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New faculty member develops light-based tools to study the brain

by Wynne Parry, Science Writer When the brain is at work, large numbers of neurons within it interact rapidly, passing messages, sometimes across large distances. The most recent addition to Rockefeller University’s faculty, Alipasha Vaziri, devises optical tools for capturing and manipulating ...

New neuroscience institute established at Rockefeller with funding from the Kavli Foundation

by Eva Kiesler, Managing Editor Earlier this month, a group of Rockefeller representatives travelled to Washington, D.C, to take part in an announcement of the university’s newly established Kavli Neural Systems Institute (Kavli NSI). Funded by a $20 million endowment supported equally by The Ka...

Under its new director, the grants office will explore fresh ways to ease scientists’ hunt for funding

by Eva Kiesler, Managing Editor Ask a handful of scientists what they wish they could spend less time doing, and chances are many will say applying for grants. Rockefeller’s Office of Sponsored Research and Program Development (SR-PD) strives to provide the highest level of assistance for those...

Helmsley Trust renews $15 million grant for novel digestive disorders research

by Wynne Parry, Science Writer The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust has awarded a new three-year, $15-million grant to The Rockefeller University to help support the interdisciplinary Center for Basic and Translational Research on Disorders of the Digestive System. Established in 2...

Awards, arrivals, and promotions

Congratulations to our latest award winners: Hani Goodarzi has been named a Blavatnik Regional Awards Winner in the life sciences. Given by the Blavatnik Family Foundation and the New York Academy of Science, the award honors outstanding postdocs in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Winners ...

Two Rockefeller postdocs recognized by Blavatnik Regional Awards

The Blavatnik Regional Awards is honoring two young scientists for their work at Rockefeller. On October 13, the Blavatnik Family Foundation and the New York Academy of Sciences named Hani Goodarzi, a postdoc in Sohail Tavazoie’s laboratory, a 2015 Blavatnik Regional Award Winner in the life scie...

In the News - Bedford+Bowery - Caspary

Is it still ‘chamber’ music if it’s in a space-age geodesic dome? "Tucked into The Rockefeller University’s Upper East Side campus is the Caspary Auditorium, a 40-foot-high, 90-foot-round dome built in 1957. The dome serves as a meeting and lecture hall, but to get a look inside, you needn...

Newly described ion channel structure reveals how excited neurons settle down

Within the brain, some neurons fire off hundreds of signals per second, and after ramping up for such a barrage, they need to relax and reset. A particular type of ion channel helps bring them down, ensuring these cells don’t get overstimulated—a state that potentially can lead to severe epilept...

Finches offer researchers a new tool to study Huntington’s disease

Many neurological disorders can rob someone of the ability to speak clearly, causing them to stutter, mispronounce words, and struggle to put together coherent sentences. However, the molecular and neurological dysfunctions that cause these symptoms aren’t well understood. Recent work at The Rock...

Researchers probe the physical forces involved in creating the mitotic spindle

Many millions of times per day, football-shaped structures called mitotic spindles form within the body’s cells as they prepare to divide. The process is routine but mysterious, as the micro-mechanics involved are not yet well understood. In research published October 1 in Developmental Cell, sci...