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Displaying 964 of 2889 articles.

Jessica Howell

B.A., University of Pennsylvania Mechanistic and Physiological Studies of the Insulin-dependent Regulation of Foxa2 presented by Markus Stoffel Jessica Howell joined my lab in 2005. She came well prepared for her Ph.D. work, having graduated from U Penn and worked in the laboratory of another Roc...

Kuo-Chiang Hsia

B.S., Fu Jen Catholic University M.S., National Yang-Ming University Architecture of a Coat for the Nuclear Pore Membrane presented by André Hoelz (on behalf of Günter Blobel) Kuo was born in Taiwan. He received a master of science degree from the National Yang-Ming University in Taipei in 2000 ...

Martin Kampmann

M.A., University of Cambridge Biophysical Characterization of Structure and Dynamics of Nuclear Pore Complex Components presented by Sanford M. Simon (on behalf of Günter Blobel) Martin was born in Germany, received his undergraduate education at the University of Marburg, Germany, and then obtai...

Erica C. Keen

B.S., Yale University Transfer Properties of the Hair Cell-afferent Fiber Synapse presented by A. James Hudspeth I’m now honored and delighted to recognize the nascent doctor Erica Corinne Keen, who’s also carried out her research on the hearing process. Now I earlier introduced hair cells, whi...

Evan Zane Macosko*

A.B., Harvard College The Neural Circuitry of Social Behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans presented by Cori Bargmann Evan Zane Macosko, from the Tri-Institutional M.D.-Ph.D. Program, is a New Yorker, a Harvard graduate, a musician, a poet, a political idealist and a Renaissance man. With his educat...

Trudy M. McCall

B.S., University of California, Irvine The Manipulation of Apical Dendritic Plasticity and the Consequences for the Effects of Chronic Stress presented by Bruce S. McEwen Trudy McCall graduated from the University of Calfornia, Irvine, in 2001, majoring in neuroscience. At UC Irvine, Trudy became...

Melissa Noel

B.S., University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Novel Roles for the Tissue Plasminogen Activator System in the Development of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the Regulation of Contextual Learning after Stress presented by Sidney Strickland Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the most prevalent birth defect b...

Jonathan Nowak*

B.A., The University of Chicago Specification and Function of Early Hair Follicle Stem Cells presented by Elaine Fuchs Jonathan Nowak received his B.A. from The University of Chicago with majors in biology and economics. We now celebrate his completion of the Ph.D. program at The Rockefeller Univ...

Justin C. Paul*

B.A., The Johns Hopkins University Fibrin Formation and Dissolution in the Progression of Amyloid-β Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease presented by Sidney Strickland Alzheimer’s disease, first characterized about 100 years ago in Germany, is a scourge of old age. This disease destroys short-term ...

Valentin Piëch

M.Sc., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich Perceptual Learning, Long-range Horizontal Connections and Top-Down Influences in Primary Visual Cortex presented by George N. Reeke Jr. (on behalf of himself and Charles D. Gilbert) Computational neuroscience attempts to construct computer mode...