Access to Services for Non-RU Users
While the primary mission of The Rockefeller University Scientific Resource Centers is the support of research conducted by Rockefeller scientists, the University extends access to these Center’s services to researchers from other not-for-profit research institutions. Priority is given to Rockefeller scientists; service is made available to qualifying non-Rockefeller scientists based on availability and capacity. Costs for non-Rockefeller scientists, while still subsidized, are higher than for RU-scientists, generally at two times the internal rates.
Prior to initiating use of a Scientific Resource Center, potential non-RU users must not only meet all the access requirements for an RU user (e.g., training, registration), but must also obtain a purchase order for the requested services. In rare instances, payment may be a term within a larger agreement between institutions.
In general, non-RU users are allowed access to Center facilities and equipment only during Center business hours.
Purchase Orders for Center Services
Follow your institution’s procedure for requesting a purchase order (PO). Send a copy of the PO to the Center Manager/Director.
The PO must reference:
- The name of the Head of the Laboratory/Department.
- Provider/vendor: The name of the University Scientific Resource Center
- Vendor address: 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065-6399.
- Billing Address: Cashiers Office, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, Box 259, New York, NY 10065-6399.
- Payee: The Rockefeller University.
- One time use/service – Specify the requested service and the price on the PO.
- Blanket PO – A Blanket PO can be used to cover multiple types of services. The dollar amount on this PO must be sufficient to cover the obligation to the invoices for the actual services rendered. Specify the nature of the requested service and the dollar amount which should not be exceeded for the services provided. Note that regardless of when the Blanket PO was issued, the University will recognize it only for the remainder of the current University fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). A new Blanket PO will need to be issued for services rendered on or after July 1st. It is the responsibility of the outside user to amend or seek issuance of a new Blanket PO to ensure that the PO authorizes sufficient funds to cover requested services. See Attachment A for suggested language for a Blanket PO.
- Standing PO – These are appropriate only for repeated requests for the same service over an extended period of time. Specify the requested service, the frequency and duration of service, and the price per service. The maximum term for a Standing POs is six months. Regardless of when the Standing PO was issued, the University will recognize it only for the remainder of the current University fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). A new Standing PO must be issued for services rendered on or after July 1st. See Attachment B for suggested language for a blanket PO.
Pricing schedules for the Scientific Resource Center services/products are available at the Scientific Resource Centers’ websites ( Estimates may be requested from the Center Manager/Director.
W-9 forms may be requested.
The University will generate and send via email an invoice referencing the PO number, a description and the date of the service(s), and the amount due. The invoice will include instructions that the payee is “The Rockefeller University.”
Please Remit Payments to:
US Mail / Overnight Delivery ACH / WIRE
The Rockefeller University JPMorgan Chase
1230 York Avenue ABA # 021000021
Founders Hall – Room 201-H Acct # 536681367
Payment is required for services rendered and due within 30 days of invoicing. Payment in advance of services is not allowed or accepted.
Establishing individual user access rights:
Advice/consultation – All of the Scientific Resource Centers provide advice and consultation related to the services of the Center. The nature of some of the services makes it prudent if not mandatory to meet with the Center Manager/Director first to discuss your research support needs and how the Center may best be able to meet them. See the individual web sites for the Scientific Resource Centers for more information on advice and consulting.
Orientation/Training – Most of the Scientific Resource Centers maintain equipment that is available and intended to be used by researchers directly. Prior to first use of any of this equipment, you must complete orientation and appropriate training. In most cases, this does not require advance scheduling, but in some cases, advance scheduling or attendance at scheduled sessions is required. More information on required orientation and training is available on the individual center websites.
Registration – For purposes of creation of computer access rights, card key access rights, billing information, or on-line scheduling, many of the Centers have established an on-line registration system. More information on this is available from the individual center websites. Note that prior to issuance of an electronic access card, individuals will be required to agree to terms of use and may be required to pay a deposit for the card.
Medical surveillance (lasers, BL3) – The University has established certain medical surveillance requirements for work with specific equipment or in specific facilities. You may be required to document compliance with or informed consent/declination prior to being allowed to use Scientific Resource Center equipment or facilities. Questions about the medical surveillance program may be posed to Laboratory Safety & Environmental Health (
Sample preparation and submission
Guidelines for sample preparation and submission are specific to the requested services and the individual Scientific Resource Center. Standard procedures are posted on the Scientific Resource Centers’ websites. For more information, contact the Director or Manager of the Center.