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Grant Martin Grant Martin, a research assistant in Paul Greengard’s lab, died unexpectedly at age 26 on July 26. Mr. Martin joined the Greengard lab in 2010 and worked under the supervision of Yong Kim, where he managed the lab’s microscopy facilities. His research interests were in Alzheimer...


Awarded: Titia de Lange, the 2013 Jill Rose award from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, in recognition of her fundamental contributions to research on telomeres and their relationship to aging and cancer. The award was presented at the foundation’s annual symposium and awards luncheon in Ne...

Cell 156: 522-536 (January 30, 2014)

Cell 156: 522-536 Control of stress-induced persistent anxiety by an extra-amygdala septohypothalamic circuit Todd E. Anthony, Nick Dee, Amy Bernard, Walter Lerchner, Nathaniel Heintz and David J. Anderson

David Allis, pioneer in epigenetics, to receive prestigious Japan Prize

C. David Allis, a pioneer in the field of epigenetics whose discovery that chemical modifications of DNA-packaging proteins play a key role in regulating the activity of individual genes, will be awarded the 2014 Japan Prize in Life Sciences. The announcement, by the Japan Prize Foundation, was m...

In the News

Rockefeller University’s C. David Allis Wins Japan Prize   “Our major challenge, hopefully one taken up by the next generation of young scientists who are intrigued with epigenetics, will be to learn how to better harness the potential of the epigenetic mechanisms to bring about better health ...

Nature Cell Biology online: January 26, 2014

Nature Cell Biology online: January 26, 2014 In vivo transcriptional governance of hair follicle stem cells by canonical Wnt regulators Wen-Hui Lien, Lisa Polak, Mingyan Lin, Kenneth Lay, Deyou Zheng and Elaine Fuchs

New RNA interference technique finds seven genes for head and neck cancer

In the hunt for genetic mutations that cause cancer, there is a lot of white noise. So although genetic sequencing has identified hundreds of genetic alterations linked to tumors, it’s still an enormous challenge to figure out which ones are actually responsible for the growth and metastasis of c...

In the News

Rockefeller University's Quest to Cure Everything   "While everyone’s eager for cures and discoveries, RU’s scientists openly share that generous donor-funding encourages them to be productive and take risks, but thankfully relieves them of the fear of losing funding—which research scientist...

Rockefeller University establishes $25 million fund for drug discovery

A new $25 million fund to help develop basic research discoveries into new medical therapies will provide support for dozens of promising Rockefeller projects over a five-year period, the university announced today. The fund, which will enable the university to award grants ranging from $10,000 t...

Neuroscientist Gaby Maimon given top honor from White House for early career scientists

Gaby Maimon, assistant professor and head of the Laboratory of Integrative Brain Function at Rockefeller, has been chosen by President Obama as one of 20 NIH scientists to receive the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government t...