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Honorary degree recipients unraveled secrets of scent

Linda B. Buck, a member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, and Richard Axel, University Professor at Columbia University, who have together unraveled the mechanisms that underlie our sense of smell, are this year’s recipients of honorary doctor of science degrees. Drs. ...

Joseph Luna named David Rockefeller Fellow

by ZACH VEILLEUX Joseph Luna, a native of El Paso, Texas and a graduate of Yale University who is exploring host-virus interactions at the RNA level, has been awarded this year’s David Rockefeller Fellowship. The David Rockefeller Fellowship has been presented annually since 1998 to an outstandin...

Teaching awards honor Hang and Kapoor

Howard C. Hang, head of the Laboratory of Chemical Biology, and Tarun Kapoor, head of the Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Microbial Pathogenesis, were the recipients of this year’s Rockefeller University Distinguished Teaching Awards. Established in 2005 to recognize outstanding individual...

Coming soon, to The David Rockefeller Graduate Program

As the class of 2011 prepares to move on, a new batch of graduate students is set to take their place. Rockefeller’s application screening committee pored over 797 applications of potential new students this year, eventually winnowing the list down to 93 acceptances. Of those, 30 have enrolled in...

Cancer stem cells identified, offering new drug targets

Like carpet bombing, traditional chemotherapy is not very discriminating. Both can cause disastrous collateral damage and still fail to take out the real enemy. New research offers the potential for a surgical strike against cancer that would target only its root cause — cancer stem cells. Elaine...

Rockefeller alum Vanessa Ruta named to university’s faculty

Vanessa Ruta, a Rockefeller alumna who did her doctoral studies in Rod MacKinnon’s lab, graduating in 2005, has been appointed the university’s newest assistant professor. Currently a postdoc at Columbia University, she will move back to Rockefeller on September 1 and will establish the Labo...

23 students receive Ph.D.s at Rockefeller's 53rd commencement

The Rockefeller University will award doctoral degrees to 23 students at its commencement ceremony today. In addition, two respected scholars will receive honorary doctor of science degrees: Richard Axel of Columbia University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Linda B. Buck of the Fred...

Scientists create humanized mouse model for hepatitis C

For researchers searching for new treatments for hepatitis C, the only animal model available to study the virus's life cycle has been the chimpanzee, which is naturally susceptible to infection by the virus. But ethical, logistical and financial hurdles have limited the use of this large ape. No...

In the News - NYTimes - Joel E. Cohen

Joel E. Cohen: “[René Dubos] wrote near the end of this essay: ‘For some human beings, perhaps for most, living implies the kind of Life envisaged by Spinoza — with the effort that caps nature with culture, existence with meaning, and facts with forms.’ Dubos was one of the lucky humans who...

In the News - The Independent

“With the Great Reversal, the study‘s authors believe a tipping point has been reached, with countries now able to pursue policies to boost their forests’ thickness and carbon capacities dramatically. Jesse Ausubel, a director at the Rockefeller University and a co-author, said: ‘The enlargi...