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The author of How We Learn will be presented with Rockefeller’s prestigious science writing award on March 17.

Mei, a graduate student in Sohail Tavazoie’s lab, is being honored for work showing that a commonly inherited mutation governs breast cancer metastasis and influences survival.

Jeffrey M. Friedman’s lab has discovered a mechanism to explain how leptin resistance works.

Most obese patients grow resistant to satiety signals from the hormone leptin. A new study shows that leptin sensitivity can be restored in mice, leading to weight loss.

An artist-in-residence collaborates with scientists in the Kronauer lab to reveal the unseen movements of ants.

A collaboration between Rockefeller, MSK, and Weill Cornell answers a longstanding mystery about the basic biology of the hepatitis B virus, while also proposing a novel therapy.

When placed in mice, an RNA-binding protein found only in the brains of humans changed how the animals vocalized to each other.

How much does the evolution of human speech owe to one amino acid?

Male fruit flies don’t just sing to their mates; they also use sound-cancelling wing-flicks to jockey with rivals. This new understanding of how male flies compete for female partners could shed light on how the brain balances cooperation and competition.

Achieving a 41% emissions reduction, the university sets a new sustainability benchmark.