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Pablo Ariel

Pablo Ariel Licenciado, Universidad de Buenos Aires Exploring Synaptic Vesicle Exocytosis presented by Timothy A. Ryan Pablo Ariel was born in Buenos Aires and grew up in part in the Netherlands and in part in Saudi Arabia and returned to Buenos Aires for his college work. His Ph.D. work focused ...

Coming soon, to The David Rockefeller Graduate Program

As the Rockefeller community says goodbye to the graduating class of 2012, a new group of talented students is set to join the campus in the fall. Approximately 700 applications of potential new students were received this year, and after much deliberation by the admissions committee, that list w...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: July 11, 2012

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: July 11, 2012 Speed, dissipation, and error in kinetic proofreading Arvind Murugana, David A. Huse and Stanislas Leibler    

Molecular Psychiatry online: July 10, 2012

Molecular Psychiatry online: July 10, 2012 Disruption of fatty acid amide hydrolase activity prevents the effects of chronic stress on anxiety and amygdalar microstructure MN Hill, SA Kumar, SB Filipski, M Iverson, KL Stuhr, JM Keith, BF Cravatt, CJ Hillard, S Chattarji and BS McEwen

In the News

In Dieting, Magic Isn’t a Substitute for Science   "We asked Dr. Jules Hirsch, emeritus professor and emeritus physician in chief at Rockefeller University, who has been researching obesity for nearly 60 years, about the state of the research. Dr. Hirsch...wrote some of the classic papers descri...

Nature Genetics online: July 8, 2012

Nature Genetics online: July 8, 2012 FAN1 mutations cause karyomegalic interstitial nephritis, linking chronic kidney failure to defective DNA damage repair Weibin Zhou, Edgar A Otto, Andrew Cluckey, Rannar Airik, Toby W Hurd, Moumita Chaki, Katrina Diaz, Francis P Lach,  Geoffrey R Bennett, Heon...

Nature Neuroscience online: July 8, 2012

Nature Neuroscience online: July 8, 2012 Spontaneous activity regulates Robo1 transcription to mediate a switch in thalamocortical axon growth Erik Mire, Cecilia Mezzera, Eduardo Leyva-Díaz, Ana V  Paternain, Paola Squarzoni, Lisa Bluy, Mar Castillo-Paterna, María José López, Sandra Peregrín, ...

Cell 150: 136-150 (July 6, 2012)

Cell 150: 136-150 Identification of Stem Cell Populations in Sweat Glands and Ducts Reveals Roles in Homeostasis and Wound Repair Catherine P. Lu, Lisa Polak, Ana Sofia Rocha, H. Amalia Pasolli, Shann-Ching Chen, Neha Sharma, Cedric Blanpain and Elaine Fuchs

Cell 150: 39-52 (July 6, 2012)

Cell 150: 39-52 Telomeric 3′ Overhangs Derive from Resection by Exo1 and Apollo and Fill-In by POT1b-Associated CST Peng Wu, Hiroyuki Takai and Titia de Lange

Sweat glands grown from newly identified stem cells

To date, few fundamentals have been known about the most common gland in the body, the sweat glands that are essential to controlling body temperature, allowing humans to live in the world’s diverse climates. Now, in a tour de force, researchers at The Rockefeller University and the Howard Hughes...