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Molecular image of genotoxin reveal how bacteria damage human DNA

The three-dimensional structure of a DNA-damaging, bacterial toxin has been visualized by scientists at Rockefeller University. The molecular image of the toxin, published in the May 27 issue of the journalNature, shows exactly how the toxin is put together at the molecular level and damages huma...

Newly discovered gene controls levels of "bad" cholesterol in mice

Heart disease researchers at Rockefeller University have discovered the function of a gene associated with high cholesterol levels in humans. Using mice as test subjects, the Rockefeller scientists determined that the gene, called Pcsk9, can decrease the number of receptors on liver cells that re...

Brain visualized in real time as animal "smells"

In real time in a living animal, scientists have observed regions of the brain as they respond to odors. The Rockefeller University study with mice, reported as the cover story in the April 8 issue of the journal Neuron, promises to advance research on how animals, as well as humans, sense odors....

Fat hormone leptin alters brain architecture and activity, which in turn shapes feeding behavior

Plasticity plays a dramatic role Scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and The Rockefeller University in collaboration with investigators at Yale University have found that leptin — a hormone found in fat tissue and critical to regulating weight - affects both the architecture and fun...

Mouse produced from cloning a single neuron yields answers about the genetics of olfaction

The "Sleeper" project Like your nose, your immune system is primarily a detection device. Its chief job is to detect and identify molecules. Just as there is an almost infinite number of smells, there's a nearly infinite number of microbial invaders that must be properly distinguished from one an...

Rockefeller University scientists take on controversial and widely publicized "vibration theory" of smell

Two researchers at Rockefeller University have put a controversial theory of smell to the sniff test and have found no evidence to support it. They say their study, published in the April issue of Nature Neuroscience, should raise firm doubts about the validity of "vibration theory," which states...

Immunity runs amok without Csk

Deconstructing inflammation at the molecular level Inflammation is emerging as a new window on chronic diseases such as cancer, heart ailments and autoimmunity. Two Rockefeller University scientists have recently revealed one of the molecular keys to inflammation. Their discovery may help clinici...

Rockefeller researchers identify how protein linked to cancer correct cells when they divide

A protein, which has been linked to tumor formation when it is overproduced, in normal amounts actually helps correct errors during cell division that can lead to cancer and other diseases, according to new research by scientists at Rockefeller University in the March issue of Nature Cell Biology...

Biological clock scientist takes on VP for Academic Affairs position at Rockefeller University on March 1

Rockefeller University scientist Michael W. Young, who investigates the genetic pathways that enable the body's biological clock to tick, will become Rockefeller University's Vice President for Academic Affairs on March 1. "Mike Young has the respect of everyone at Rockefeller as a scientist, lea...

Natural killer cells are made, not born

First evidence of immune cell's activation potential in infection, tumor control Call it the immune system's version of nature versus nurture. For years, scientists regarded natural killer cells as a blunt instrument of the body's immune defense system. Born to kill, these cells were thought to ...