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Gifts Through Wills or Estate Plans

The Rockefeller University welcomes gifts through your will or estate plan. Testamentary gifts are an important source of support for the University’s research programs. Furthermore, these gifts often allow you to retain complete control over your assets, leaving them unencumbered during your lifetime.

To make a gift to The Rockefeller University from your estate, you will need to sign a new will or add a codicil to your present will. A bequest to The Rockefeller University may be designated as a specific amount or a percentage of your estate. Alternatively, you may name The Rockefeller University the residual beneficiary of your estate.

The Planned Giving Office would be happy to provide you and your attorney with sample bequest language that may be included in your will to ensure that your wishes are accurately reflected. We advise you to discuss your planned gift with your legal and financial counsel and the Planned Giving Office at The Rockefeller University.

Choosing How Your Bequest Will be Used

You can designate the form of your gift to The Rockefeller University. You may wish to consider one of the following options:

Unrestricted bequests allow the University full discretion as to the use of your gift. These gifts remain an essential resource for the University’s mission of scientific investigation and discovery. Such contributions provide the University with the necessary funds to sustain growth in key areas of research.

Restricted bequests fund on-going University programs of your choice, such as specific research areas, graduate and post-doctoral fellowships, and professorships.

Endowed funds provide annual income in perpetuity to carry out the designated purpose of the bequest.

Expendable funds are bequests in which both principal and income are expended for the purpose you designate.

Advantages of Giving to The Rockefeller University Through Your Will

Making a bequest to The Rockefeller University in support of its scientific programs provides a number of benefits:

  • A gift to The Rockefeller University from your estate is not subject to federal estate taxes, unlike a bequest to an individual.
  • A bequest allows you to maintain control of the asset during your lifetime.

If you would like to learn more about making a gift to The Rockefeller University through your will, please contact Vickie Lister, Senior Director of Planned Giving. The Rockefeller University recommends that you consult with your legal and financial advisors before proceeding with any planned gift.