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James E. Darnell Jr. elected to membership in American Philosophical Society

James E. Darnell Jr., Vincent Astor Professor Emeritus, has been elected to the American Philosophical Society in the biological sciences. The American Philosophical Society is an honorary society that elects new members each year who have shown extraordinary accomplishments in their fields. Foun...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110: 10,598-10,603 (6-25-13)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110: 10,598-10,603 Computational analysis of anti-HIV-1 antibody neutralization panel data to identify potential functional epitope residues Anthony P. West, Jr., Louise Scharf, Joshua Horwitz, Florian Klein, Michel C.  Nussenzweig and Pamela J....

Scientists identify gene that regulates stem cell death and skin regeneration

Stem cells, known for their ability to self-renew and differentiate into any kind of tissue, are considered by many scientists in the field to be immortal. But there are signs that programmed death of stem cells is important for their regulation. New research from scientists at Rockefeller Univer...

Science online: June 20, 2013

Science online: June 20, 2013 Sept4/ARTS regulates stem cell apoptosis and skin regeneration Yaron Fuchs, Samara Brown, Travis Gorenc, Joe Rodriguez, Elaine Fuchs and Hermann Steller

Jonathan Fisher receives Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists

Jonathan Fisher, a postdoctoral fellow in James Hudspeth’s Laboratory of Sensory Neuroscience at Rockefeller, has been given the Blavatnik Award, a distinction for early-career scientists. The award is sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences and given to researchers under the age of 42 who ...

Developmental Cell online: June 19, 2013

Developmental Cell online: June 19, 2013 Planar cell polarity protein Celsr1 regulates endothelial adherens junctions and directed cell rearrangements during valve morphogenesis Florence Tatin, Andrea Taddei, Anne Weston, Elaine Fuchs, Danelle Devenport, Fadel Tissir and Taija Makinen

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: June 17, 2013

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: June 17, 2013 Prenylome profiling reveals S-farnesylation is crucial for membrane targeting and antiviral activity of ZAP long-isoform Guillaume Charron, Melody M. H. Li, Margaret R. MacDonald and Howard C. Hang

17 students receive Ph.D.s at Rockefeller's 55th Convocation

The Rockefeller University awarded doctoral degrees to 17 students at its convocation ceremony yesterday. Additionally, two Nobel winning scientists and members of the Rockefeller faculty, Günter Blobel and Paul Greengard, received honorary degrees along with James H. Simons, a mathematician, inv...

Paul Nurse receives Albert Einstein World Award of Science

The World Cultural Council has awarded Paul Nurse, president emeritus and head of the Laboratory of Yeast Genetics and Cell Biology at The Rockefeller University, its Albert Einstein World Award of Science. The award honors those whose research has brought “true benefit and well-being to mankind,...

Nature 498: 190-197 (6-13-2013)

Nature 498: 190-197 X-ray structure of the mammalian GIRK2-βγ G-protein complex Matthew R. Whorton and Roderick MacKinnon