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Displaying 964 of 2889 articles.

Andrew James Schile

B.S., Harvey Mudd College Regulation of Apoptosis by XIAP Ubiquitin Ligase Activity presented by Hermann Steller Andy’s exceptional as a student in a number of ways, highly courageous, very independent, and very determined, and he came to my lab to investigate the regulation of programmed cell de...

Mark Schroeder

B.S., Cornell University Hierarchy and Cis Regulation in Drosophila Segmentation: Rules for Pattern Formation and Clues to Evolution presented by Ulrike Gaul It is a great pleasure to present Mark Schroeder as a graduate today. Mark is one of the few and the brave who seek to bridge the divide be...

Nicolai Siegel

Sc.B., Brown University Regulation of Gene Expression in Trypanosoma brucei presented by George A.M. Cross Nicolai become interested in the pathology of parasitic diseases after a 1997 visit to Bolivia, where Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, was endemic. After high school he returned ...

Duncan Smith

B.A., University of Cambridge The Role and Fate of Branch Site-U2 snRNA Pairing during Pre-messenger RNA Splicing presented by M. Magda Konarska From the very first day when Duncan came to my lab I was certain that he would not be an easy student to mentor, and I was equally certain that mentorin...

Joanna Louise Spencer*

B.A., Yale University Physiological Effects of Estradiol in the Mouse Hippocampal Formation presented by Bruce S. McEwen Joanna Spencer graduated from Yale in 2003 and entered the Tri-Institutional M.D.-Ph.D. Program in that same year. In her application to the program, she expressed an interest ...

Till Strowig

M.Sc., Technical University of Berlin Of Mice and Men: Studying Innate and Adaptive Immunity against the Epstein-Barr Virus presented by Christian Münz Mens sana in corpore sano. A healthy mind in a healthy body. This Latin proverb describes Till’s lifestyle, balancing intellectual challenge with...

Grace Teng

B.S., Yale University Regulation of Immunoglobulin Gene Diversification by Noncoding RNAs presented by F. Nina Papavasiliou Our dean is fond of saying that overall, the best predictor for success during the sometimes grueling Ph.D. years is one’s love for cooking. Grace is a phenomenal cook, so i...

Jaclyn E. Tetenbaum-Novatt

B.A., M.S., Brandeis University Biochemical Analysis of the Protein-Protein Interactions Involved in Karyopherin-mediated Transport across the Nuclear Pore Complex presented by Michael P. Rout Jackie is a local-grown New Yorker who is a shining example of the kind of superb graduate student that ...

Christopher Tinkle*

B.A., The University of Texas, Austin Dissecting the Functions of Classical Cadherins in Skin presented by Elaine Fuchs Chris Tinkle received his B.A. in microbiology from The University of Texas, Austin. He gravitated toward cancer biology at the University of California, San Francisco, where he...

Kelly-Anne Twist

B.Sc., B.Sc. Hon., Victoria University of Wellington Structural Studies of Three Factors That Affect the Prokaryotic Transcription Cycle: Microcin J25, Lambda Q and T4 GP33 presented by Seth A. Darst I have the pleasure of introducing you to Kelly-Anne Twist. I think Kelly-Anne would consider her...