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Flexner and Welch Halls now fully gutted

Although the removal of concealed asbestos caused some delays last spring, the reconstruction of Flexner and Welch Halls is still on schedule, with work on both projects expected to be complete by the end of fall 2012. In Flexner, framing and utility work (top) is now underway on several floors...

New planters enhance pedestrian safety

Hundreds of pedestrians enter campus via the 66th Street gate each day. So do more than 200 cars, several dozen delivery vehicles and a steady stream of bicycles. It’s a lot of traffic for a ten-foot wide driveway and two narrow sidewalks. In response to complaints about conflicts between the...

Rockefeller walkers travel over 100,000 miles

This summer, 189 university employees participated in the Global Corporate Challenge (GCC), a worldwide walking program in which participants are issued pedometers and record their daily step totals on a dedicated Web portal. Over 16 weeks, the participants walked a total of 269,705,477 steps. Th...

Where glass gets clean


Awarded: Leslie B. Vosshall, the 2011 Gill Young Investigator Award from the Linda and Jack Gill Center for Biomolecular Science at Indiana University, Bloomington. The award recognizes exceptional scientists who have emerged as international leaders in cellular, membrane or molecular neuroscienc...

Immunity 35: 819–831 (November 23, 2011)

Immunity 35: 819–831 Flt3 Signaling-Dependent Dendritic Cells Protect against Atherosclerosis Jae-Hoon Choi, Cheolho Cheong, Durga B. Dandamudi, Chae Gyu Park, Anthony Rodriguez, Saurabh Mehandru, Klara Velinzon, In-Hyuk Jung, Ji-Young Yoo, Goo Taeg Oh and Ralph M. Steinman Early events in athero...

Statin-intolerant patients need a different type of clinical trial, Rockefeller researchers say

Millions of people take statins, the blockbuster drug that lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called bad cholesterol. But as many as 20 percent of them develop adverse effects such as muscle fatigue and weakness and impaired cognition. Rockefeller University scientists Patricia Maningat...

In the News

"Sir Paul Nurse, 62, has the effusive and infectious enthusiasm of a natural leader who, it is obvious, leads by example rather than threat. By his own admission, he has an idealistic view of science 'as a liberalising and progressive force for humanity.' He sees science as a truly international ...

Nature online: November 13, 2011

Nature online: November 13, 2011 Structure of full-length Drosophila cryptochrom Brian D. Zoltowski, Anand T. Vaidya, Deniz Top, Joanne Widom, Michael W. Young and Brian R. Crane Here, we report a 2.3-Å resolution crystal structure of Drosophila CRY with an intact C terminus. The C-terminal h...

In the News

93-Year-Old Wins Prestigious Science Award "At 93-years-old, Brenda Milner is responsible for some of the biggest discoveries in the science of memory. And she’s still working today, at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She’s also the winner of the prestigious Pearl Meister Greengard Pri...