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Rockefeller Researchers Discover Possible Trigger for "Killer T Cells" To Attack

New study indicates how the body may come to turn against itself How do "killer T cells" know when to attack virus-infected and cancerous cells, and when to retreat? The answer possibly has been provided by Rockefeller University research to be published in the Nov. issue ofNature Immunology, and...

Researchers Propose New Model of Drug Resistance in Staph Bacteria

Findings may lead to the development of drugs that overcome resistance Researchers at The Rockefeller University have established a new model to explain how the infectious "staph" bacterium evades several widely used antibiotics. They show that a protein previously thought to play no role in drug...

Researchers Trace the Origin of a Widespread Antibiotic-Resistant "Superbug"

The findings may lead to new strategies for combating the infectious microbe One of the most widely disseminated strains of an antibiotic-resistant bacterium responsible for hundreds of infections in European hospitals can be traced back to the 1950s, according to researchers at The Rockefeller U...

Researchers' Mathematical Model Provides Chagas Disease Insight

Removing domestic animals from the bedroom may significantly reduce transmission By characterizing the discrete population dynamics of an individual household, and by collecting data for many individual households to serve as an empirical base, a Rockefeller University researcher and his Argentin...

Leptin "Replacement Therapy" Study in Obese Women Begins

The weight-regulating hormone leptin will be given to obese women in a new study at The Rockefeller University Hospital in New York City to test the effects of the treatment on weight loss. Leptin is a hormone that plays an important role in regulating food intake and body weight. In a new study,...

Researchers Use Cloning Technology to Produce Embryonic Stem Cell Lines from Adult Mice

Study shows that these cells can be coaxed into becoming neurons Embryonic stem cells can be derived from benign biopsies of adult mice and can become neurons and germ cells, report researchers from The Rockefeller University and Sloan-Kettering Institute in the April 27 issue of Science. The fin...

Diabetes Researchers Find that a Regulator of Insulin Also Regulates Cholesterol Levels

Researchers in Markus Stoffel's laboratory of Metabolic Diseases have found that that a transcription factor called TCF1 not only regulates insulin production in the pancreas but also controls the regulation of cholesterol. In a paper published in the April issue of Nature Genetics, Stoffel's tea...

Rockefeller Researchers Identify Defense System in Plants

Protein found to confer resistance to drought Researchers at The Rockefeller University have discovered that an experimental plant may harbor an additional line of defense against drought, once it has left the safety of its seed. The work suggests that a well-known plant hormone delays the growth...

Researchers Light the Path of Brain's Feeding Circuit in Mice

A novel technique that uses a virus tagged with a green-glowing jellyfish protein has enabled scientists to visualize the feeding circuit in mice. The method may be useful in studies of other complex circuits in the brain. The findings are reported in the March 30 issue of Science by a team of re...

Researchers Discover Promoter of Nerve Tissue in Frogs

Findings might one day lead to a way to regenerate brain cells for humans Researchers at The Rockefeller University have discovered that a protein known to be involved in the early development of embryos indirectly leads to the formation of nerve tissue in frogs. The findings, reported in the Mar...