates depending on saccade direction or task event, indicating that optical stimulation exerted task-specific effects on neuronal activity beyond the global changes in baseline activity. These results suggest that the corticothalamic projections might be actively involved in the signal processing necessary for goal-directed behavior. However, we also found that some thalamic neurons exhibited overall, non-task -specific changes in the firing rate during optical stimulation, even in control animals without vector injections. The stimulation effects in these animals started with longer latency, implying a possible thermal effect on neuronal activity. Thus, our results not only reveal the importance of direct cortical input in neuronal activity in the primate motor thalamus, but also provide useful information for future optogenetic studies.
Wang YD, Niu YM, Zhang Z, Gable K, Gupta SD, Somashekarappa N, Han GS, Zhao HT, Myasnikov AG, Kalathur RC, Dunn TM, Lee CH
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Structural insights into the regulation of human serine palmitoyltransferase complexes

Cryo-EM structures of the enzyme complexes catalyzing the rate-limiting step in sphingolipid synthesis reveal mechanisms of substrate recognition and modulation by regulatory subunits. Sphingolipids are essential lipids in eukaryotic membranes. In humans, the first and rate-limiting step of sphingolipid synthesis is catalyzed by the serine palmitoyltransferase holocomplex, which consists of catalytic components (SPTLC1 and SPTLC2) and regulatory components (ssSPTa and ORMDL3). However, the assembly, substrate processing and regulation of the complex are unclear. Here, we present 8 cryo-electron microscopy structures of the human serine palmitoyltransferase holocomplex in various functional states at resolutions of 2.6-3.4 angstrom. The structures reveal not only how catalytic components recognize the substrate, but also how regulatory components modulate the substrate-binding tunnel to control enzyme activity: ssSPTa engages SPTLC2 and shapes the tunnel to determine substrate specificity. ORMDL3 blocks the tunnel and competes with substrate binding through its amino terminus. These findings provide mechanistic insights into sphingolipid biogenesis governed by the serine palmitoyltransferase complex.
Coscia EC, Abutaleb NS, Hostetter B, Seleem MN, Breur GJ, McCain RR, Crain CJ, Slaby O, Capoor MN, McDowell A, Ahmed FS, Vijayanpillai V, Narayanan SK, Coscia MF
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Sheep as a Potential Model of Intradiscal Infection by the Bacterium Cutibacterium acnes

VETERINARY SCIENCES 2021 MAR; 8(3):? Article 48
The anaerobic bacterium Cutibacterium acnes has been increasingly linked to the development of degenerative disc disease (DDD), although causality is yet to be conclusively proven. To better study how this organism could contribute to the aetiology of DDD, improved animal models that are more reflective of human disc anatomy, biology and mechanical properties are required. Against this background, our proof-of concept study aimed to be the first demonstration that C. acnes could be safely administered percutaneously into sheep intervertebral discs (IVDs) for in vivo study. Following our protocol, two sheep were successfully injected with a strain of C. acnes (8.3 x 10(6) CFU/disc) previously recovered from a human degenerative disc. No adverse reactions were noted, and at one-month post inoculation all triplicate infected discs in our first animal grew C. acnes, albeit at a reduced load (5.12 x 10(4) to 6.67 x 10(4) CFU/disc). At six months, no growth was detected in discs from our second animal indicating bacterial clearance. This pilot study has demonstrated the feasibility of safe percutaneous injection of C. acnes into sheep IVDs under fluoroscopic guidance. The design of follow-up sheep studies to investigate the potential of C. acnes to drive pathological changes within infected discs should now be pursued.