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Fred Bohen, longtime Rockefeller administrator, dies

by AMELIA KAHANEY Frederick M. Bohen, who was executive vice president and chief operating officer at Rockefeller for many of the years between 1990 and 2005, died March 14 at his home in Manhattan at the age of 77. During his tenure at Rockefeller, Mr. Bohen served with five university president...

Obesity researcher and former hospital physician-in-chief Jules Hirsch dies

Jules Hirsch, an early leader in the study of human metabolism, died at age 88 in Englewood, New Jersey, after a long illness. His research, conducted at The Rockefeller University, helped establish the biological underpinnings of obesity, challenging the notion that the disease results from a la...

Agata Smogorzewska, who studies DNA repair, promoted to associate professor

Agata Smogorzewska, a physician-scientist and head of the Laboratory of Genome Maintenance, has been promoted to associate professor, effective July 1. Smogorzewska came to Rockefeller as a faculty member in 2009 to study DNA repair processes that occur during cellular replication. “The genome ...

Convocation 2015

When The Rockefeller University held its first Convocation in 1959, there were only five graduates. Fifty-six years later, as of Convocation on June 11, 2015, there are now 1,178 recipients of the Rockefeller University doctor of philosophy degree. The festivities began with a graduate luncheon i...

Honorary degrees awarded to three Pearl Meister Greengard laureates

by AMELIA KAHANEY In addition to 28 students, three trailblazing women in science received degrees from Rockefeller this year. In a tradition dating back more than 50 years, the university awarded honorary doctorate of science degrees to distinguished individuals who have made notable contributio...

David Rockefeller Fellowship awarded to third-year Robert Heler, a bacteriologist

by AMELIA KAHANEY Robert Heler, a graduate fellow in Luciano Marraffini’s Laboratory of Bacteriology,has been awarded the 2015 David Rockefeller Fellowship, given each year to an outstanding third-year student for demonstrating exceptional promise in science and leadership. The fellowship was est...

David Rockefeller Award for Extraordinary Service honors founding chairs of university’s Women & Science initiative

by AMELIA KAHANEY Among the accolades for scholar-scientists, this year’s Convocation also honored four women with a different but no less significant role in the advancement of research— Lydia A. Forbes, Isabel P. Furlaud, Nancy M.Kissinger, and Sydney Roberts Shuman, the founding chairs of Ro...

Gaby Maimon and Vanessa Ruta honored with teaching awards

For Rockefeller graduate students there is labwork, and there is coursework. This year, the university recognizes two teachers who have devoted substantial time, energy, and creativity to designing and leading one of the most challenging and innovative courses within the university’s graduate cur...

Lindsay Bellani

Lindsay Bellani Presented by Leslie B. Vosshall B.S., The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More than Others: Metabolic Correlates of Human Attraction in Aedes aegypti         Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others? This question has puzzle...

Jabez Bok

Jabez Bok Presented by Sidney Strickland on behalf of Robert G. Roeder B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison Mechanism of Action of ING4 as a Transcriptional Coactivator of p53         Jabez Bok hails from Singapore, and after earning his undergraduate degree at the University of Wisconsin, ...