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Scientists Identify New Gene That Controls Sleep/Wake Cycle

A newly discovered gene called double-time regulates the molecular cycles underlying circadian rhythms, scientists from The Rockefeller University report in two papers featured on the cover of the July 10 issue of Cell. The researchers also identified the molecular mechanism that allows this gene...

Rockefeller University Researchers Hunt for Type 2 Diabetes Susceptibility Genes

The Rockefeller University is looking for people with type 2 diabetes to participate in a study aimed at determining the genetic causes of early- and late-onset forms of the disease. The study is part of the research program of the university's Starr Center for Human Genetics. "We hope that by id...

Researchers from Rockefeller University Develop Novel Method to Fight Cancer

Researchers from The Rockefeller University in New York City have developed a new method to fight cancer by using dendritic cells to activate T cells via a new pathway. Reported in the March 5 Nature, the technique offers the promise of new therapies for cancer, AIDS and autoimmune diseases. "We'...

From the Center for the Advancement of Health: Stress: It's Not Just All in Your Head

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Glucose metabolism defect in rare form of Type 2 diabetes revealed

Finding may provide a direction for new diabetes therapies A defect in a gene recently linked to a rare inherited form of Type 2 diabetes impairs the pathway that breaks down blood sugar and provides the main signal for insulin secretion in the pancreas, report researchers at The Rockefeller Univ...

Plant-Based Therapies Examined for Colon Cancer Prevention

Three therapies derived from plants will be tested at The Rockefeller University in New York City for their ability to prevent colorectal cancer, which afflicts some 150,000 Americans each year. The compounds have the potential to be safer than cancer-thwarting nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs...

Hunt for Early Heart Attack Genes Begins

More than 2,000 people will be enrolled in a hunt for the genetic causes that underlie "early" heart attacks that strike men and women in middle age. The study is part of the research program of the Starr Center for Human Genetics at The Rockefeller University in New York City. "Finding the genes...

Mutated Gene Causes Death of Nerves in Brain

Identification of first glutamate receptor linked with neurodegeneration A gene responsible for the degeneration and death of certain nerve cells in the brain has been cloned, yielding information that may be useful for further studies of such neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer's and Parkins...

Resistance to Leptin Contributes to Obesity

Insensitivity to the protein leptin, which helps the body regulate its fat stores, contributes to obesity in mice according to the first formal study of leptin intolerance, report scientists in the Aug. 5 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The findings also provide clues about lepti...

Altered Gene Increases Men's Risk for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

First Isolation of a susceptibility gene for the psychiatric illness Possessing an altered form of a gene involved in the communication between the brain's nerve cells may put certain men at greater risk of developing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), report scientists from The Rockefeller Uni...