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Researchers Identify Candidate Human Pheromone Receptor Gene

A team of researchers from The Rockefeller University in New York and the Yale University School of Medicine has identified for the first time a candidate pheromone receptor gene in humans. The findings, reported in the September issue of Nature Genetics, may shed new light on the molecular basis...

Researchers Find Key to Tuberculosis Persistence in the Body

Discovery provides hints for foiling world's No. 1 infectious killer The tuberculosis bacterium requires a specific enzyme to cause persistent infection, a consortium of researchers at Rockefeller University and three other institutions have found. The discovery suggests that targeting the enzyme...

Rockefeller University Professor Emeritus, Dr. Abraham Pais, Dies at 82

Professor Emeritus, Dr. Abraham Pais, died Friday evening in Copenhagen. A theoretical physicist of international renown, Dr. Pais became a member of the faculty in 1963, when the university was still known as The Rockefeller Institute.

Three Leading New York Institutions Announce $160 Million Joint Investment in Biological Research

NEW YORK, June 27 — Three of New York's leading research institutions announced the creation of a $160 million collaborative program in basic biological research sparked by a private donor who will contribute half the total investment. The collaboration among Cornell University, its Weill Medical...

Rockefeller University Dedicates Peggy Rockefeller Plaza

The Rockefeller University community dedicated Peggy Rockefeller Plaza at the south end of its campus today in a ceremony that included music from a brass band, remarks from donors Anne and Robert Bass, and a surprise announcement. The name of the plaza was revealed for the first time at the cere...

Rockefeller Researcher Jan Breslow Receives Bristol-Myers Squibb Award For Distinguished Achievement In Cardiovascular Research

Jan Breslow, M.D., head of the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics and Metabolism at The Rockefeller University, has been selected to receive the 2000 Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Cardiovascular Research. Breslow is one of seven researchers in various medical researc...

Rockefeller Researchers Show Brain Wiring For Detecting Odors May Depend On Experience

Findings show for the first time that development of smell is similar to other senses Scientists have known for 30 years that proper development of the area of the brain responsible for processing visual signals depends on stimulation from the environment. In other words, the brain must "use it o...

First Hepatitis-C Center in Northeast Region Established By Rockefeller University, New York-Presbyterian, and Weill Cornell

Renowned Virologist Charles Rice to Direct Combined Basic Science and Clinical Research Center New York, NY–Three neighboring New York City medical institutions–The Rockefeller University, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, and Weill Medical College of Cornell University–have jointly established ...

Roderick MacKinnon elected to U.S. National Academy of Sciences

click here for more on his research: The Structure of Ion Channels Professor Roderick MacKinnon, head of the Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology and Biophysics and an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, was elected to membership in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) at ...

Rockefeller Researchers Identify Novel Penicillin-resistance Gene in Pneumonia Bacteria

Findings offer new target for development of drugs to combat antibiotic resistance Penicillin resistance of the bacterium that causes pneumonia, the pneumococcus, is a growing global health problem. Although S. pneumoniae was once considered to be routinely susceptible to penicillin, since the ...