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Research shows combination of sensory signals draw mosquitoes in for a bite

It may seem like mosquitoes will bite anything with a pulse, but they’re actually quite strategic in picking their victims. A new study from The Rockefeller University looked at the interaction of different sensory cues — carbon dioxide, heat and odor — that attract mosquitoes to humans, and f...

Psoriasis researchers identify molecular changes responsible for skin discoloration

Itchy, painful rashes — such as those that occur with psoriasis — are uncomfortable, but at least they fade when the flare-up subsides. Mostly. Evidence often remains in the form of dark, discolored areas of skin, serving as a reminder of the disease. A new study supported by the Milstein Medica...

New RNA interference technique finds seven genes for head and neck cancer

In the hunt for genetic mutations that cause cancer, there is a lot of white noise. So although genetic sequencing has identified hundreds of genetic alterations linked to tumors, it’s still an enormous challenge to figure out which ones are actually responsible for the growth and metastasis of c...

Large-scale survey of clinical research participants shows mostly positive experiences

A multi-center survey of close to 5,000 volunteers who enrolled in clinical research studies, the first of its kind, shows that by and large participants feel valued and respected by investigators. But although many gave high marks to the research teams’ trustworthiness and ability to explain the...

Gene is linked to deadly runaway fungal infection

For most people, a fungal infection like athlete’s foot means a simple trip to the drugstore and a reminder to bring shower shoes to the gym. But in very rare cases, fungal infections can spread below the skin’s surface and onto the lymph nodes, bones, digestive tract or even the brain. Research...

New technique in RNA interference cuts time and cost in genetic screens

There is a new contender in the field of gene discovery, and it’s giving knockout mice a run for their money. Researchers at The Rockefeller University have shown that a new technique using RNA interference is able to find genes that cause epidermal tumor growth in months rather than the decades ...

Researchers find molecule that causes sunburn pain

The painful, red skin that comes from too much time in the sun is caused by a molecule abundant in the skin’s epidermis, a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows. Blocking the molecule, called TRPV4, greatly protects against the painful effects of sunburn...

Scientists identify gene that regulates stem cell death and skin regeneration

Stem cells, known for their ability to self-renew and differentiate into any kind of tissue, are considered by many scientists in the field to be immortal. But there are signs that programmed death of stem cells is important for their regulation. New research from scientists at Rockefeller Univer...

Mutant mosquitoes lose their appetite for humans

What draws a mosquito to bite its host has long been studied from the perspective of the victim — uncovering which smells and chemicals lure the insect in. But researchers at Rockefeller’s Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior, headed by Robin Chemers Neustein Professor Leslie Vosshall, are a...

Scientists discover new way protein degradation is regulated

Proteins, unlike diamonds, aren’t forever. And when they wear out, they need to be degraded in the cell back into amino acids, where they will be recycled into new proteins. Researchers at Rockefeller University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have identified a new way that the cell’s pr...