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Newly Identified Protein Caps Chromosomes Ends

A newly isolated protein is a vital part of human telomeres, the shields that guard the ends of chromosomes against damage and destruction. Scientists at Rockefeller University and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center report their identification and cloning of the protein in the Dec. 8 Science...

Special Proteins Transmit Signals Within Cells

Innovative laboratory technique reveals how messages influence cellular careers. Special proteins play a key role in receiving and sending messages that influence the careers of healthy and diseased cells. In an innovative laboratory approach, Rockefeller University scientists developed probes th...

Circadian Rhythm Set by Pairing of Two Proteins

The molecular control of the daily cycle known as circadian rhythm lies in the pairing of two proteins, scientists report in a trio of papers in the Nov. 3 Science. The findings, from fruit fly studies, promise to help scientists better understand human, animal and plant circadian rhythms, which ...

Leptin Helps Body Regulate Fat, Links to Diet

Leptin, a protein produced by fat, appears to play an important role in how the body manages its supply of fat, report scientists in the November Nature Medicine. Leptin, a protein produced by fat, appears to play an important role in how the body manages its supply of fat, report scientists in t...

Fat, Body Weight Regulated by Newly Discovered Hormone

Body Weight Regulated by Newly Discovered Hormone A protein, identified in mice and humans, reduced body weight in mice by 30 percent after two weeks of treatment, report scientists in the July 28 Science. The findings have important implications for understanding the causes of obesity, which aff...

Insulin Plays Role in Controlling Fat Craving

Insulin, the hormone needed by the body to process sugar, appears to influence a brain chemical that mediates cravings for fatty foods, according to ongoing studies by Sarah F. Leibowitz, Ph. D., a neurobiologist at The Rockefeller University. Leibowitz plans to present her recent investigations ...

Rockefeller Researchers Find Evidence That Weight Change in Humans Affects Metabolism

Results Hold Implications for Clinical Management of Obesity A team of researchers at The Rockefeller University, led by Dr. Rudolph Leibel, has shown that the human body maintains a stable weight by increasing the number of calories burned when weight is gained, and slowing the rate when weight ...

Rockefeller Researchers Clone Gene for Obesity

Fifty years after the discovery at Rockefeller University that genes are made of DNA, Dr. Jeffrey M. Friedman of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Rockefeller University and a team of Rockefeller researchers has cloned the first recessive obesity gene in mice and its human homologue, opening...

Team Led by Rockefeller University Researcher Develops New Drug to Control Infant Jaundice

New Therapy Could Have Worldwide Impact A team of researchers led by Dr. A. Kappas of The Rockefeller University has developed a new drug that effectively controls the development of jaundice in preterm newborns. The drug, called SnMP, blocks the production of bilirubin, the yellow pigment that l...