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Nature Genetics: January 22, 2012

Nature Genetics online: January 22, 2012 Epigenetic repression of cardiac progenitor gene expression by Ezh2 is required for postnatal cardiac homeostasis Paul Delgado-Olguín, Yu Huang, Xue Li, Danos Christodoulou, Christine E. Seidman, J.G. Seidman, Alexander Tarakhovsky and Benoit G. Bru...

Cell Stem Cell: January 6, 2012

Cell Stem Cell 10: 63–75 Paracrine TGF-β Signaling Counterbalances BMP-Mediated Repression in Hair Follicle Stem Cell Activation Naoki Oshimori and Elaine Fuchs Hair follicle (HF) regeneration begins when communication between quiescent epithelial stem cells (SCs) and underlying mesenchymal d...

Nature Immunology: December 25, 2011

Nature Immunology online: December 25, 2011 B cell–helper neutrophils stimulate the diversification and production of immunoglobulin in the marginal zone of the spleen Irene Puga, Montserrat Cols, Carolina M. Barra, Bing He, Linda Cassis, Maurizio Gentile, Laura Comerma, Alejo Chorny, Meimei Shan...

Cell 147: 1615–1627 (December 23, 2011)

Cell 147: 1615–1627 The functional organization of cutaneous low-threshold mechanosensory neurons Lishi Li, Michael Rutlin, Victoria E. Abraira, Colleen Cassidy, Laura Kus, Shiaoching Gong, Michael P. Jankowski, Wenqin Luo, Nathaniel Heintz, H. Richard Koerber, C. Jeffery Woodbury and  David...

Science 344: 1675-1680

Science 344: 1675–1680 How a DNA polymerase clamp loader opens a sliding clamp Brian A. Kelch, Debora L. Makino, Mike O’Donnell and John Kuriyan We present structures for the ATP-bound state of the clamp loader complex from bacteriophage T4, bound to an open clamp and primer-template DNA. The s...

In the News -- NYT

"But the rule against posthumous awards has now been violated several times — most recently this month, when the prize in medicine was given to the widow of Dr. Ralph M. Steinman, a scientist at Rockefeller University in Manhattan who died of pancreatic cancer at age 68 on Sept. 30, three days be...

In the News -- NYT

"But the rule against posthumous awards has now been violated several times — most recently this month, when the prize in medicine was given to the widow of Dr. Ralph M. Steinman, a scientist at Rockefeller University in Manhattan who died of pancreatic cancer at age 68 on Sept. 30, three days be...

In cancer, molecular signals that recruit blood vessels also trigger metastasis

Cancer cells are most deadly when they’re on the move — able not only to destroy whatever organ they are first formed in, but also to create colonies elsewhere in the body. New research has now shown how a small RNA prevents the recruitment and formation of blood vessels near cancer cell destine...

Nature online: December 14, 2011

Nature online: December 14, 2011 A microRNA regulon that mediates endothelial recruitment and metastasis by cancer cells Kim J. Png, Nils Halberg, Mitsukuni Yoshida and Sohail F. Tavazoie Here we reveal that endogenous miR-126, an miRNA silenced in a variety of common human cancers, non-cell-auto...

Nature Genetics: December 11, 2011

Nature Genetics online: December 11, 2011 Mutations at a single codon in Mad homology 2 domain of SMAD4 cause Myhre syndrome Carine Le Goff, Clémentine Mahaut, Avinash Abhyankar, Wilfried Le Goff, Valérie Serre, Alexandra Afenjar, Anne Destrée, Maja di Rocco, Delphine Héron, Sébastien Jacquemon...