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Nature Genetics online: April 6, 2014

Nature Genetics online: April 6, 2014 Genomic analysis of diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas identifies three molecular subgroups and recurrent activating ACVR1 mutations Pawel Buczkowicz, Christine Hoeman, Patricia Rakopoulos, Sanja Pajovic, Louis Letourneau, Misko Dzamba, Andrew Morrison, Peter ...

Drug is identified that could block the spread of melanoma

Cancer is at its most curable when it’s caught before it spreads. That’s especially true in the case of melanoma, where survival rates can be as high as 97 percent when caught early — and as low as 15 percent if it’s not. New research at Rockefeller has now identified a promising route to sl...

Surgeon and writer Atul Gawande awarded Lewis Thomas Prize

Atul Gawande, a surgeon who has written several highly regarded books on public health, has been awarded the 2014 Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science from The Rockefeller University. Gawande was honored at a ceremony in Rockefeller’s Caspary Auditorium in March. The Lewis Thomas Prize wa...

Discovery reveals protons sneak through the sodium-potassium pump

Located in the surface membrane of all animals’ cells, sodium-potassium pumps keep cells and the animals that contain them in working order. Among other things, their efforts underlie nerve signals, heart beats and muscle contractions. But as ubiquitous and essential as these pumps are, new resea...

Nature Chemical Biology online: March 30, 2014

Nature Chemical Biology online: March 30, 2014 Lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation is a widely distributed active histone mark Lunzhi Dai, Chao Peng, Emilie Montellier, Zhike Lu, Yue Chen, Haruhiko Ishii, Alexandra Debernardi, Thierry Buchou, Sophie Rousseaux, Fulai Jin, Benjamin R. Sabari, Zhiyou De...

In the News

Science for the Benefit of Parents at The Rockefeller University   "Where can you find dozens of parents in a room with Nobel prize-winning scientists? At The Rockefeller University's one-of-a-kind Parents and Science initiative. Launched in 2007, the initiative helps parents learn more about res...

Titia de Lange to receive Canada Gairdner International Award

Titia de Lange, a cell biologist who studies how the ends of chromosomes are protected from damage, will be honored with the Canada Gairdner International Award, given for significant discoveries in medical science. de Lange, who is Leon Hess Professor and head of the Laboratory of Cell Biology a...

Science 343: 1370-1372 (14-3-21)

Science 343: 1370-1372 Humans can discriminate more than 1 trillion olfactory stimuli C. Bushdid, M. O. Magnasco, L. B. Vosshall and A. Keller

In the news

Your nose can smell at least 1 trillion scents   "As [Leslie] Vosshall put it: 'The world is always changing. Plants are evolving new smells. Perfume companies are making new scents. You might move to some part of the world where you’ve never encountered the fruits and vegetables and flowers tha...

Sniff study suggests humans can distinguish more than 1 trillion scents

The human sense of smell does not get the respect it deserves, new research suggests. In an experiment led by Andreas Keller, of Rockefeller’s Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior, researchers tested volunteers’ ability to distinguish between complex mixtures of scents. Based on the sensitiv...